

_Raymond Mays, Public Relations Officer to II.R.M, Ltd., Kent us the following, dated April 4th :

” Reg. Parnell and Prince ‘Bins’ have been appointed as the two official drivers for B.R.M. during the 1941 racing season. In the earlier part of the season it will only be possible to have two ttitrs ready for racing but, later on, it, is hoped that a team of three may be entered for Some of the races. It is intended to run in .as Many of the Grand Prix races as possible this year, but, equally, the Board of ‘Directors of B.R.M. is Most determined that the ears shall not appear Until they are racewortiw. When ears are available and when time permits, Raymond Mays is most anxious to try out other wellknown English car racing drivers, and possibly riders from the motor-cycle world. He is particularly anxious to encourage young drivers, :suclt as the brilliant Stirling Moss, to develop their talents on high power/weight ratio machines, With a view to future Grand Prix driving.

“Les Graham, the .motor-cycle star, has already been tried out on Raymond Mays’ powerful 2-litre E.R.A. on Folkingham Airfield, with a view to future possibilities.

” It is useless to deny the fact that the greatest possible ‘skill, the quickest possible reactions, and much hard and determined training, are necessary to obtain the best out of the Modern Grand Prix car. It is a tough job.” * * * The date of the FeatiVal of Britain Rally of the NVeLsh Counties Car Club has been advanced to May 25th/20th. The Rally will consist of is road section of approximately 400 miles with starting points front Carmarthen, Hereford and Barry. The finish will be at Barry. Competitors will go through Eliminating Tests alli Filial Examination on Saturday, May 26th. In addition to ft-Leathers of the NV .C.( inembers of the following clubs will participate by invitation : South WalCSAutomobile (1111). M.G. C.C. (South

Wales Sub-Section), Ile refo Tenby M.C., Brecon and District 11. and M.C.C.

A Rally Dance will he held in Barry on Saturday evening during which results will he announced and prizes awarded.