


Just as Formula III racing luts reached a very healthy state in this country, with intense competition not only amongst individual drivers but between several different makes of car, a slight Cloud has formed on the hOriton. At the recent Cornmission Sportive meeting of the F.I.A. in Brussels it became apparent that France dislikes our 500-c.c. air-cooled ” one!angers ” and would like to amend Formula HI to include cars up to 750-c.c., an opinion echoed by l’Action Automobile. This would

enable engines like the Dvna-Panhard fiat-twin, water-cooled-four-cylinder Renault and German B.M.W. flattwin to come into the picture.

Motor racing will never he inexpensive; but the500-e.e. Formula Ill has done much to reduce the cost of it. Many people are in a panic over the thought of 750-c.c. becoming the Formula Ill limit after 1953, but, as Iota sagely points out, even if it does, our present style of lightweight, air-cooled 500s Should be mere than a match for Continental opposition–in short, British racing motor-cycle engines push out uubeatable poke. It seems rather weak, however, to object to this French desire to be able to race their own engines in the shadiest Formula class and then to object to

to to air-cooled 1,100-c.c, V-twin Coopers racing in Formula II, as some exponents of this Formula in this country appear to be doing.


May will be another busy month hi British motor racing. On the 5th Silverstone will see the Daily Express-sponsored B.R.D.C. Meeting with the Formula I International Trophy, the now-classic One Hour Production Car and Formula III race’s. Fangio, Farina and Minato are expected with Alfa-Romeos, ” Biro ” will run his 0.S.C.A.-Maserati, Schell and de Graffenried have entered Maseratis, Lago-Talbots are scheduled to be driven by Rosier, Btaneelin, Louveau and Claes, and if the 4*-litre Ferraris of Ascari and Villoresi join issue with these cars and the blown Simcas of Trintignant and Manson this will be a first-class race, boys and girls. Add to this fifteen Coopers which are down to do battle with five J.B.S., four Ernerysmis, three Kieft.% two J.P.s, and seven other cars in the 500-c.c. race, and a representative field for the Production Car Race of eleven XK120 Jaguars, eight FrazerNashs, live each of Healey and ” TD ” M.G., four 750-c.e. Dyna-Patthards, three Ardun /Wards, H.R.G.s, Morris Minors. D.13.11 Aston-Martins, a couple of Morgan “Plus Fours,” and a 2.3 ” Ferrari, 2-litre AstOn-Martin, Cadillac-Allard, Bristol, 13.M.W., Morgan ” 4/4,” Nash-I fealey and Sunbeam-Talbot, and Silverstone on May 5th is it AI UST Then, on Whit-Saturday there is the International Formula III meeting at popular Brands Hatch and on Whit-Monday the B.A.R.C. International Meeting at beautiful Goodwood. At the latter the Daily Graphic Festival of Britain Trophy Formula Libre race and the International 509-cc. Trophy race, the finals of both over 15 laps, will be amongst the attractions. Lady drivers are barred, so there will be no Goodwood Queen of the May. Good fare, this. .111ake the most of it


We tender our congratulations to ” him ” and Parnell if they prove able to amicably drive together in the B.R.M. team. Joined by Stirling Moss; could there be any better selection of drivers ?• We also offer warm congratulations to Heath and Abeeassis, their mechanics, and especially to Stirling Moss for getting an II.W.M. home third at Marseilles behiml Villoresi’s Ferrari and Trintignant’s Simea-Gordini. This was H.W.M.’s first 1951 Continental appear ance. Villoresi won at 71.8 m.p.h. (2 hr. 4 min. 34.5 sec.), Trintignant was 19 see. slower, Moss 05.3 see. behind was see. see. IL1V.M. was ‘sixth. A good Start Villoresi;Macklin’s


Motorists suffered at the hands, or mind, Of Mr. Gaitskell, although not so: severely as some of them expected. It is, however, significant that the income tax increase, it is estimated, will collect an extra £70 million, the 40. per gallon increase in the petrol tax £35 million, but other tax increases far smaller amounts. Remember that every time you buy a .gallon of petrol you hand is. 10d. to the Government !

Doubling: the purchase tax on new cars will no doubt cause the prices Of secondhand cars to rise, but is unlikely to affect generally pre-1938: vehicles. Indeed, the older used cars will probably languish in the showrooms, for with no relief from the grossly Unfair burden of the 25s. per 11.1), ” road-fund ” tax And petrol up to 3s. Old. a gallon, together with the summer increases in car insurance rates and loadings on premiums of up to 100 per cent. on pre-1935 vehicles, the enthusiast, so often impecunious and unable to claim his motoring expenditure as business expenses, is likely to have to Curtail appreciably his driving. Front the Motorist’s viewpoint .it Lad Budget.