


To the Various letters concerning these superb Bentleys made by Rolls-Royce and Raymond Mays’ estimate of their Mark VI being capable of a genuine 100 m.p.h., let me add that my 1939 3i-litre Bentley, With a comparatively heavy saloon body by Barker, heavily weighted with my dhauffour’s and my own luggage, did a steady 100 m.p.h. on three or fear occasions, and 103 m.p.h. on another, according to the ..speedometer, for brief stretches., on a journey from here to London in September. 1938.

I calculated that the speedometer was 3 to 4 per cent, fast. in those days, there fore to read that the Mark VI does a true 100 m.p.h. in no way surprises me. I should be more surprised if it isn’t capable of higher speeds as I drove one about two years ago at over 100 on the speedo with any amount. of power in hand. believe I luive driven practically every model of this car Since 1935 up to .1948, both dates inclusive, and 1 have a feeling that those produced in t930 are hard to beat, although as I haven’t possessed mi Mark VI perhaps I have not the right to express much an opinion and certainly the Mark VI is. without question, a. superb car to handle. It: may be therefore due to the great alh•ction I had and have for the 1 tetc; ” which prejudices use in its favour Anyway there’s nothing to touch ‘on I am, Yours, etc., A. E. II. St. Fitton& (Major.)