

B.M.C.C. The British Model Car Club is now

The British Model Car Club is now holding monthly race meetings for its members in London, the next of which was scheduled for April 8th. At the February meeting 22 members, with 11 cars, were present. To combat bad weather an indoor track of 11-ft. radius was used. Best time was made by Cruickshank’s M.G., at 47 m.p.h. After flinch and the A.G.M., Edgar Westbury ran two model i.e. engines in the workshop, one with magneto ignition, and Cruickshank ran another, at some 12,000 r.p.m. ! Some half-a-dozen cars ran on the outdoor r.t.p. course at the March meeting, D. A. Russell’s S.S. ” 100 ” and Auto-Union going well. The latter lapped at around 30 m.p.h. with body, and at about 40 m.p.h. with its beautiful streamline shell removed ! Cruickshank’s M.G. again made fastest time, lapping at 48 m.p.h. Curwen ran a car with magneto ignition, but suffered misfiring. Gascoigne’s M.G. lapped at around 30 m.p.h. Weaver brought his E.R.A., with dashpotengaged friction clutch; it has a very high standard of detail finish. Hon. secretary,

Gascoig•ne, 91, Stamford Court, London, W.6.