Eric Brandon Wins at Brands Hatch


Eric Brandon Wins at Brands Hatch

Cooper Still Supreme in Battle Against J.B.S.

THE Brands Ilateh Stadium opened its season on April 8th with a Half-Litre C.C. Meeting, run in dry, cold weather before a big crowd. There is no denying that this close racing provides plenty of thrills and that at no other venue can such an excellent view of the racing be had. The spectators shout for their favourites, Speedway fashion ; indeed, Brands in some ways resembles Speedway. But it’ public interest is to be retain:al, some form of covered stand is called for, for one day it will rain during a meeting. More individual entries are needed, too, to ensure slicker racing, for on April 8th the last race started nearly an hour behind schedule due to the difficulty of persuading 500-cc. ears which had already run in several previous races that they were lit enough for a 15-mile Championship. As one depressed onlooker said : ” They will have, to hurry up, as I perceive the cars have no headlamps.” The car-parks. too, could be improved, for, although a thoughtful gesture, traetors to nit-bog unlucky cars are not ideal ! ** *•

The racing itself was first-rate. A stroll tltrottgli the Paddock revealed plenty of Mk. V Coopers to continue the )toopor.’.1.11.S. battle ivliieh at Goodwood 811(1 Brough showed the latter supreme, but was a Cooper benefit at Castle Combe. Incidentally, ordinary ears ranged from a venerable Bean Fourteen tourer and the aged Essex Super Six coach bringing Powell-Richards’ Kieft ail a trailer, to a very impressive ” 2.0 ” Alfa-Romeo. Stan Coldham was Clerk of the CaltrSe, John Bolster did his usual useful commentary, and W. M. Couper arrived in his Mk. VI Bentley to act as a steward.

Heat 1 of the Open Challenge Itace began with Alan Brown’s Eeurie Richmond Mk. V silver Cooper-Norton leading a determined Alf Bottoms’ J.B.S.-Norton for live of the seven laps, when Brown spay: leaving the top corner, which gave Bottoms the lead, from Les Leston’s .1.11.5. and ” Big Bill ” Whitehouse’s Coolier-Norton. Harold Daniell was content to motor along watching the others in his Emeryson.

.1.13.5. 1, 2—-but t his wasn’t to last, for in Heat 2 John Cooper’s new CooperNorton led all the way from Curly ” ihyden’s .1.13.S.-Norton. These two drew right away from the rest Of the field, and do what he might, ” Curly ” could not pass Cooper, although he was a mere halflength or so behind at the finish. A long way Intel( Brake’s Cooper-3.A.I’. kept ahead of Richards’ .1 .11.5.-Norton by superior cornering. The third heat saw Erie Brandon in his silver Mk. V Eeurie Richmond CooperNorton, which had made fastest practice 11)1), streak away at fiag-fall, leading Parker’s .1.13.S…I.A.P. into the first corner. Ken Carter’s new Cooper-Norton, of the Cooper racing team, was pressing Don Parker hard and while Brandon built up a vast lead these two engaged in is homerie duel behind hint. On speed the

Cooper had it, but the .1.13.5. stayed ahead round the bends. TIwn Carter took his courage in both hands and hurtled by Parker on the apex of the top corner, both being baulked here by Lambert ‘s slow Cooper-.I.A.P. next round. The latish was immense, Parker just beating Carter to second place as they tweeter:dial out of Paddock bend to the finislt. henry’s Cooper-Norton was four( It. I lent 1 of the Brands hatch Champion

ship followed. Curly ” Dryden Made a real bid for .1.11.5. luarours, passing Parker round the top bend to lead lap I ne front lint.t1dOtt, l’arker and .1ohn Cooper. Carter was coming up strongly and passed Cooper round the top bend-always a stirring sight this !—-to take fourth pkwe on lit!) three, when Dryden and lirandon were really scrapping for the lead. Parker was third until, in a sudden spurt on lap four he overtook both Dryden and Brandon along the !tome straight–the crowd loved it. But Carter was not to be denied and he passed Brandon at the top bend and all but caught Parker. who momentarily went, onto the outside verge. 1)ryden had dropped back lint excitement was at fever heat as on tlw last lap CartCr Walt for Cooper from Parker’s .1.11.5., Brandon’s Cooper and henry’s Cooper. This was the best l’aCe 01′ the day.

Heat 2 was tante ill comparison. Bolt outs’ 3.11.5. leading all seven laps front Brottin’s Coolwr, with Whitehouse’s Cooper taking third place from 13rake’s Cooper, after Aikens’ .1.11.S. had !pail Oa the previOus lap while lying third. The Grose-.I.A.P., a heavy car, showed iittproved form, to finish fifth. The Final of the Open Challenge !lace over 15 laps saw Ifryden lead for two laps, then to 1)(‘ passed round the top bend by

11′ it who led thereafter. Brandon WaS content with thinl place, ahead of Parker until lie passed Dryden On lap 14. ‘Finnd place looked like a dead-heat between Parker, Cooper alld DrydCrl bat the judges said Parker. had just pushed his car’s nose ahead of Dryden’s. Exciting ! The Grose succumbed and Powell-Richards began a series of spins in the Kieft that oecupied hint most of the time thereafter. Whitehouse passed if/side at the Paddock bend on one lap.

The Final of the Brands Ilatch Championship, also over 15 laps, looked like Bottoms’ race, but he was troubled by petrol fames that blew into the cockpit, and, pressed by Carter, spun after six laps. Thereafter Carter, driving beauti, fully, held the lead to the end, someone’s silk scarf flapping from, his near-side rear wheel, which had scooped this gay object off the track. Brown held off Brandon to take second place, Parker finishing fourth. Only a lengt It separated Carter and Brown at the finish. Heat 1 of the Junior Brands Hatch Championship Sass’ Ecelestone’s smart Cooper-J.A.P. lead all the way, as befits the motor-cycle lap-record holder. Ecele. stone is a man to watch in future, for after Leston’s .1.B.S.-.1.A.P. had won

the second heat he took the 15-lap Final convincingly front Gill’s Cooper.I.A.1′, and de lassa’s Parker-J.A.P. During this race Leston’s .1.13.S. lost a wheel at Paddock bend. Luckily the car skated to rest safely but the wheel went on, as wheels do, and hit the paling fence, part. Of which injured a boy spectator, who was taken off, with his bicycle, in an ambulance, to Leston’s obvious concern. This gives rise to the thought. that if the fence will not stop it wheel, would it. protect the public front a eontplete racing car out of control ? HarOld Daniell was getting the hang of his -EmerysOn and beat Pyeroft’s sister car. Prior to this Final, Brandon and Parker had made unsuccessful individual attacks on the lap record—a very slight rain shower seemed to have made the corners surprisingly slippery. Brandon had earlier equalled the race lap-record of 07.67 After much delay the Championship of the :fleeting 15-1ap race—-all races are scratch events with clutch start–took place. In this Brandon had things all his own way, chased at a respectable distance by Bottoms, who passed Brown on the second lap. ‘Phis order remained,

wilnling easily. Eaelestone maintained his good form by finishing fourth, followed by Parker, Carter, Emery’s Eineryson, Leary, NVItiteltouse (Who, however, went into the Paddock instead of over the line), Lestort, Brake mat Grose.

‘the racing at picturesque Brands Hatell has become a definite part; of’ the English sporting scene and no doubt at the Daily Telegraph International Trophy meeting the cooper’.1.13.S. battle which promises to he a feature of the 1051 Formula III season will be resumed in deadly earnest. Make a note of the datc–May 12th. Results : 01.1:5 ILSCE. (Heat : ist, A. J. Bottoms (.1.11.5. Norton), ()cm ata.h.: 2nd, I., Leston ; 3rd, W. J. Wttio’liutjse (Cooper. N Orton). Heat : lst, . N • Cooper ((:ooper-N orton), 04.59 .:’aitti, R. 31. Dryden (.1.11.S.•Norton) ; 3rd, 0. N. Brake (I,faper-f•A•I’.). neat 3 : Brandon (Cooper-.Norkm), 65.83 m.p.h.; 2nd, D. Parker (j.11.5.-J.A.P.) :1rd, K. E…Carter (Cooper-Norton). Pisa!: 151, A. J. Bottoms 0.11.8.Norton), 65.8 m.p.h. : 2nd, E. Brandon (Cooper-Norton) ; 3rd, D. Parker (.1.0.s..d,A.P.); 4th, It: M. b ryden .13.8.-Nortolo, tainsas litres CHAMPIONSHIP: Beid 1: 18t, K. E. Carter (Cooper-Nortoru, 64.55 m.p.h.; 2nd, 11. Parker (J.B.S.-J.A.P.); :3rd, E, Brandy?, (Cooper. Norton). Beat 2: 1st. A. J. Bottoms (4.11.6.-Norton), 64.98 ; 20, A. E. Brown (Cooper-Norton) ; ‘3rd, Whitehouse (Cooper Norton). Final : lit, K. E. carter (CooperN orton),(15.74 m.p.h. : 2nd, A. E. Brown (Cooper Norton) ; E. Brandon (Cooper-Norton) 4th, p. parker .1 DNioR BRANDS BATCH CuAmptoNstuD: 1/eta I: 1st, 13.C. “‘lodestone ((‘oors.r,I.A.P.), (31.21 mph,; 2nd, 1). 11.lleamnan ((ooper-J.A.P.), 3rd, A. D. (Cooper-J.A.P.). //eat 2: Itt, L 1.65tbn Al’,), (32.76 m.p.h. ; 2nd. A, W. Richards

(J.11.S.-Nodon) ; :3rd, II, (le I ASNI, ( rke r-J: A .P.).

Final : 1st, B. C. Eeetestone (Cooper-J.A.P.), 62.93 m.p.h. ; 2ad, A. 1). GM ((ooper.J.A.P.) ; 3rd, B. de Lissa (Parker-J.A.P.) ; 4th, 11. L. Daniell ( Etnerysom Norton). (MAmeloNsiiiP THE MEETING.: 1St, E. Brandon

(Cooper.Norton), 6(1.42 m.p.h. ; 2nd, A. J. Bottom:1. ; 3rd, A. E. Brown (Cmm(‘r-Norton) ; 4th, 11. C. Ecelestone (Cooper.