

The June issue of MOTOR on the 12th of next month it is ready the first of the Climbs will have been held, the Every reader who can do important British fixture. of the Midland Automobile climb, has brought the thing to presents one of the finest viewed after driving through to the venue. At a meeting and study carefully the great professional drivers and which is not so easy during a performances by means of the which are always broadcast mendable promptness. The emphasises to the full driving bilities, and that Shelsley ” real thing” is evident if you and so gain a vivid speeds at which drivers enter new system of 1.n ing series of records, w hich adds

interest. And ” paddock” in the picturesque orchard now has a decent surface. This year’s climb commences at 19 a.m., with the real excitement reserved for the afternoon, which gives an even more adequate excuse than before for a start in the early a.m., which so many southern enthusiasts habitually associate with the Shelsley-Walsh Hill Climbs. The very important and extremely vexed question of ” trade” competition in club events has cropped up again. The only good reason for eliminating the trade element from club competitions is that ” pots ” put up for amateur

is due to appear consequently before Shelsley-Walsh Hill date being June 5th. so should attend this Wilson, secretary organisers of the a fine art and Shelsley extant, to be very pleasant country this kind you can sit methods of our most noted amateurs, race, comparing their times for their ascents, displayed with comnature of the course abilities and car capavery definitely the the road from afar of the astonishing bends. This year a an entirely new

drivers should be won often the trade driver in trials and scrambles though the difficulty separate trade and is the correct and ” amateur.” However, the does not advance this competitors would do run under closed the entertainment of it is suggested, treats not worry whether or Possibly the article entries will not be but, while this might lesser events, the Speed Trials offer too demonstration of new J.C.C. to wisely adopt people this fairly Brooklands fixtures is amateurs. We agree that has too great an advantage might well be eliminated, as with the provision of classes in bigger events, definition of an in the ” J.C.C. Gazette ” merely saying that trade to remember that events are organised primarily for ordinary club member, who, events as “sport ” and does he, or she, nets an award. is a gentle hint that trade in future J.C.C. fixtures, apply to trials and Rally and Highan opportunity for the existing sports-cars for the such an attitude. To many competition in the instructive, and the trade element therein must be taken by the Club as a well merited compliment. In any ease, the J.C.C. can hardly claim to be a purely amateur organisation,

as many members of its council have associations with the trade, and its International Trophy and 200-Mile Races depend upon trade and professional support. It would, therefore, be interesting to have the J.C.C.’s fuller opinion on this vexed subject, and we invite them to submit a more complete view, as the matter is one of very general interest to readers of MoTo-R SPORT, be

cause if gossip points to a wrong judgment a nasty taste is left with all.