

May I add comment to Sgt. Moon’s letter published in your April issue. I myself ant it keen folhmer Id the Sport. especially with regard to the career of Al r. Stirling MOSS. and 1 find your magazitte exeellent lot unbiased reports.

May f be permitted to suggest that Moss rhange his tat ties in the following manner. For the first laps, say one-third of the rare, he holds third, fourth or fifth place. moving up tn first or sceond place at abont half-distance. using his uudoubtedly superior driving shill.

The reason I suggest this, and other readers will no doubt agree with me, is that in the majority of eases when Moss takes over a ealleagne’s car be invariably wins the race. although the car may initially have been SOMA’ IliSlane(‘ behind the leader. An obvil,11, example is the suITESS of the A attn ails in 1958 using this type of tact les.

It would also be interesting to see how Stirling would (are with one of the new rear-engined Lotuses which have: proved themselves superior to the Coopers and Ferraris with respeet to 1-0mi-holding and acceleration.

I am. Yours, etc..

Southsea. EnwAan N. DEAR.