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As an Austin Heavy ” 12/4 ” owner and ardent enthusiast, I was delighted to seethe performance of this very fine motor car upheld by at least two other readers.. I would certainly never agree that. mine has ” nil performance ” although I feel sure that NV. J. Oldham must have been generalising when he made that remark.

Last summer I did a trip from the Lake District to Somerset with seven passengers and a trailer loaded with luggage and camping gear, and covered 301 miles in the day without undue hurry or discomfort. During the ten days’ holiday we covered about 1,100 miles without so much as a puncture, and ascended Porloek (not via the toll road), quite easily, although we were just boiling at the top.

I use the car a lot for business purposes, often with the trailer, and waa recently stopped by the police for travelling at 51 m.p.h. I might add that this is very nearly the top speed of the car, but she will hold it for long periods at a time without being unduly worried.

The car is a 1929 two-seater model and is quite standard mechanically except that the water pump is disconnected. Although a two-seater, there is just room . behind the front seats for two other small occasional seats. I have a light utility built on in place of the original dickey seat. but as it is a tourer I can have the hood down for the front wrap:1111mM.

The car has not had an easy life, having been on the road almost every day and had; prior to coining to me, belonged UN a .doctor in a particularly hilly part. of the Lake District, who bought it new. Among its other virtues are excellent roadholding, good ground clearance (rather necessary at times in this district), a wonderful lock and about as safe and comfortable a driving position as one could possibly wish for. I am, Yours, etc., DoxAmi
