Bristol M.C. & L.C.C. Castle Combe March Race Meeting


Bristol M. C. & L.C.C. Castle Combe March Race Meeting

Some most exeiting racing took plat. in spite of heavy showers and a very strong wind. Leslie Hawthorne’s healthy Riley Nine had things all its own way in the first race, while Sparrowe’s Morgan ” 4/4,” now unblown, did its unsuccessful best to catch Gibbs’ Riley. Pretty Jean Bode gyrated her H.R.G. and the incredibly abbreviated Robros duelled with Moffat’s ” P13 “-engined M.G.; Jones’ old Alta was a tourist. Heat I of the 500-c.c. race emphasised .I.B.S. 1051 supremacy, Parker winning from Whitehouse’s Coma.r. Hawthorne now affected a I §-litre Riley for the next race and won iust as easily. Mrs. Bluebelle Gibbs could hardly have motored her ” Le Mans ” 11.11.G. more slowly— -perhaps she, like ourselves. was blue witli tile cold ; at all events she did not, ring the bc/fr. Ken Carter retrieved Cooper honours in Ileat 2 of the Formula III race, chased by Jones’ Iota. Boll Gerard was out in Ids. Cooper in this race. 111 the next race two Frazer-Nashs. Stoop’s ” MIle Mij-dia ” and Peacock’s ” he bins ” cars duelled with intent. Peacock Ic iii rig, only to spin mai II. Stoop past. Bel Lind , Parker’s wonderful Frazer-Naslt just hadn’t enough si cam in its deflector head Mem lows

(light(‘ to catch. Haddock’s similarlyliowe re<1 11.11.(I. Joan Gerard motored her " he Mans " Frazer-Nash nicely until she went off the course. The Final of the 500-c.c. race was extremely exciting, Parker leading for .1.B.S. until he slid at Quarry Corner, whereupon Wharton's Mk V Cooper, unable to avoid the J.B.S. hit it, leapt into the air, crouched down and on— but not so Parker. whose rear suspension was damaged. There were lots more spinning at Quarry, but %Wharton ran on to a well-deserve(j victory from Whitehouse rind Carter. The last race was .most stirring. Oscar Moore, his 1951 11.11.1W lit ted with lamps and snugly-fitting -wings, had an easy victory, lart behind, the Jaguar XK 120s had _a tremendous ilissle with Watkin's slightly steaming Allard. Macklin's Allard spun, then retired, Leston's XK 121) left; tarmac for grass at Quarry, then Elf's MC 120 spun :it this corner on three occasions, Leston very neatly spinning his XK to avoid Elt's on one Occasion. One Jaguar sounded to be boring its radiator with its

fan. Alt ()gaiter it w a,11′ t, Surprising that 1Vat kin’s Allard was second ahead of Vood’s N N.

This was au excellent meeting and a very good time can be expected by those who go to Castle Conthe on May 12th. The vintage and veteran races are reported in ” Vintage Veerings.” Results : 500 OM. RAC1NO CARS: Heal 1: 1st, 1). Parker (J.11.8.), 67 m.p.h. ; 2nd, K. Wluirton (Cooper); 3rd, IL Whitehouse (Cooper). Heal 2 :

IC. Carter (Cooper), 67.6 m.p.h. ; 2nd, P. J. Collins (Cooper); 3rd, ii. C. Lones (iota). Final : 1st. K. Wharton ((viper), 68.7 m.p.h.; 2tul, B. White, house (Cooper); 3rd, K. Carter (C(oper). Simms CARS VP TO 1,100 C.c. AND SePER,SPORTS VP TO 850 c.o.: lit, L. Hawthorn (Riley), 63.7 ; 2nd, L. Gibbs (Rilcy) ; 3rd, J. Sparrowe I SPOARbirSrga ti:tA)R. ti in c.c. AND SVPER•SPoRTS 801-1,10U CC. : 1st, L. Hawthorn (Riley), 66.9 : 2nd, H. C. Pritchard (R.R.(i.); 3rd, M. .1. Polite (M,G.),

Sewers cAtts 1,501-2,000 c.c. AN 81:mt-srolers 1,101-1,500 c.c.: 1st, Ft.1.t..1, H. Stoop (Frazer. Nash), 67.2 m.p.h.; 26,1, R. F. Peacock ((“razerNash) ; 3rd, 0, A. 11,0,1.0: (11.11.0.). Srowrs CARs InER 2,010 AED tirpER-srORTE OVER 1,5oo : 1st. O. Moore (11.W.01.), 70 m.p.h.; 1111.1, K. Watkins I Allard) ; 3rd, I,. Woud

FOR VINTAtiE SPIOcTS CARN: ha. Itradsh:or ( rec. 5 min. 51 sec. ; 2nd, 11. II. Witswi-Sprat.1 (Bentley), rec. 5 min, 48

;Ird, Williams (Bentley), roe.

5 min.

II t;i0P.’.t1′ 1:0 PRE-1917 (‘AR:: : 1st, F. R. Park,r Trioar); I„ Ih•usham :Int. .1. ttolst,