
HERE AND THERE FOR REAL ENTHUSIASTS Vintage cars can be bought from a breaker for £5 or less, but such antiques need new tyres, a safety-glass screen, a new battery, and a repaint and very often are devoid of vital accessories and com

ponents. Unfortunately, when such things have been done, the value to a trader or breaker is still only a few pounds. Consequently, in view of the fact that young enthusiasts with seldom more than a fiver to spend, write in to us for advice about a car, we will gladly publish details of this sort for which any genuine individual seeks a good home. To keep the list brief we must emphasise that we are only concerned with cars for which less than E,10 will be accepted and which are not only reasonably up to their original standard of performance, but which are ready for the road and in a condition to comply with the Law, as they stand. Too often have we seen really sound cars broken up by a ruthless breaker-man. CLUTCH DESIGN

Home builders of specials which have to transmit the kick of many hairy horses to their rear axles may find ” Some Aspects of Clutch Design,” by W. H. Saunders, A.M.I.A.F,., of RaybestosBelaco Ltd., a useful little work. It can be had free of charge on application to the Bureau of Information on Nickel, Thames House, Millbank, S.W.1 , and is very nicely produced. A RACE FOR THE FASTEST ROAD CAR

“The Autocar ” is to be congratulated on having arranged a race for roadequipped cars, which will take the form of an observed run from London to Brooklands, to check-up on the cars’ road-ability, and thereafter a friendly race over the Campbell road course. The event may precede the International Trophy Race on May 6th, or it may be a feature of the B.A.R.C. Whit-Monday meeting. Hugh Hunter’s Alfa-Romeo, Ian Connell’s Darracq, H. J. Aldington’s 2-litre Frazer-Nash-B.M. W., a Delahaye, Ned Lewis’s Alfa-Romeo and Lt. Torin’s Maserati are expected to compete. We believe that Forrest Lycett is unlikely to drive his 8-litre Bentley, as he believes timed runs to be a fairer means of proving a car’s true worth. We hope a 57 SC Bugatti and Craig’s ” 4.9 ” Bugatti will also turn out. LEWES AGAIN ON MAY 13TH In a busy month, the speed trials at Lewes stand out on May 13th as a fixture not to be missed. Although the course is devoid of bends it is very definitely a speed course in the traditional style and we can confirm the excitement if actually competing. On the other hand, if you can only spectate, there is the consolation of no charge whatsoever being made for parking or using the enclosures, while the course is situated on a glorious part of the Sussex Downs, adjacent to some excellent scenery. The meeting starts at 2.30 p.m. and is open to Kent & Sussex L.C.C., Brighton, J.C.C., Bugatti Owners’ L.C.C., and

Bentley Drivers’ Club members. The usual numerous classes will be contested, but the veterans’ class is missing. Entry is 7/6 per entry, or 101per entry for invited members and the list closes on May 8th. Details from : H. V. Warren, 51, Ringwood Road, Eastbourne (telephone 339). THE B.T.D.A. MEETING The British Trials Drivers’ Association is now 150 members strong. Forty members attended the meeting held at the Rougeniont Hotel. Exeter, after the

Land’s End Trial. Chairman Maurice Toulmin expressed objection to the ban on the Competition Tyre, on the grounds that if had not achieved its object of reducing annoyance to the public, although it was felt that the Ban had not damaged the Sport—actually, owners of ordinary type cars who desire to drive in trials even welcomed it.

The Association has cast a watchful and, we believe useful, eye on organisation in general, even to supplying reliable marshals, where their presence seemed desirable. Viscount Chetwynd favoured an extension of such activities to rallies and similar events—we agree, and would suggest to driving-skill tests held on public or semi-private ground, and treasure hunts and other events not under R.A.C.-permit control. The new com mittee is composed of Messrs. Clarkson, Haesendonck, Johnson, Jones, Langley, Macderrnid, Norton, Ripley, and Toni

min. J. A. Masters is secretary. A NEW ECONOMY CAR Having written a good deal of late Having written a good deal of late about economy and motoring, we are naturally interested in the new Fiat Type 500 four-seater saloon. It will be recalled that some time ago the rear suspension of the baby Fiat was changed to half-elliptic, so apparently this new four-seater was in mind. Carrying four adults it does 52-53 m.p.h. and does 45-60 m.p.g. of fuel according to road conditions, while commanding the /,5 58. taxation rate. It has a convertible type of saloon body and sells for ,,(33 10s. Its economy is outstanding for any size car, and especially so for a full four-seater, and the small Fiat has excellent roadholding and steering properties. On the other hand, there is nothing exceptional about the power-weight ratio, and, in fairness to British design, it may be recalled that the old Austin Seven ” Ruby ” saloon gives 17 b.b.p. at 8,800 r.p.m, and weighs 12 cwt. 14 lbs., which compares favourably with the 13 b.h.p. at 4,000 r.p.m. and unladen weight of 11i cwt. of this new Fiat. Incidentally, “

Fiat” originates from the initials of the great Italian engineering concern and does not stand, as a naughty writer in these pages once suggested—in the dim past when we were “The Brooklands Gazette “—for ‘ Fun in.-a Taxi.”