

It gave me much satisfaction to read “A Successful First Season” in the January MOTOR SPORT.

Since the war quite a few ill-chosen words have appeared in print concerning M.G.s, and this timely reminder of their past is all the more welcome, as it may serve to “ungum” some people’s memories. In my humble opinion, the amazing successes in M.G.’s first two seasons of racing have never been equalled, and it will be a long time before another marque can boast that it has every record in its class at any one time.

In your article you mention J. Baird Smith’s car as being a J4 Midget. I think you will find you are in error, as he owned an early blown ” C ” type, with inlet and exhaust ports on the near side of the engine. Cole’s car is now a J5 and it is unblown. He had a No. .8 Powerplus ready for fitting, but has not been successful in finding the necessary drive coupling, and he also lacks the divided track-rod steering.

The J4 M.G. is a very rare car indeed, as I have it on good authority that only ten or twelve were built. From various sources I have been able to identify five of them, together with their one-time owners :

Car No. J4, 002: A. 1-1. Horton. „

003: J. C. Elwes, P. T. Gifford Nash, C. E. Robb. >1

Car No. J4, 004: D. K. Mansell. 005: H. C. Hamilton, Peggy Blaythwaite,

R. D. Poore.

007: R. King Clark, I. H. Nicholls.

I possess No. 3, while K. G. Couper, of Worthing, has the ex-Mansell car. No. 7 has apparently been broken up, as most of the “works” are now in G. V. Cole’s motor. Of the remaining seven cars it is possible

that J4 001 was never actually in existence, for as the final figures of the engine and car numbers are identical (i.e., car No. J4 003, engine No. J4 103) and the first J4 engine was installed in the Magic Midget, it is doubtful if Abingdon departed from this rule even in one instance.

Other J48 were owned by Tommy Simister, Bobby Kohlrausch, R. Meyer, Junr., who with it broke several Hungarian records at Tat,and the Frenchman MalliardBrune.

Can anyone add to the list giving, if possible, the car number ?

Likewise, if any reader knows the present whereabouts of any J4, I should be very glad if they would let me know, as in view of the small number built I am endeavouring to keep a short account of each car’s history, together with its whereabouts. I am, Yours, etc.,


Brookman’s Park. If If