

In February, 1939, we proposed in MOTOR SPORT the formation of a club which would enable impecunious owners of Austin Sevens and other 8-h.p. cars to compete amongst themselves in trials and sprint events, rather than in. other club’s events wherein inexpensive small cars were up against heavy odds. The 750 Club was intended to cater for unblown 750-c.c. cars, in particular. The response was immediate, and the club was formed with Phil Hunter as its hardworking secretary. Full membership at 7s. 6d. per annum was confined to those owning Austin Seven, Big Seven and Eight cars. It had been intended by Boddy that additional membership should be open only to cars of 8 h.p. R.A.C. rating, but at early committee meetings it was suggested that club finances would suffer if associate membership was unduly limited, so all sizes of cars were allowed, with the proposal that 8-h.p. cars, such as the M-type M.G., Singer Junior, Morris Minor, etc., be particularly welcomed. The club went from strength to strength, and socials, rallies, a trial and a sprint event, etc., were held. A Bulletin was also issued every two months and, as Austin Seven design has remained largely unchanged over a long period, the sale and exchange of used spares formed an important aspect of the club’s activities. In 1941, Hunter found he could not cope with the increasingly heavy secretarial duties, and his place was ably filled by S. H. Capon. Until ” basic ‘ petrol ceased, regular meetings were held, replaced by socials thereafter. Eventually, however, Capon himself became less able to devote his limited spare time to club affairs and, as members joined the Forces, socials were less well attended. At an A.G.M. in March, 1943, Birkett, as the club’s captain and editor of the Bulletin, and Boddy, as originator of the club, proposed to Capon that he should hand over the secretaryship to someone else, especially as he was kept very busy on the ” Rembrandt ” panel of advisers, and seemed to have lost interest in the immediate needs of the 750 Club, although very keen to institute racing for sports-type 750-c.c. cars after the war. This Capon declined to do. Socials continued throughout 1943, but came to an end in January, 1944, while we believe that no Bulletin has been issued since that for January, 1943. No committee meeting has been called, and many members have expressed the opinion that the club has gone out of existence. In an endeavour to avert this unfortunate happening, the Editor of MOTOR SPORT sent the following letter to Capon by registered post on March 20th last :— Harrogate