


I should like to hear further from Mr. A. G. Sanderson concerning the 100m.p.h. ” Musketeer ” M.G. Midget.

I have covered a good many miles with my friend Macdermid in his various ” Muskets ” and, as far as I can remember, the speeds of the ” T ” types were approximately 80-plus unblown, and 90plus blown. Perhaps Mr, Sanderson refers to the overbored, Marshall-blown Magnettes ; these would definitely top the three-figure mark.

In reply to his queries, the drip-feed setting for the Marshall blower should be $0 per minute, and the belts were GilmerFenners, Type 4 A6, and could be purchased before the war from J. H. Fenner & Co., Ltd., of Hull. I am, Yours, etc.,

Enfield, HAROLD BIGGS. Middlesex.