
* * * Sir, Like every other enthusiast I have devoted considerable ‘thought to the question of the post-war sports car. One is constantly seeing in the motoring Press designs and visions of fantastic machines

which it is suggested would be the ideal post-war motor for the ordinary enthusiast.

Surely a glance is sufficient to show that these machines, although no doubt brilliantly advanced, are quite out of the question. These motors with four-wheel drive, independent suspension on all wheels

and similar features would be expensive in the extreme. This alone would completely rule them out, even if they worked, which appears unlikely. In spite of Beveridge and similar Utopian schemes, those who had 1200/300 to spend in 1939 will certainly not have any more in 194? However, there is no need to worry, as the ideal design

already exists, and has done so for 20 years. I am referring, of course, to the Frazer-Nash—after the cries of derision have ceased, I repeat, the Frazer-Nash It only needs more sane handling to succeed.

During 1925-30 the Nash, as sold, was in every way sound. Fairly cheap to buy, very economical to run and, provided not abused, reliable. Surely an up-to-date but not elaborated version of these cars would succeed in filling the gap. In the past Nashes have all suffered from having to use proprietary engines, some of doubtful merit and,

latterly, of immense weight, and this has detracted from the superb handling qualities of the chassis to some extent. What is wanted is a sound and light engine of about 2-litres capacity which will provide a reliable 60 b.h.p. at moder ate r.p.m., and no fancy compression ratios, etc. As the market for the car

will be a fairly specialised one, I am sure that one of our larger manufacturers could be prevailed upon to supply such an engine and at a reasonable price.

A further concession to modernity which I will allow is hydraulic operation of the brakes ; the drums, however, need not be of vast size or covered-in ribs, etc. Light wings and electrics, a simple dashboard layout with only the useful kind of instruments, and straightforward bodywork of light weight would complete the motor. The car, complete, need not, and must not, weigh more than 13 cwt. or cost more than 1300. The chain transmission is completely satisfactory and delightful, the +-elliptic springs are in every way what is wanted, and if you cannot push down the clutchpedal you need a bath-chair and not a motor-car, anyway ! (Yes, I am a member of the V.S.C.C.) Incidentally, I write as one who has had many thousands of miles of satisfac

tory ‘Nashing in the past and keenly looks forward to many more in the (preferably near) future.

I am not suggesting that the car would be Suitable for racing or violent chassis-smashing trials, but then nobody with any sense uses his road-car for these things, anyway.

Whether or not such ears are for sale after the war I certainly intend to build myself one as soon as I can get back to my workshop. I have no Connection with A.F.N., Ltd., except as a user, satisfied on the whole, of their (post 1930) products.

Congratulations on the magnificent quality of Mown Spoirr, and I only hope you can keep it going, never mind if it has to ‘cost a guinea a copy. I am, Yours, etc.,

JOHN Noun is (Lieut., R.A.). B.N.A.F.