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V HAT S11011,1) NM GET 1018 £500 ?

I would like to draw limur atteution to an artiele on the New l’ord l’opular whirl) appears jut the latest edition of Ford Net< s. There are too .1.tietitents itt this artiele oltieh completely mi-reptesent the faets.

Firstly, the article implies a price of “under 2500,” obviously referring to the standard model, and then goes on to say that “nothing is missing.” My standard model Popular has the following items missing : I. No oil-pressure ,sarning light. 8. No chrome surrounds to front or

2. No sun visors, rear sex-cello.

S. No door pulls. 9. No chrome radiator grille.

4. No interior light. 10. No °brume rubbing strips.

5. No adequate boot lock. IL No chrome (or stainless steel) wind.

6. No ash-trays. screen-wiper arms.

7. No opening quarter-lights. 12. Inferior quality internal trimming and matting.

All these items are on the de luxe model, but that is well oyer £5110 and this fact is not mentioned in the article.

The second mis-statement—at least as far as my car and those of two of my friends are concerned—is that ” the car can be cruised at 60 m.p.h., and 70 m.p.h. is often seen on the speedometer.”

When my car was delivered, 40 m.p.h. was impossible, due to badly-retarded ignition. After twice being Checked and reamed at my local Ford Agent, the car, which is well run-in, will now just, and only just, reach 60 m.p.h. on the flat. I have once had 65 m.p.h. indicated on a long downhill stretch. It. seems, therefore, that the second statement is unjustified. The article goes on to say that people are asking “how do Fords do it ?,” and if by that they mean the 02,000,000 profit announced recently in the National Press, I echo the question I am, Yours, etc.,

Barking. M. J. IlvOrr. • * •