
EATON MOTORS (Ian Metcalfe)

Who, while possessed of the opinion that BENTLEY stands for all that is best in sporting motor cars, acknowledges the fact that there are also other good sports and racing cars, and we are now desirous of adding a few more cars to our existing stock.

We are interested in any good car, from a blown M.G. to the horsy 38/250 and 540K Mercedes. We also like—Alfa-Romeo, Hispano-Suiza, Alta, Aston-Martin, etc., etc. We are not prepared to pay funny prices and will make a fair offer for any car that comes along.

Our experience of real motor cars dates back to 1928 when Bentley, Sunbeam, etc. upheld Britain’s prestige in motor racing. We have many enquiries on our books for pukka vintage cars, and will see that the right car goes to the right home ! ! ! So write to us at Dovereourt, Wood Road, Shepperton-upon-Thames, Middlesex