
T Mall St VI L. -Unhurt Park proved to he a lint of Lams su premacy. Colin Chapman ‘s rars teaming ever Mutt: except ihr 11111111111. sports-rar race. 111 141 1111 litter rompeted. Partiettlarly convincing rioori, were secured in the 1…2 roe, jar the ()alum Park Gala Cup and Formula „bailor rare. the In IN’S I $14.11 leading comfortably in the Vol-malt, 2 race, and on the ri!fht is seen mit, of the nen Mot Lotus cars, telt ich finished I, 2, 3 in

the Vanua la ior rare.

Fl 1_4 P THE B 1/ LA WI? lizIC I.. at (Milan Park lost MOH th sate ‘I’. l’„ Tavenr’s Ford first through the Cascades. -I foretaste of Lotus suprentacs. Meta new

rettr-etigi ned rars ished I, 2, 3-is girert by the appearance in this picture of the ultimate wino. r.

lists nit ( :lark in ft fth Ida! c1111,! rattail% gai Piing on the leaders.

I ) I ‘,(. 1 III). ■.,, at interest followed the progress

is al ‘,rad (lotion Park, where he is seen Formula 2 Cooper rice much faster than , Cooper driver, Ina not fast enough to get within sight of hint’s Ireland’s winning Lotus.

II. llaS C.4 LOGI IIS.–The start of’ Chilton l’ark’s 10-lop marque sports-eor riser, with two lirisods and Lawrence’s Alorgan I’lits roar on the ,frota

row of the grid. 111,11,171s C.-Bristol won the rare /root the llorgan. hut in the course of the contest 111`11 other (…-10;stol, 5rere involved UI arcidents.

NI TP1 1 f: PLACI 1.,1111’S wars arhieved vii hilion Park by T. 11 ieksort. whose 2-litre ished ahead of’ 11. To Om’ s rolls-CI into.% ii: di, 10-litp spot IS-rat !MT. !,oth ibis:’ matron; rely

smolt ears bating 1. Chia in I snot 11 art in.

1.11 (: i■ ho fifth a the sports-car roe:. Well: On bei IfTell 1.,,r,perlio,,avns of nr ion Naylor, Tony .11 arsh and .1 i man lila now. and the Lola of Van

Ryes a nil Br jerk, ‘s Ithintyc criminal f% took /Mirth platy a five noughts Graham spit it hit I’ in us.

‘I’ I) A’ 11 If ‘1’ 1 A. It 1) 111. of Hits nut r lit,’ Ali the start of thy k ihonetre C.C.C. peril Trial Mall T. G. 1 .eake’s

I WWI llortitt. The ,,,ii. vain.of di is ale

1141:4 25.0 SVC. /,..■ !wake ago HSI It best 45/ 25.03 SVe. rreordyll be Gates on h ji. first

r. I ir I? ll’AIS .1. 11. n dd II II iS ‘cell prepared

Pritzwr wth . .1. lin s I .ister lir was .fitstest alter the first risrls. lit:! 1? add later rot:riled 25.67 Nrc.

PO i h■ a 11lIrrItfr flutiSt,.

. I SI I? ) was H. 11. ( i to kart!’ ‘s 1. 1-I itre int perehaetwil I Iris ich recorded t mpressi tinier of 25.79 am! 25.73 st,C. of the kilometre coarse. This ICUS A.:Wig:II to It’ i ft th ,o’er 2 .51111 e .1.. ChISM fin

112 eons.