
FOR SALE—continued S100 23-litre 1938. Mileage 16,000 only, in

• 11-7first-class condition, and very carefully maintained. Offers over 1650 to Box No. 174, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1.

ALi/1S 12-h.p. 4-cyl. open 4-seater, two spare wheels. Good tyres, special 2-seater hood in addition to 4-seater one. £22 10s., as car needs attention after storage. S. W., 40, Brent Street, London, N.W.4.

MORGAN Super Sports 0.1t.v. Matchless aircooled. Complete car rebuilt, re-upholstered and re-fitted 1945. No finer Morgan exists. Box No. 175, Mount Siam% 15, City Road, E.C.I. WANTED

QPORTS CARS. T. & ‘1’. interested in purchase of good sports cars. Thomson & Taylor (Brooklands) Ltd., Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Surrey.

M ANIFOLD with or without t win 5.13. carburetters IVA to fit Speed Six Bentley. P. B. Reece, 51, Salisbury Road, Cressington Park, Liverpool, 19.

BROOKLANDS Riley, any age or eondition. State price and particulars. P. B. Reece, 51, Salisbury Road, Liverpool, 19. ‘1″”YPE 30 Bugatti, with original specification and

coachwork preferred. Also Type 37a Bugatti with large brakes and aluminium wheels. Also Illustrated literature and press cuttings of Bugatti cars from 1910 to 1925. Also pair early Marchall headlamps, old nickel or brass side and tail lamps, and speedometers. Hampton. Sprmtketts, Boiney, Sussex.

“‘ME following are urgently required : Prooklande I Gazette, Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 6, 8 and 10; MOTOR SPoax, Vol. 2, Nos. 1,2,9, 9, 11 and 1.2 : Vol. 3, Nos. 2, 3, 10 and 12; Vol. 4, Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12; VOls. 5 and 6, all copies. Speed, Vol. 1, No. 10, April, 1936. Will give good price for complete vols. Condition must be fairly good. lItiy, ley, Crossways; Platt, Borough Green, Kent.

WANTED for Morris Eight. series 2, also E 6-i1. ” spring steering wheel, Burgess silencer, aluminium head. Chivers. Green Gates. Ely Road, Llandaff, Glamorgan.

RILEY Nine big crank and big cylinder black wanted ; also .1-cyl. Seim illa mag. Full details to Tom Holmes, Paul yks. chesham Lane, Chalfont St. Peter, Bucks. VINTAGE 4-seater sports car, Big Port Alvin,

12/60″ Alvis, Red Label ” Bentley, or any vintage sports in good condition. State price and give full particulars. Would-be owner at present serving in B.L.A. Box No. 176, MOTOR SroaT, 15, City Road, E.0.1.

WANTED, Automobile Mascots, must be of fated ” style, for collection. Please state types and prices. Witthames, 71, Aldershot Road, GuEdford, Surrey.

ADIES, ask husbands and boy friends for MOTOR SPoRT, January, 1932. Will exchange for genuine unworn Rayon stockings, or Boyne’ nail varnish or lipstick. Service enthualast’s last. offer. Urgent. Box No. 177, MoTon SPORT, 15, City Road, E.0.1.

W.% NTED Moron SPORT Jan., ’40 to Dee., ’41; ” also Nov., ’27, Mar., ’30, Jan., ’32, Oct., ’35. State price. Major Cliff McCulloch, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, Bucks.