

THE first test, immediately on arrival, took the form of an acceleration test over a quarter-mile, timed by A. V. F,bblewhite, followed by an eighty yard area in which cars had to come to a standstill. The faster cars had to do some extremely heavy braking and we consider that the test was instructive and a definite test of cars, as against the circus type of test favoured in the past by rally promoters. The test was staged on the Middle Walk, a cambered road of freshly laid asphalted granite chips, and was definitely good to watch. S. M. Newsome’s 31-litre S.S. was

very fast. J. F. Heaton’s Morgan 4/4 was not violent, and R. A. Johnson’s Humber had some axle judder but pulled up dead straight. D. 1′. Russell managed a very good stop, his tail inclined to swing to the near side, and F. S. Barnes (Vauxhall 25) stopped all square, while A. K. Hunt ( Jensen 80) turned off the horses just before the end of the timed section and made . a model stop. Dr. F. W. Schofield (Talbot Ten) was slow and stopped amid rubber-smoke in a straight line, front wheels locking.

G. T. Greenhaigh (M.G.-T) locked his rear wheels and pulled up well after a rapid run, and P. M. Hasluek (Packard) had adequate brakes. G. E. N. Watson (M.G..-T) elected to ease up before the finish, P. M. Kendall (Morris Ten) was slow, and Dr. Whitelaw’s 2-litre M.G. displayed well-balanced braking. J. F. Guest (M.G.-T), who tied with J. F. May (M.G.-T) for best time in Group I, slowed just before the finish, and stopped nicely, and the same applied to F. Farrington (Riley). W. P. Maidens (Rover) had an exciting time amid much rubber-dust in the braking section, the rear anchors doing most of the stoppage,

though the car kept straight. H. F. Brockbank (B.S.A.) spun right round after about 30 yards—we should like to know whether he planned this on account of weak brakes or did it because he couldn’t prevent it. T. S. Duckworth (11-litre M.G.) seemed anxious to cut out, but stopped satisfactorily, and C. P. Roberts (Rover) also eased up early but had most effective brakes.

Cadet K. J. Douglas-Morris, R.N. (Hinman) was slow and stopped easily with locked rear wheels, while G. H. Beetson (Riley) judged his braking nicely. E. A. Denny (Riley) made an excellent run, stopping in a straight line, tyres howling, and F. W. Payne (Austin Ten) braked easily and quietly after a slow run. F. A. Rhodes (Aston-Martin) was spectacular, rear end bouncing on braking, and Mrs. K. Hague (Riley) stopped easily and quietly, and K. C. Kiddie (Austin Seven) also had no worry over stopping. Major Douglas-Morris, in his surprisingly large-lookingli-litre Invicta braked early. G. Eadington (Aston-Martin) was fast and stopped Steadily and effortlessly. Miss Jennings (Rover) came to rest all square, amid prOtests from the covers, after a rapid run, while C. Fairfax-Hunt’s Lancia .Aprilia came up very fast and indulged in controlled tail slides during braking. E. B. Booth (Singer) did a fast run and braked wildly, a burst of water coming from the filler cap. ‘1’. C. Wise (Talbot

Ten) displayed a good clean pull-up after a quick drive, but R. Mitchell (Riley) braked early and crawled to rest. Humphrey Symons (Triumph) showed that he had brakes adequate to cope with a good rim, and S. D. Caffin’s front-drive Citroen experienced violent rear-axle judder but he judged his pull-up with precision. W. R. E. NeW 1 11 all s Rover did hectic things, all wheels locked, but contrived to swerve only slightly just before the barriers. Sanford’s Fiat Balilla had nose-bowing tendencies under fierce application of the Lockheed anchors. G. Clegg (Railton), fast, locked his rear wheels and tended to swerve, but stopped effectively, while G. S. Davidson (Triumph) was really fast

and judged his stoppage well. T. B. Hague (Riley) pulled up cleanly, R. B.

a close call, stopping just at the barriers, Miss Aspinall’s Wolseley saloon just toured, and A. L. Marshall’s B.M.W. did a noisy, square pull-up. W. Norton with the jabberwock Ford. V8 was terrific, locking over to assist his brakes and nearly pulling the front tyres off, the Lancashire crowd yelling its delight. H. E. Bradley (S.S.) was very fast, and pulled up very well indeed after busy work with the controls, and Col. Rippou’s Daimler, chauffeur in the rear seat, did a steady run. Cave-Brown-Cave’s Alvis, S. C. H. Davis as passenger, was extremely fast and most spectacular, all tyres Smoking, and the tail coming round 60°. Mrs. Owen (Austin) was content to tour and Mrs. Cotton’s pelage swung 45″ after a fast rim, stopping satisfactorily nevertheless, while Amy Johnson, driving Jack

Horn’s Wolseley Twelve was slow and stopped easily, and Miss Rowan-Hamilton

slowed judderly but neat braking. Dr. Glynn-Morris (Standard) ) made much tvre noise, Miss Musgrove (Morris) braked nicely, J, Scholcs (Alvis) also stopped well, am! R. Duckworth (Talbot) stopped in the fatal barriers, apparently unworried. J. C. R as trick (Triumph) crammed on and then released, Miss Miller’s Triumph tended to rear wheel lock, and Pige-Leschalles (A.C.) lifted the loudpedal just before the line, had momentary front wheelkflap and then slowed well, mostly by rear-wheel braking.

F. A. R hot les (Frazer-NashM W ) was fast and completed an effortless pull-up, while j. Harrop (S.S.) looked extremely fast and was diced to rest, and his passenger held onto the runningboard as the car came to rest.

Don Impainti (Frazer-Nash-B.M W.) locked his rear wheels and slid 45° in a slide to the near side, and A. G. H. Rimmel (S.S.) braked heavily and displayed excellent judgment. D. V. H. Robinson’s big Delage had

Barclay’s Bentley, had all the braking power necessary, even to applying the servo rather heartily. The results came out as :— Group L J. Guest (31.G.-T) and F. May

(M.U.-T) 24.2s.

Group U. r. Wise (Talbot Ten) 26.4a.

Group III. (;. II. Robins (Ei.R.G.) 22.4s. Group IV. : Pearce (Triumph) 23.0». Group V. T. II. Wisdom (5.8.)

Group VI. 1). Loitiiisr (Ford VS) 21.4s. The brake marks should be on the Middle Walk for eternity ! The MOT0R SPQRT representative did not arrive in time to see the London contingent tackle

this test. The foregoing names apply to entrants, and if we have not named certain dicing gentry in person it is because the programme (R.A.C. Official, price 6d.) gives no list Of drivers and it was not possible always to observe even familiar faces during the passage of the cars. The test showed which cars pull up well from speed and which do not, and We have consequently concentrated on this throughout this report, written on the spot.