Reports of Recent Events, May 1951


Reports of Recent Events


Piero Taru (hiving his new twin nacelle Italcorsa, which has a 270 b.h.p.,

1,720 c.c., two-stage, four-cylinder Maserati engine in the power-nacelle, has raised the International Class E f.s. kilometre record to 18549 m.p.h. and the equivalent f.s. mile record to 180.55 m.p.h. These new figures improve; by 6 and 9 m.p.h., respectively, those held by Major Gardner’s Jaguar XK100engined Gardner Special, set up in 1948. Tarn used part of the Appian Way on the Rome-Naples autostrada for his fatecessfitl attempt.


Run over 40 laps of the 2.17 mile Cdstanera circuit, this event was a walkover for Fitch in an Allard .12. Wacker’s Allard .12 was second, in spite of siaaeking the straw, but Schwelin Cruz’s Alfa-Romeo required fresh plugs and lost, third position. Six Jaguar XKI2Os ran, of which Collazo’s was fourth. Results :

1st : Fitch (Allard 32), :56.77-m.p.h.

2nd : Wacker (Allard J2).

3rd : Schroeder (Delahaye).

TENBY M.C. LYDSTEP HILL-CLIMB (March 24th) in the ex-Sommer

Ken Wharton in the ex-Sommer Cooper with 1,000-e.e. engine broke his own course record, by 1.67 see., in 29.87 sec. Results : SPORTS AND SALOON CARS

751 C.C.-1,100 : D Lloyd Edwards (Ford Special), 40.48 see.: 2nd : l. Deeley (Riley), 42.96 ace.

1,101 o.(,.-1,500 c.c.-tat: 0. 11. J. DAVies (Davies Special), 29.56 sec.: 2nd: D. Lloyd Edwards (Ford Special), 39,67 sec. SPORTS CARS

1,101 C.C.-1.500 O.C. S/0 and 1,501 c.c.-3,000 c.c. ns-sic.-•lst: J. G. Beesley (Ford special slc), 38.94 see. ; 2nd : R. IL Lowe Wellow sic), 39.42 sec.

OVER 3,000 : R.N. R.Rewitt (Allard), 36.24 see.; ‘2nd : A. W. Francis (11ILO, Mercury), $6.32 see. RACING CARS

UP TO 500 EX.-1st : X. Wharton (Kieft), 34.54 see. : 2nd : K J. Moor (Wasp), 34.93 see.

501 e.C.-1,100 : K. Wharton (Cooper) 20.87 sec.


.1.11.5. followed up their Goodwood victory by winning at, Brouglx. Results : BRAT 1 (7 : A. W. Richards (J.B.S.) ;

2nd : Pro)ser (Cooper 3Ik V); :3rd : R.

Merrick (Cooper). HEAT 2 (7 laps).–Ist : J., Reece (Cooper nk v.);

2nd : A. Rogers (Cooper); :3rd: Beardshaw (Cooper). FINAL (15 laps).-Ist : D. Parker (4.11.8.), 56. SS 2nd : Reece (cooper Mk V)’; 3rd : A. Rogers (Cooper)

Pastesi lop, Parker, 58.5 m.p.h.


Tug 11’1,s1 ER Al -10:110101A: 11.1 It CilA 11. (hest performance) B. .1. HophinsGtt, Chc-(ct•

lient (l,250-ex. 31.1:.). CASTLEREAGH TROPHY (best iliiig driver):

R. A. Hopkinson.

NovIci: AWARD : It. A. Itopkinson.

LADIEs’ TROPHY: Mrs. J. J. Flynn, Dublin (1,250-c.e. M.0.). CI.ASs AwAlws :

CLASS 1 (OPEN (‘ARS. ANY CAPACITY) : 1st : R. A. Hopkinson, Chestertield (1,250-e.e. M.G. “i ‘1, 233.2 ; 2nd : J. J. Flynn, Dublin (1,250-e.e. M.O. ” TD “), 237.3 ; 3rd : D. 0. Scott, Macclesfield (1,250-e.c. M.G. ” TC “), 239.7. CLASS 9 (CLOSED CARS UNDER 1,30(1 c.c.): 1st : P. IL S. Newell, Belfast (Morris Ten), 248.3; 2nd : C. Van!, Dublin (Hillman Mitts), 25(1.7:

3rd : MeWatters, Belfast (Morris Minor), 252.2.

CLASS 3 (CLOSED CARS OVER 1,300 C.V.): 1St : S. Pentland, Bellast (1,911-c.c. Citroen), 252.4 2nd : R. J. Adams, Lisburn (2,267-c.c. SunbeamTalbot), 264.5 ; 3rd : J. D. Kestley, Magherafelt (2,267-c.c. Sunbeam-Talbot), 278.6.

TEAM AWARD: The Eingees ” (Hopkinson, Flynn and Scott).


This event ma.k. up in thx diversity of vehicles what it lacked in munbers. They ranged from a .1-type M.G. to a 4i-litre Lagonda saloon. The mileage of 40-odd was over hard roads, and included checks on a predetermined average speed, map reading, and driving tests. A number of people were ” going round in Circles ” in trying to find the shortest way from A to B, and the kerb parking test foxed all except Tuker-Peake (Scarlet Runner). Results : WINWOOD CUP Paul Verifier (1,172-e.e. Ford

Eight saloon with 1,172 engdne), 40i marks lost. SPRINGBOK Cur : A. D. 0, Beveridge (31.0. Magnette saloon), 48 marks lost.


Richardson’s R.R.A won the Formula Libre race. Results : EVENT 1 : THREE LAPS FOR SPoRTS CARS, 750 cc.

1,100 0.e. U.N.S/C. 1st: L. Hawthorne (1()9S. cc. Riley), 5 min. 19 sec., 64.3 ; 2nd :

G. R. Stokes (1,087-ex. Riley); 3rd : J. W. Pannell (1,087-ex. M.O.-Riley).

EVENT 2: FIVE-LAP HANDICAP FOR PRODUCTION SALOON CARS.-tat.: E. H. DOwDitIK (2.443-ex. Bewley), 8 min. 40 see., 65.8 mph. ; 2nd : P. 11.

Reece (2,580-ex. .4,4ton-Mart ; :3rd : B. Whitehouse (1,970-c.e. Aston-Martin).

EVENT 3: FIvE 1.Al’S FOR FORMULA 1H RACING CARS trolling start).–Ist : it. W. Merrick (499-ex. Cooper), )3 min. 8 sec., 70.1 m.p.h. ; 2nd : C. A. N. Stay (497-c.c. Cooper), 3rd : A. 31. Beardshaw (497-e.c. Cooper).

EVENT 4: THREE LAPS FOR SPORTS C.kRS, 1,101 C.C.1,500 C.C. 013-810.1st : K. II. 00wIIIIII{ (1,4)35-c.c. Connaught.), 5 min. 7 sec., 07 m.p.h. ; 2nd : A. M. Hawthorne (1,098-c.(•. Riley); 3rd : T. K. Shipsi (1,250-c.c.

EVENT 5: • CiAss 1, Frye LAPS FOR. RACING CARS TO 1,500 es% tDr.s(c.–Ist ; C. Heath (1,100-c.c.

Cooper), S mIn. 3 sec., m.p.h. ; 2nd : A. M. Beardshaw (497-c.e. (‘ooper) ; 3rd : A. Rogers (499-e.c. Cooper).

Ci,Ass 2, Fits: LAPS FOR RACING CAIGS OVER 1,5(11-C.C. -1st: 6.5. Rich:in:soli 31,406-e.e. 1(.12 .A. sic), 7 min. 20 ACC., 76.7 ni.p.h. ; 2rid : 6. S. Shillito ( d)98.e.c. Riley); 3rd : A. J. Nurse (431s-c.e. cooper). EvzsT : THREE LAPs Fok Signers CAEs. 1,501

2,500 c.c. : G. Tyrer (1,91,16-e.c. 13.31AV.), 4 MID. 38 see., 73.7 m.p.h. : 2nd : S. .1. Boshier (1.767-ex. Connaught); 3rd : It. Pattender’ (1,7117-C.e. C01111EOEIll). EVENT 7 : FIVE-1.11. HANDICAP FOR 31.0. (‘ARS.- 1St : E luni (747-c.c. Silt. Slv.). $110. 43 see.,

65.4 111.101. ; Rid : Shipside (1,250.c.c.

M.0 ,) ; 3rd : J. F. Dalton ( t.250-ey, MO,). PNENT S : THREE LAS’S FOR SPoli’O, CARS OVER

:’00 C.C. 1:5.88:. -let: It. Tyrcr 11.196-c.c. 1 :.:11 AV.), 4 min. 411:q,… 73.2 : 2nd :

lloworth (3,442-c.e. Jaguar); 3rd : E. r. Scrtigg (3,485-c.c. Jaguar). EVENT : FRE-LAP HANDICAP FOR VINTAGE: SPORTS CARS-Pit: J. W. Pannell (1,087c.c. 31.0,-Riley). 9 min. 58 sec., 57.2 m.p.h. ; 2nd :

II. Wilmshurst (4,3913-c.c. Bentle.y); 3rd : 6. K Stokes (1.087-c.e.

EVENT 10: FIVE-LAP HANDICAP FOR SPORTS CARS., P. K. Shipside Ii 250-cc, M.G.), 13 min, 47 sec., 64.9 m.p.h. ; 2nd : F. II. Howorth (3,442-e.e. Jaguar); 3rd : J. E. Binns (3,442,cx. Jaguar). NOTTINGHAM TROPHY RAcE (2)) laps).-Irit : 0. N. Richardson (1,496-e.e. R.13 .A., 0%1, :11 min. 15 em’.. 72.9 m.p.h. ; 2nd : 6. S. SWIM° (1,998•c.e.

Riley); 3rd (‘, Heath (Lino-c.c. Cooper).


SPORTS CARS 1:1′ TO 1,100 C.( •. 1,1 : NV. A. cleave

(Morris Special), 29.44 see. 21,1: B. Fincher (11.11.6.). ‘22.9$ gee.

SPORTS CARS UP TO 1,500 c.c. -1st : J. St.. Lewis 29.63 sec. (H.RAI,), fig See. ; .2n4 ; W. morri,th (MO.), SPORT., CAEN (WEE 1,500 : J. W. Broad

(Allard), 27.61 see.; 2nd : (I. S. Seali (Auto Union Special), ‘28.85 sec.

OPEN. CHAMPIONSHIP-1st: J. W. Broad (Allard). 27.57 see.; 2nd : D. Pritchard (DA G.), 28.85 see.

VINTA013, CARS-18t : G. Needham (Bentley), 34.70 sec. ; 2nd : E. W. Bowen-Jones (Alvis), 35.70 see.

Cur WINNERS (fastest time of day) X. W. Broad ;Adam); Ladies: Mrs. F. Mayne.

BENTLEY D.C. EASTBOURNE RALLY (March 30th/April 1st)


ACCELERATION AND BRAKING : D. J. R. Chapman (41-litre Bentley), 19:4 see.

ZIO-ZA0 : A. 11,31. ‘leer (21-litre Riley), 20.0 see: REVERSE WIGGLE-WOGGLE: G. C, 11. Kramer (4i-litre Bentley). 34.8eec.

DRUNKARD’S DILEMMA: 3t. O. Baker (3}-litre Bentley), 12.6 see.

Foufwioto PARKING : I,. 31. Austin (Laneia Lambda), 27.6 see.

TOEcii Aina GO : L. M. Austin (Lancia Lambda). 20.6 sec.

BEST AGGREGATE : D. 13. Yorke-Long (Lands AprIlia), 155.6 marks. BEST HILL-CLIMB TIMES :

BEST TIME OF THE DAY : R. F. Wright (41-litre Lagondu), :34.2 sec. A. Godsal (41-litre Bentley), 36.28Cc.; G. C. R. Kramer (41-iitre Bentley), 36.8 Sec.; G. G. McDonald (.14-litre Bentley), 37.2 sec.; D. J. R. Chapman (41-litre Bentley), 37.4 see.; F. 13. Cowiriek (2-litre Aston-Martin). 37.6 sec.; H. J. Wilmshurst (4 idltre Bentley). PROVISIONAL RESULTS : EASTBOURNE CHALLENGE TROPHY: 1st: D. B. Yorke-Long (Lancia AprIlla), 103.0 points; 2nd : B. P. Rants .(I l-litre Frazer-Nash); 3rd :

A. IC. 13: Teer (’21-litre Riley); : H. J. Wilmshorst (41-litre Bentley) • 5111: A. Godsal (41.-li(re bagonda); 13th: J. R.:813,140C’ (1/50″ Wokeley) ; 7th.: J. F. P. Tate (3 .litre Bentley) ; 15th C. A. liarttaidge ((14-litre Bentley) . • 9th ; 31. 0. Baker (31-litre Bentley) ; lOth : 6. C, H. Kramer (41-litre Bentley).

B.O.C. RALLYE TELEGRAPH1QUE (March 31st/April 1st)

This event was held after all, only the subsequent driving tests being cancelled. Results : SPECLkt AWARD : It. P. N, Stark (Vauxhall Velox). FIRST.1.1,ASS AWARIR-I : 31. W. Hilton (Standard

Vanguard), it, Mimed t-sinith (Ford Pilot), G. U.

WItik•alsity (Ford Eight saksal). sr,e081)-CiAss A w ARDS : (I: VONA (51.(1: “

BeekiIllairttil Wyverii).


SPRIN,; (‘U I’ (BEST PERFORMANCE): R. W. Faulkner (1,172-c.c. Paul Special) (and winner of 1,001 to 2,000-e.c. clam).

t:P TO 1,00(1C.C. : 1st : A. 0. Curwen (747-c.c. Austin).

OYER 2,000 C.o.: 1st 0. Waiker (3,622-c.c. ” B.C.”).

NOVICE ALVARD : IS, Wattbridge (1,172-c.c. Ford). Finn-CLASS AWARDS: A. D. Baserner (747-e.e. Austin), M. IL Lawson (1,172-c.c. Lotus), A. E, Ittuntitt. (1. 172-c.c. Cotton Special), E. G. Spence (1,172-c.c. Spezii,e ” V “), B. Hopkinson (1,172-c.c.

(Ford/Aust(n, sic.).

Szcosn-mAss Await’s: G. J. Newman (933-0.c, Austin/Ford), G. Pentony (1,450-c.c. Cyclops), It.

Chappell (1,172-e.e. sfe.), H. E. A. Day (1,172-c.c. Dollow, tqc.), D. F. 11. Cotton (1,172-c.c.


Tenn AWARD: “The Denotes,” E. W. Vero, H. E. A. Day, It. Chappell.


Sixteen ears, including six from t he .AC. Owners’ Club, assembled at Croydon Airport on Sunday, April 1st, for the first event of the season, a mystery run (in all types of weather), following concealed clues contained in 21 questions, for 18 miles through Sanderstead, %Voldingham and..0xted to Bletehingley, the luncheon rendezvous. The second part of the run, with answers required to 25 clues, took the .participants via Out:wood, South Nutfield, Earlswood, FlanchfOrd and Beteltworth to the finishing point at the Dinner Gong Restaurant, Reigate, where a meal was -Served. There Were many hunuirous occurrences during the day ; plenty of mud, but only one member fell into a river in search of a clue 1 All agreed it Was a splendid event, including the waterbound member and the A.C.O.C. member who rose at 5.30 a.m. to make the journey front Hay ling island! Result.:

1st : 0. itGrigg (A.C.O.C.), 84 marks, 5 hr. 22 min. 2nd : M. Foy (S.J.C.C.), 84 marks, 5 hr. 40 min.

3rti : Knight (S.J.C.C.)„ 81 marks. 5 hr. 24 min.

4th: H. Wilkinson 81 marks, hr.

Ruiner-up: R. Whitman (S.J.C.C.), 79 marks, 6-hr. 14 min.


Note the excellent showing Of the “Le Mans Replica” Frazer-Nash driven by Cortese, which, against ten Ferraris, won the 2-litre class. It was the first British car to finish Sydney Allard’s Ardttn-Mercury Allard .12 retired with a broken piston-thil.V. too much poke for s.v. bottom end ? We deeply regret to have to record that S. la Motta and F. Faraeo were killed when their 2-litre Alfa-Romeo crashed into a house. Results :

; V. Mariotto (2,50(1-e.e. Ferrari), won by info. 12 See., at 02.43 m.p.h., 10 hr. 45 min. 2 see.

2n(1′; P. Tartan (2,560-c.c. Ferrari), 10 hr. 46 min. 14 see. 3rd : S. Sighinolft (1.100,c.e. Stalignetbsi. 11 hr. 34 min. 44 sec., 4th : F. Corte* 1•1.071-e.e. Frazer-Nash), 11 hr. 37 min. 40 sec,


1st: J. S. HollingS (Morris Eight, 11 sears old), lilt 07.4 2nd : S. .5. R. Pattlscin ($507c.c. MC,. 17 yearn old). lost 08.0 marks, 3rd : 0. ‘,ant (1,702-e.e. Waseley, 13 years old),

hat 70.5 narks.


FASTEST Tim OY DAY : A. J. Butterworth (A.J.,13..), 23.12 gee. FASTEST RACING CAR: J. B. -Norris (Alta) 27.50 see. FASTEST SPORTS ANY TRIM: 0. Parker (jagnette),

28.0 see. FASTEST UNSITERCHARGED C. A. 13ooker (Cooper), FATTEST47 8e(O”PEN STA12DARD CAR: W. 13. Black (Jaguar X.K 120), 33.82 sec,

FASTEST STANDARD SALOON : T. A. D. Crook (Bristol), 37.0 see.

SA1002(s.• UP TO 1,100 CA:. : j. V. L(,,tvis (Riley), 48.48 sec.

SALOONS, 1,101 TO 1,500 .4.0. Barker (MAL), 46.75 ‘see.; 2nd : R. W. Jacobs (31.G.), 47.19 ,see.

SALOosS, 1,591 TO 3,000 : G. B. Grace (Riley), 39.58 sec.

SALOONS OVER 3,000 C.c.: F. J. Covington (Police driver) (Jaguar), 39:62 see. OPEN CARS VP TO 1,100 C.C.-1st: A. C. Westwood (FIAT), 44.2 sec.; 2nd : C. J.-M. Abbott (Austin), ‘1Ge1.5:r CATS”, 1,101 TO 1,500 J. T. R. Line

(31.G.) (aIR, fastest standard M.O. Midget), 40.00 sec. OPEN Cans, 1,501 To 3,000 c..-Ist,F. A. litniller (Healey), 36.45 see.; 20(1: S. G. Greene (Fraur Nash), 30.80

OPEN CAPS OVER 3.000 C.C.: J. Craig (Jaguar NE 120), :14,00 sec.

SeouTs cAns ANY TRIM, 1,101 C.o.-ist : S. P. irecne (M.G.), 41.00 sec.; 2nd : E. IL Heath 42..3 SVC.

SPaTS CARS ANY TRIM, 1,101 TO 1,500. : A. 0, Baker (310. xis), 30.01 see; 2nd : 3. Basendmick (M.O. ale), 31.22 see. :irons CARS ANY TRIM, 1,501 TO 3.000 (Lo,-18( S. 0, Greene (Frazer-Nash), 32.90 see. ; 2nd :

T. Moore (J.B.M.), 33.03 see.

SPORTS CARS ANY TRIM, OVER 3,000 : R. Larrinasa (Altura), 34:00 sec. RACING CARE VP TO 500 CC.: D. Parker (3.11.8.). 32,8 sec,

RAem (7AnS, 001 TO 1,100 CC.: D. N. Brake (()oper), 28.0 see. RACISM cAns 1,101 TO 1,3o0 C.0. : It. Appleton (Appleton Special), 31.00 sec,

RAC1N(i CASE, 1,501 TO 3,000 c.c.: M. Rains (lnigatti), 29.72 nee. RACING CABS (WM 3,000 C.C. : S. Raven maw/an,. 29.8 See, •

• V.C.C. OXTED RALLY (April 7th)

The Veteran C.C. received 47 entries, of which 22 were veterans and 25 Edwardians, After the raliy and lunch at the Hoskins Arms, there was a short roadsection: In this, on a long hill out of Oxted towards Godstone, Watson’s magnificent 1011 “40/50 ” Rolls-Royce limousine was naturally inaudible, .bttts slow, as befits its great weight. Much faster was VaitiOugh’s vast 38-h.p. 1912 DelatmayBelleville limousine, orating, however, a healthy mechanical whirr. Brideutt’s 1011 touring 23.8,h.p. Daimler was as silent as the Rolls-Royce, but sent out a sleeve-valve smoke-screen. Cass’ neat 1913 “. 10.4” Delage twci-seater was quiet but not very sprightly, Browell’s 1909 Napier landaulette very impressive and sure. A surprise was an all-black 1915 model-‘I’ Ford tourer driven by NVhiteway, which was a very good performer and comparatively quiet. John Bolster’s 1903 Panhard was pressing-on regardless, but Major Fairhurst’s 1899 DecauVille paused awhile near the finish. An enjoyable event, but one run in heavy April showers. Two minor disappointments werethat although some cars wore their V.C:C. make-anddate hoards the remainder had numbers only instead of the former individual numbers which also gave the year and make, while the shilling progranune had no notes on the individual cars, as was once N.C.C. practice. The politic displays so 11111C11 kindly interest. in the old ears

that it deserves the Eel ill of these two colisiderat ions. Results I VETERANS: 1st: Major Fairhurst (1899 Decauville). 2nd : N. V. Reeves (1809 Benz). 3rd : F. E. Dell (19(14 Htunber). KDWARMANS :

1st : G. W. Thompson (1905 Rover). 2nd : H. Smith (1911 Renault). 3rd : C. C. Tufnell (1908 Rover). ROAD TRIAL: CP TO 1900:

let: Major Fairhurst (1899 Deeauville). 21:6 : 0.1. Alicia). (1899 Benz). . 3rd : H. E. F. Parkinson (1900 Peugeot), 19ot-1904:

1st: 0. Mower (1904 Oldsmobile).

2 {Cdr. Philip Shaw (1904 Minerva). nd : S. J. Humphries (1904 Humber). 1905.1910:

1st.: Major H. Browell (1900 Napier).

2nd : Mrs. mawer (1009 2edel). 3rd : It. L. Green (1909 Renault). 1911-1956: /

ft. 0. 8. Brideatt (1911 Daimler).

.•”` • W. F. Watson (1911 Rolls-Royce). E. V. M. Whiteway (1915 Ford). . T. It.. Lloyd (1914 Rover).