

Citroen owners in the Exeter area have formed the Devon Citroen Owners’ Club. Hon. Sec. : E. J. Taylor, ” Glenroyd,” Hills View, Barnstaple, Devon. * * * The annual general meeting Of the North Midland M.C. was held on March 19th, at the Devonshire Arms Hotel, Baslow. The following club officers were elected :— Chairman : It. C. Costigan. Vice-Chairman : J. Seaman. General Seeetary J. 11. Hudson. Trials Secretory: T. C. Harrison. Treasurer : b. C. liandyn. Captain F. E. Needham. Committee :

A. Parker, A. Scales, P. Chapman and.

L. H. Hew. Auditors: B. Crosby and C. Morton. * * *

The B.A.R.C. announces that Goodwood will be available for general practice free of charge to members from 1.30 to 5.80 p.m. on May 5th, June 2nd, July 14th, August 4th and September 1st, They request seven days’ notice by P.C. * * *

The Newcastle & D. M.C. is expanding its activities to embrace cars as well as motor-cycles, and anyone interested, whether or not a member, is invited to sample -a club night—at the Hotspur Hotel, Barras Bridge, on first Tuesdays, and the Kenton Bar Hotel, Newcastle, on third Tuesdays of each month. Hon. Sec. : R. Martin, 33, Turret Road, Denton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 5. * * *

Grey-Green Coaches inform us that they will be operating a service to SilverStone for the Daily Eapress Meeting on May 5th, picking-up in North and East London, at Mile End Coach Station, Shoreditch, Dalston, Edmonton, etc. The fare is 12s. 6d., exclusive of admission charge. Book with George Ewer & Co., Ltd., 55, Stamford Hill, N.16 (Tel. : Stamford Hill 4201-3), or any coach agency. * * * The North Staffs M.C. have hired Prescott hill for a Hill-Climb on May 20th, the day following the Bugatti Owners’ Club National Hill-Climb. A *444**

hill-climb event will be held for various classes of blown and unblown sports cars, also handicap events for production saloons and a handicap event for all types of racing cars. The event is an ” invitation ” one and it is possible that twiny competitors who have competed in the 11.0.C. event on the previous day will wish to stop over and make a full week-end by taking part in both events, Anyone wishing to do so should apply to the Hon. See. : 21, High Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, for regulations and entry forms. A club is being formed of Bond Minicar OWners—it might. well be called the

Welfare State Motor Club. See. : R. Hyteh, 45, Wood Hill, Leicester.

The S.C.C. of America continues to issue its beautifully-produced Sports Car bi-monthly. That for Jan.-Feb. contains an amusing study of owning a 50-dollar Kissel Speedster, an article “Some Thoughts On Soup,” by Aloe.. Ullman, illustrated ” Auto ” Biographies of W. Hudson Mills, Fred G. Wacker and Morgan Sinclair, a wonderful double-page photograph Of the annual banquet, etc. * * * In October last year the Berwick and District M.C., in conjunction with the Lothian C.C. and the Hawick

ran a race meeting at Winfield, which is an aerodrome about seven miles west of Berwick-upon-Tweed and just over the border into Scotland. The whole project was planned and carried through in just on seven weeks, but the result was highly successful. Amongst those who participated were Reg. Parnell, David Murray and Tyrer, and well over 10,000 spectators were present. For this year two dates, July 21st and October 6th, were allocated, but since the Calendar was settled the organising clubs have been given a National Permit for the event on July 21st. A very considerable sum of money has been spent on the track, and the regulations are nearly ready. It is intended to TIM the following events :

The. prize money will amount. to £800, of which £500 and a trophy will be allotted to the race for Formula I cars.

The perimeter at Winfield is roughly triangular in shape, with two corners at the base and one at the apex ; the northern leg is winding but fast, and the other two legs are straight. The circuit measures approximately two miles. The newly re-formed United Hospitals and University of London M.C. has obtained the services of Earl Howe as President. A committee was elected at the first general meeting. They have drawn up a constitution and are seeking R.A.C. and A.C.U. recognition. Membership is invited from all past and present members of the University and associated bodies at an annual subscription of 10s. 6d. Details from :

University of London, c/o Senate House, London, W.C.1. * * *

Steps are afoot to form a Rolls-Royce Owners’ Club for those who favour the older cars of this famous make Details front F. D. Roe, Box 581, Holliston, Massachusetts. * * *

Owing to flooding of the surrounding country the Morgan Three-Wheeler Club had to postpone its Madresfield Court Speed Trial. This will now be run on May 6th, starting at 2.30 p.m.