
Cars in Uganda

An official bulletin of motor-vehicle statistics for new registrations in Uganda Protectorate in February 1957 shows that amongst U.K. imports Ford led with 70, Austin coming second with 23 and Morris and Standard tying for third place with 14 each. Of Continental imports, Peugeot led with 43, followed by 27 VWs and 23 Opels. Chevrolet headed the North American list, but with three cars only. Of vans and pickups, Landrover sold 32, Peugeot 17 and Ford 15, while amongst motor-cycles B.S.A. headed the list with 77, against the second-best of 16 Ariels.

A Simca Success

In the Lyon-Charbonnieres Rally, rendered especially difficult this year by bad weather, the outright winner was a Simca Aronde normal-series production saloon driven by Gentilini and Chevrier. It beat two Alfa-Romeo Giulietta Veloce into first place. Class winners were Renault Dauphine, the Simca, Peugeot 403, D.B., Alfa-Romeo, and Mercedes-Benz 300SL. Britain came into the picture when Nancy Mitchell/Doreen Reece (M.G. MGA) won the Coupe des Dames—good show!