

Before leaving “Blighty ” I realised an ambition of 10 years’ standing. I acquired a thoroughbred, namely, a litre Bentley (0K9470), chassis 290.

The engine (No. TX3240) is in a chassis of 9 ft. 10 in. wheelbase. Said chassis is fitted with fii-litre brakes all round, and a 6i4itrc back axle. An A-type gearbox is employed behind the massive cone clutch.

The log book tells me that the date of manufacture was 1923 (to my mind a lot of ” Betty Martin “), although this led me to believe that it might be a 3-litre chassis. It is reputed to have been built into its present form in 1938, possibly by a Mr. Errington, of Worcester.

From the enclosed photograph, can any reader give me personal reminiscences, or any Bentley gen that will help me to understand these truly magnificent sports cars ?

Briefly, may I recount the adventures of each copy of MOTOR SPORT after its arrival ? First, it is read avidly from cover to cover by myself. Then the R.E.M.E. mess absorb it. It is then passed to the R.A.F. nearby, and on its return is loaned to the Royal Corps of Signals mess. Finally, it comes back to me battered and torn, held together with stamp paper and insulating tape, and is read once again. Lastly, it is laid to rest in my ” gen ” file for future loan and reference. Truly a 100 per cent. war effort ! I am, Yours, etc.,

R. TRUSCOTT (S/Sgt.). R.E.M.E., Ceylon.