

To meet the repeated demands for .sonwthing on the lines of the old Spare Parts Announcements, we have instil uted a system of inexpensive advertisements. Each announcement must be limited to twelve words, plus the advertiser’s sufficient postal :old) oss, and the charge will be is. (Sd. per announcement, payable at time of posting. rules .systent vitt be governed by the (I) Each announcement to cost Is. fid. and be limited to twelve words and the advertiser’s

zoldreas. Box Numbers cannot be used.

(2) The publishers accept no responsibility for loss of advertisements, non-publication, late publication, or incorrect wc.rd:ng, but will endeavour to insert announcements in the next issue:, if posted within eight days of the publication of the previous issue. (3) No advertiser may submit more than two announcenwnts per issue and each must apply to a s■parate article. Only spares for sale, spares or rats wanted, or really cheap ears for sale, t ■1tli11 annottneed. PH* should normally be (4) The propriet(Irs of M()Tott :41’013.’r otter this scheme for t he tam nal 1».nctit ‘itt tie-lasts and Can take la) responsii)i lit y ol mV sort Nr Ita sot! r

All transactions intist I))! niz),(1), () t published addresses and no correspondence ea it he nt eri,.d into in respect. of announcements, t ransact ions or any .other matters arising front time scheme.

(5) Announcements should be sent within eight days of the publication of the current issue of MOTOR Seoul*, accompanied by stamps or crossed postal orders to the required amount. Cheques or coin cannOt be accepted. WANTED

A l’STIN Seven engine, 1933 or later. in 473running condit ion, reasonablevrice.. C. J. B. Smith, Half Moon Cottage, High Street, Ripley, Stirrey. 30/98 cranks.ES, particularly balanced Gant lens, bun ion. S.WTooke, 44, f’reY’.”11′

S1 ‘PE ‘it ‘H A NGER and drive for 2-litre Lagonda, and any other span’s. (Maundy. Plas 1:oulbburne, Rhosnessney, Wrexhatn. 4,;( ‘IN Vertex for Typo 37 11-litre

10 Nandi. i to replace Deleo-Remy distributor. iinh-Lient Staddon, ft.M.M.L. 221, 0/0 (1.1′ L)ndon. FOR SALE 19 l7STIN seven long-tailed sports,

running order, wants battery, thl. E. F. T., .s2, Dewsnap Lane, bilkintield. Spares Section, MOTOR SPORT, 21, CITY ROAD, LONDON, E.C.1