

S0 many readers communicate with us about getting Over to Continental fixtures quickly and easily by air, and so many more people will wish to visit Continental Grands Prix this year after seeing the German teams in action at Donington last September, that we have approached Messrs. Wrightways Ltd. for detailed information of fares, times and routes to the more important events, which information, covering fixtures up to the end of August, we publish below.

Sometimes cheaper journeys can be managed in privately-owned craft, but it must be carefully remembered that legally a pilot must hold a B licence if he is to ” fly for hire or reward,” and that approved air-lines and charter-hire services have an enviable record for safe, Comfortable operation.

To anyone requiring further information relating to air travel to motoring fixtures we recommend communication with Messrs. WrightwayS Ltd., Air Service, Bush House, Aldwych, W.C.2. Telephone Temple Bar 2857-8. They can arrange all bookings, and they specialise in facilities for racing teams, either in respect of airline information and reservations, or charter-hire. To give an idea of the times and fares, the following covers the majority of the fixtures for the spring and summer :— 15th May. TRIPOLI GRAND PRIX

Tripoli is 1,902 miles by air from London, and the journey is covered in eighteen hours, via Paris, Marseilles and Rome. Fares: Single 15-day 60-day return return /21 13 /37 13 /38 19 or London/Tripoli via Paris, Marseilles and Tunis. 1,656 miles, covered in 141 hours. Fares : Single 60-day return /19 19 /34 3

22nd May. ANTWERP GRAND PRIX Antwerp is 210 miles by air and the flying time is only 1 hour 40 minutes, via Brussels. Fares: Single 15-day 60-day return return /3 10 /5 19 /6 6 22nd May. TARGA FLORIO, SICILY Palermo is 1,350 miles by air via Paris,

Marseilles, Rome and Naples. Flying time is 11 hours. Fares; Single 15-day 60-day return return /16 16 1,28 19 /30 5

5th June. FRONTIERES GRAND PRIX To Brussels by air, thence rail or road to Chimay. London/Brussels is ‘200 miles. 11 hours flying time. Fares : Single 15-day 60-day return return /810 /5 19 /6 60

5th June. CIRCUIT OF FLORENCE By air to Genoa via Paris, thence rail.

To Genoa is 1,164 miles. Flying time 6 hours. Fares to Genoa: Single 15-day 60-day return return /19 /22 13 /23 19 or by air to Milan, via Paris and Turin,

thence rail. To Milan is 898 miles. Flying time 6 hours. Fares to Milan: Single I5-day 60-day return return /10 /17 /18 Fares, Genoa/Florence and Milan/Flor

ence quoted on application. special reductions being in operation on the Italian Railways. 5-6th June. BOL D’OR, MONTLHERY

By air to Paris. 205 miles. Flying time from lf hours. Fares: Single Week-end 15-day return return /4 10 /6 6 /7 10 60-day return 1.8

Special ” No Passport ” facilities are offered on the ‘ve;!k-end ticket, Which is valid from Friday to Tuesday. 12th J uric. PICARDY G R A Ni) P RIX

See 5-6th June. Similar facilities offered. 12th June. E.111,F1,1:11′:.NNEN, NURBI’ KG RING

By air to Cologne, thence rail or road. London/Cologne, 312 miles. 3 to 4 hours flying time. Fares Single 15-day 60-day return return .,t,5 10 /9 7 /9 18 18-19th June. LE, MANS 24 HOURS See Paris, thence rail or road. See 5-6th June. 12th June. To Le Maus, Charter Services will be run. See below. Special ” No Passport ” faciliths on Paris and week-end I iekets are applicable. 26th June. CIRCrIT OF NAPLES

By air via Paris, Alarseilles and Rome.

1,291 miles. Flying time 94 hours. Single Fares : 60-day 0-day return i1 urn

19 124 18 126 4 Journey may also be performed via Brussels, Frankfort, Milan and Rome. 3rd July. FRENCH GRAND PRIX (FORMULA) RHEIMS As he Mans to Paris, thence rail or

road. See notes regarding Charter. 10th July. 24 HOURS RACE SPA CIRCUIT, BELGIUM

By air to Brussels, thence rail or road to Spa. London/Brussels by air 200 miles.

Flying time hours. Fares : Single 15-day 60-day return return /3 10 /5 19 J.:6 6 24th July. GERMAN GRAND PRIX (FORMULA), NITRBURG RING

See 12th June. 31st July. COMMINGES GRAND PRIX By air to Toulouse, thence rail or road to Saint Gaudens. London/Toulouse by

air 575 miles. Flying time 4/, hours. Fares : Single 60-day return /81() /15 6 31st July. CIANO: CUP, LEGHORN By air to Genoa or Milan, thence rail. See

5th June.

1-6th August. PARIS/NICE, TRIALS See Paris 5-6th J one, and Nice 5th August. 5th August. LA TURBIE HILL CLIMB, NICE

London/Cannes by air, thence road. London/Caimes via Paris, Marseilles. Flying time 6 hours. Fares : Single 60-day return /10 18 /19 12 6th August. RAINIER CUP RACE, MONACO

As 5th August. Nice to Cannes by air, thence road to Monte Carlo. 7th August. MONTE, CARLO GRAND PRIX

See 6th August.

1.fth Aug. COPPA ACE,RBO, PESCARA To Milan by air, thence rail to Pescara.

See June. or To Rome by air, 1,046 Miles. Flying time 8 hours. Thence by road or rail Fares Single : 15-day 60-day return return /13 16 /22 13 ,e241 19 17th-21st August. LIEGE-ROMELIEGE TRIALS

To Brussels by air, thence rail or road. See 10th July. 21st August. PRIX DE BERNE and. SWISS GRAND PRIX London/Berne via Paris Basle. 523

miles. Flying time 51 hours. J’ares 60-day 0-day Single return return /8 6 /14 2 /14 19 28th August. FREIBURG HILL CLIMB

London/Freiburg by air. 553 miles. 81 hours flying time. 1:0 12 Fares : Single 60-day return /1713

28th August. STELVIO HILL CLIMB London./Basie (Switzerland) by air, thence rail and coach to Stelvio (Italy).

London/Basle 440 miles. Flying time 3 to 3/ hours. Fares: Single I5-day 60-day return return ,7 10 /12 15 /13 10 98th Aug. to 4th Sept. LA BAULE R A L LEV

Sc he Mans. 1.8th, 19th June.

The services quoted are all operated by fast modern air liners, fully equipped, and manned by experienced pilots and wireless operators, thus combining speed and comfort with safety. To the users of Air Travel in a quantity, special facilities are offered. For example : If a traveller used L75 of air travel in four months, a rebate of 15 per cent. is made, provided he purchases the season

travel voucher in advance. Thus, 08 15 buys .475 worth of air travel. The vouchers do not confine the traveller to any one route, or with any one company, but enable him to travel on. any of the important air companies in Europe.

For teams utilising 000 worth in twelve months, similar facilities are offered, and by using this scheme it will be noted that air travel is, in the long run, less expensive than the surface routes.

Inclusive Rates

Another excellent method for those making stays of not less than four days are the inclusive Air and Hotel Tickets; which, it will be noticed, offer an economic stay at a good hotel, combined with the saving of time and money. London/Paris by air ; four days’ hotel

accommodation: all meals, tips, and taxes at good hotel ; ParistLondon by air. Inclusive cost E,8 14 0.

Similar facilities are offered at any European town or city, and can be made to include a stay at any hotel selected.


In several cases it will be noticed that the air services do not proceed to actual point at which races are held, but in many cases special Charter Services will be run, particularly for Le Mans, and in any event, no matter to which point teams are travelling, Charter Services are available, and rates will be quoted on application. With parties of four or more proceeding together, this is usually the most satisfactory method, and at the same time is economic.

Space does not permit of quoting Charter Rates for varying sizes of parties and destinations, but full information will be furnished on request.

It will be appreciated that teams travelling by Charter Services will have the advantage of being able to travel at times other than scheduled, and in many cases not only save travelling time, but also reduce the cost.

A Comparison

For the reader who wishes to compare air travel with rail, here are details of one of the short journeys, which, it will be appreciated, does not permit the saving by air travel to be so vast as to make other forms ridiculously slow, and, at the same time, the surface journey, being performed by day, does not include the cost incurred of sleeping car supplements. London to Paris By Air : 10 single, 1:6 6 weekend return (available from Friday to Tuesday) ; E7* 10 15-day return and

E,8 for 60-day return. Actual travelling time, London/Paris 2 hours 40 mins. Plying time 1+ hours. By Rail: £4 1 3 single, ;64 19 9 week-end

return; 14 17-day return, and Er 6 2 for 30-day return, These fares are first class, via Dover/Calais route. Travelling time by fastest service, 6 hours, 40 mins.

The difference, as it will be noticed, is small, and in the case of rail travel the travelling time is longer, the changes required are tiresome and involve tips (an unheard of thing in air travel), and, further, there may be seat reservation fees, also, owing to the length of the journey, meals, which are expensive.