
• ********************************•••••• • THE APRIL BRAINS • • • • • • • • • • Question Master: DONALD MCCULLOUGH, of the B.B.C., 3-litre Bentley owner.

• THE BRAINS • • • H. J. of Frazer-Nash •

H. J. AcniNwrox, of Frazer-Nash • • and B.M.W. fame, only private • • owner of a Messersehmidt. • I). BAsTow, B.Sc., A.M.I.A.E., • • • suspension expert of Rolls-Royce, • Ltd., author of many learned • • • articles on springing. • CECIL CcurroN, famous vint• • agent and driver of veteran cars. • • Son of the late Col. Clutton. Expert • • on 16th-18th century music. Plays • • the harpsichord, clavichord, vir• • ginals and the organ. • • PETER MONKnousE, famous • driver of M.G. and other racing • • • cars, and a director of Monaco, Ltd., one of the few firms which did •• • business with racing drivers—it • • still exists. • • D. SCOTT-MONCRIEFF, purveyor • • of horseless carriages to the nobility • • and gentry. Probably the only • • racing driver who speaks Russian • • well enough to get some petrol. • , • LAURENCE POMEROY, Technical • • Editor of The Motor. Son of the • designer of the ” 30/98 ” Vauxhall. • • Expert on blowing. Plays the • • ‘cello. The Dr. Joad of the • • Brains Trust, but, unlike Joad, • • does not dislike motor-cars. • • • *********o***************************