Exciting B.A.R.C. Members' Meeting


Exciting B.A.R.C. Members’ Meeting

Guy Gale (Darracq)Leads in Brooklands Memorial Trophy Contest

1 N beautiful weather the Members’ Meeting at glorious Goodwood, on April 21st, produced many exciting incidents but no personal injuries. Out of a representative sports-car kentry Fz raer-Nashes were outstanding, fi ishing I, 2. 3. 4 in one race, Crook’s making fastest lap of the day at. 84.3 m.p.h.

5-Lap Scratch Race, Sports Cars up to 1,100 c.c., Non-s/c.

harry Lester had this in the bag all the way, in spite of the very determined efforts of Hawthorn in his Riley and Gibbs, whose Riley caught Rawthortes after the first lap. These three drew well away front the rest, headed by Bucknail’s neat, well-driven ” P13 ” M.G. (. he S. Metcalfe (” Mr. Persil “) cornered steadily in his Banda Fiat until timing maladies intervened.

kt : ff. Lester (1.087-c.e. LeMer•M.D.), won by 3.(1 sec.. at 70.3 m.p.h.

2nd : I,. ( I ibbs (I .051)-re. iley).

311 : J. M. Hawthorn (1,0S.9-c.c. Riley).

Pastes) lap : I„ (.;11ths (Itile;%). 72.6 m.p.h.

: 5-Lap Scratch Race, Sports Cars, 1,100-1,500 c.c., Non-s/c. ” ”

‘l’abor’sl.aragia, with over-bored ” Te ” engine in a Laiwia Augusta chassis, with Lester body. led at first., followed by Rtrthlock’s Meadows-ILR.G. and Griffith in the ex-Meyers Lester-M.G., until Parker did a prodigious passing act outside the two latter at Woodeote. Griffith nevertheless took the lead after two laps, and Ruddock re-passed Parker, who had a vast: slide at NVoodeote. All four were trying hard and when the Lester-M.G_ spun at Madgwiek Ruddock won from Tabor, who held off the vintage FrazerNash ” Patience ” by a mere 0.8 see. Cornish’s 11.11.G. held off two ” TD “

M.( .s Molyneatix’s M.G. overheated and retired.

hi : (i. A. Rinhitok 11496-c.c. 11.11.0.), won by 2 see., at 72.6 m.p.h.

gtel : P. Tabor t1,160-‘,e. Lanigia).

3rd : D. Parker (1.496-c.c. Frazer-Nash).

Fastest lop : t:. A. It itddock (11.11.0.), 76.4 10.9.11.

: 5-Lap Scratch Race, Sports Cars, 1,500-3,000 c.c., Non-s/c.

This was a line ” What’llshedo ” race, with two “32M ” B.M.W.S, WO ” Mille Miglia ” and four ” Le Mans ” FrazerNashes, three ” Silverstone ” Realeys, three Connaughts and a 190 H.V.M. in the field. Eric Winterbottom, in Duff’s

IA’ Mans ” Frazer-Nash, held off Tony Crook’s sister car. Erie braking a trifle later for the corners and both chased hard by Stoop’s ” Milk Miglia ” Frazer-Nash, Odell would scarcely have had room to pass Crook in the run-in had it wanted to. Fairman’s truly beautiful blue ” Milk Miglia ” followed these three, chased by Oscar Moores I LW.M. and Peacock’s Frazer-Nasli. Tlien, on the last lap Oscar somehow ran amok after Madgwiek Corner, ploughed up cabbages and mowed down some palings, then shot aeross the course into Peacock. The II.W.M. suffered crushed exhaust pipes, damaged susifension. a burst near-side back tyre and damaged wheels, and the Frazer-Nash was a bad easualt:f,.. The stewards didn’t

seem to mind ! On lap three Jonas amused the ??’oodeote spectators by trying to demolish the bushes in a sideslip with his Connaught, and the other Connaughts of McAlpine and Lyons were no mat(-hi for the Fraz.er-Nashes.

1st : E. Winterludtarmi ( ,071-c.e. Frazer-Nash), well by 0.2 see.. at 77.1) m.p.h.

21111: T. A. II. Crook ( .071-c.e. Frazer-Nash).

3rd : It. Sloop (1.1171,4% Frazer-Nash). Fastest lap E, Winterixonln tiiid :I, 11.. Stoop (Frawr-Nashes), 81.1

(Frawr-Nashes), 81.1 5-Lap Scratch Race, Sports Cars over 3,000 c.c., Non-s/c.

It took Guy Gale’s Darraeg -three laps to catch Iliree Jaguar XI:120s and win comfortably, to the applause of the Vood

cote GrancIstand spectators. Behind howled the anguished tyres of the and Scragg sawed wondrously at his steering-wheel-all very stirring ! at (). Dale (3,46)6-1-4% l’hirracti), won by 4.1 sec_

at 77.2 m.p.h.

Imsi : I,. Vooti (3.44I-e.c. Jaguar X K 120).

3rd : E. P. Ser , „ (3.412-ex. Jaguar XK 120). F))00,1lap E. W. liolt (Jaguar X K 120), 81.pum),11.

First 5-Lap Handicap ” “

Sundt’s neat Austin Seven ” S’Nuff ” did its limit best but after three laps 1Vilinshurst’s -tHitre Bentley, lapping fast for so heavy a car, led from Bailey’s 3-litre Bentley and :I. rather wild Hawthorn, whose Riley had been caught by Wilmsluirst. Sir Francis Samuelson’s ” Silverstone ” Healey came fast into third place, catching the 2-litre Riley saloon of Smith. which tried hard to get out of hand. After an effort and accompanied by a siren-wail of blower, Powell’s left-hand drive, short chassis ” 38/250 ” Mere&Es-Benz just made up 30 sec. on Miss Bodes ” 1,100 ” II.R.G.-but the handicapper revereneed its great. name, for it started from scratch ! Rosen’s Triumph Gloria retired as soon as it crossed the finishing line, its owner solemnly covering its cockpit, although no v. Iouti marred the blue sky ! 1st : H. J. Wilmshurst (4,398-ex. Bentley), 25 see., won by 12 secat 72.7 11110)

21111: 3. M. Hawthorn (1,080-c.c. Riley), :to see.

3rd : Sir F. II, 14. Samuelson (2,143-ex, Healey), ls see.

Pastest lap : 11, .1. Wilmshurst (Bentley). 76.6 m.p.h.

Second 5-Lap Handicap

By (lint of two minutes’ start, Mrs. Gilbert’s elongated 0.0.0. led for three laps, after IvIiich Thornton’s modern-style 21-litre Lea•Francis. and Kemp-Place’s and Walsh’s ” Silverstone” IlealeYs went by. During the next lap the Healey passed the Lea-Francis and as Walsh went into Wtodepte he tried to pfts Kemp-Place on the outside. spun round in the road and received Thornton, apparently too astonished to take evasive action. full in the tail. Both cars suffered considerable dainage-Ws really

interesting how modern tinware folds.np ! tat : H. Kemp-Place (2,443-c.c. Healey). 58 sec.,

won by 8.8 sec.. at 73.1 m.p.h. mind: .1..1. Stokes (2,443-c.c. Healey). 58 ace,

:1rd : II. Margulies (2.970-c.)% Talbot). 45 sec.

Pastes) lap : Wa1,1) (Healey). 76.1111././.1).

Third 5-Lap Handicap

F. C. Davis talllir• khr011Hli If, will. ill Ila•

eN.IA,Thard bloWn NIA:. and Bremner put tip a line show in heating 0)1W:tile’s M.D. (replete with radioyto sostml !duet. by 0.8 see, ilk hula very inspiring, red ” 2.3 ” Alfa-itonteo. Jacolts in his new blown 1,087-e.c. 7.I.(1. was fourth, from scratch. Nicholson’s blown 848-e.c. 31,G, gave troubh• tater leading for two lapS Aidlioliy handled las 23.-litre Jaguar with spirit but in proper control. 1st : “‘. C. Davis f 1,435-e.e. s c. 48 see.. Woo by 13..1 set., at 71.1 111.11,11,

mind : .1. I. lirenuter (2,300-e.e. Sc, Alfa-Roineo). 23 m…1…

3rd : W. P. r. Constable (1.430-e.c. 7.I.(1,), 63 sec.

Fastest lop: 0, IA’, „ta,;.01,.., (MA;.). ,„.p.h.

Fourth 5-Lap Handicap

The handicapts•r handed this one on a plate to ‘,yule), whose Connaught had 40-ser. start. Meyers, in a borrowed Javan x1:120, never had a chance from scrateli, but eNpressed his liking for the car. Ile was seventh. Tlik time Crook ht.111 ill Winterlot hmt, making fastest loll of Ill,’ (lay ill so doing, but he had to be towed in “‘airman, in 1111. preitie,4 car present. the ” Migha ” FrazerNash. Was


mat : J. -Lyons (1.767-c.e. 1.0nItallght). lit seewon by 8.1; see., at 73.3 m.p.h.

2nd : (:rook (1,1171-e.e. rra zerNosh). tilL

(rd : K Winterbottom (1.971-c.c. Frazer-Nash). 5 see.

Fam.e.,t blr.”r..k. I). Crook (I’razer-Nash). 51,3 m.p.h.

51,3 Fifth 5-Lap Handicap

Remarkably. Hamilton’s old IS-litre higlechassi, Itivicta held off Jacob’s new 7.1,1,1, for two laps. Then Jacobs led. 14111, driving beautifully. Sloop got his ” Sliglitt ” Fraz.er-Nash ahead, arid. On the t’alt)’s 1)arraen and Allard’s .Nrdiim.tillard got past Jambs. only OA sec. betwoen them. Allard, who was kaAila.: for IGO that night. never really got a clear nut. Heart -stopping ineident this time Was ‘Volara daHllar NK 120 spinning unaccountably

. • . before NVotalcote amid swiping the straw bales, after nearly ” volleeting ” following cars. It con) tinned. Itolt, in Walker’s 18)laillaye. was )1 ninstarter-we how the car hasn’t a further ob.st met ion 111 is 1.110 S,yS11.111 1st : .1. 11. Stoop (1.971-c.c. Frazer-Nash). 18 won by 7.4 sec., at 78.111101

2nd : I htle (3.91111-e.e. Darrackil, a see.

ard 8, H. Allard (3,917-ex. .111art1), scratch. Pasfest lap : 5. H. Allard (.111ardI, 81.7 m.p.h. The Pre,,ent markings lowartitt the Moroi,: SPORT Brooklonil$ Memorial Trophy a,umI f..10 prize ore: .1, 0. Stoop, 6 each : .1. :11. Hawthorn. : Lester, (4. Gale. 7: K. wiiiterbotiom, 1): (rook, It” ult%Itis.•.kr., L. Wood, A. J. Stokes, j. 1, Bremner, 3 each : I). Parker, E. 1′. St•ragg. H. W. Jacobs, I/. Marguiles, W. P. C. Constable. Sir 1′, 11. B. Satimelson, S. H. Allard, 2 each P. Bucktudl, 11′. H. Murray. K. :McAlpine, J. E. 0. “‘airman. E. NV. Holt, J. H. Bailey ..I. II. Edwards, I each. The lieNt round win

be (ought at the Itfinbers’ Aleeting of .1 one 111th. • • Sydney Allard’s famous Stepr-.111ord sprint car Ivill ;Haw:kr in l(air-wlaad-driNe probably at Prescott on May 19th. An ele,•tric clutch transmit, the Iris,’ and 010 “De gear IN