Smiths Of England


Smiths of England MILESTONES SERIES No

Dashboard of Car of 1906 fitted with ” Smith” Instruments From the day when, 40 years ago, Sir Allan GordonSmith sold his first speedometer to King Edward VII up to the present time, the progress of S. Smith & Son has been very closely geared to the development of the British motor-car industry. In the pioneer years prior to the War of 1914-18, this was as true as it is today, and ” Smith ” Speedometers literally recorded the history of ever better motoring performances. As far back as 1907 a ” Smith ” Speedometer was fitted to the Napier with which Mr. S. F. Edge made his famous endurance test at Brooklands by driving for 24 hours without interruption. Quick to anticipate the needs of designers and drivers, Smiths

introduced a continuous succession of instruments and accessories as further speed and endurance trials, and the ever growing requirements of the public, called for more efficient motor-cars. So healthy was this growth in the business, that in 1913 fine new premises in Great Portland Street were occupied, and a year later the company of S. Smith & Sons (Motor Accessories) Ltd. was formed. S. SMITH & SONS ts) (ENGLAND) LTD MOTOR: Smiths Motor Accessories Ltd., K.L.G. Sparking Plugs Ltd., British Jaeger Instruments Ltd., Smiths Jacking Systems Ltd. CLOCKS & WATCHES: Smiths English Clocks Ltd., Enfield Clock Co. (London) Ltd., English Clock Systems Ltd., A.B.E.C. Ltd., British Precision Springs Ltd. AIRCRAFT & MARINE: Smiths Aircraft Instruments Ltd., Henry Hughes & Sons Ltd., Marine

Instruments Ltd., Furzehill Laboratories Ltd. INDUSTRIAL: Smiths Industrial Instruments Ltd., A.T. Instruments Ltd. Scientific S.E.3I