
V.S.C.C. Light Car Section Film Show (April 12th)

Members of the Light Car Section of the V.S.C.C. assembled at at Eversley Cross on the evening of April 12th, braving torrential rain in their early small cars to enjoy a buffet-supper and a show of colour transparencies projected by lantern, and a moving-picture show. The former took on the nature of a quiz and it was obvious that few of the cars were recognised by members, T. W. Carson, Secretary of the V.S.C.C., John Wrigley, Secretary of the Light Car Section, and your Editor being equally baffled!

The moving picture was of Nigel Arnold-Forster’s honeymoon ti Spain and Portugal in his Trojan, and if his cine-camera craft with a 1922 camera hardly qualifies him for a lofty position with I.T.A., his film proved extremely acceptable to the assembled company, especially as a Trojan constitutes the ideal background to such light entertainment.

In fact, the only breakdowns experienced were a broken spring on the first day and failure of a hub-bearing; both were repaired at the roadside, the latter in about twenty minutes after a French mechanic had looked at the broken parts, pronounced that a Renault replacement was the identical size, and told the Trojanists where to obtain one just up the road! — W.B.

The Budget

On the whole the already-savagely-overtaxed motorist was not troubled by the Budget, unless hoping to work a fiddle with a shooting-brake, but you will not fail to have noticed that in asking you to save, the Chancellor referred, amongst other things, to the need for “better railways”– not a mention in his B.B.C. speech of better roads!