
THE 1937 FORD V8 ” 30

A new Ford V8 30 h.p. car presenting advances in modern streamlining has recently been produced by the Ford Motor Company.

The new Ford presents a number of outstanding features, principal among which is new cable and conduit control ” soft and easy action ” brakes.

Improvements have been made in the 80 horsepower engine. Prom an engineering standpoint most important is the use of new cast alloy steel pistons. Having approximately the same rate of expansion under heat as the metal of the cylinder blocks the new pistons can be fitted with less clearance. They are also more resistant to wear. These two features result in maintaining low oil consumption over longer periods.

The new cooling system improves substantially engine heat control. The two water pumps are of higher circulating capacity and are at the bottom of the cylinder blocks, giving more positive force pump action. The pumps are automatically lubricated and are selfsealing. A fan of new design has its entire circumference directly behind the radiator core where it can operate most efficiently. The improvements in the cooling system will be the most noticeable when the engines are operating under difficult conditions, particularly in hot weather or under heavy load.

The engines are cushioned at four points in rubber. Two rubber mountings are now used in the rear mounting, one on either side of the gearbox. The rubber ” cushions ” are similar to those used in the front mounting. Other engine changes include larger main bearings and improvements in the electrical system.

As important mechanically as the above mentioned changes is the new “easy action” braking system. It has greater stopping efficiency, with easier pedal action.

Operated through cables in conduit, the brakes have controlled self-energising action. Rotation of wheels assists in increasing the braking force, once the brakes are applied. This action is controlled effectively, giving the driver at all times complete control. A still further important mechanical improvement is “finger tip” steering. This is accomplished by improvements in

the design. One is to give the driver greater leverage through the wheel by increasing the steering gear ratio to 18.2 to 1. The gear is also of a new worm and roller type, reducing friction. The combination gives the driver a pleasing new ease of steering.


Chassis : Engine : V8, 90 degree ” L ” lead. Bore 3.062 In. (77.79). Stroke 2.75 in. (95.25). Cubic capacity 221 cubic inches 3,622 e.e. R.A.C. rating 30.01 h.p. Compression ratio 6.12 to 1. Compression pressure 135 lb. at 2,500

100 lb. at cranking speed. Weight with transmission and clutch, 562 lb. Engine mounting, four-point suspeusion with rubber mountings. Offset of cylinders 0.187 in. Cylinder heads, cast iron. Crankshaft : Special Ford cast alloy steel : fully counterbalanced90 degrees throws. Crankshaft weight : 63-6 lb. Crankshaft overall length 24.47 in. Number of main bearings : three replaceable type.

Surface area of main bearings : 38.6 sq. in. Diameter of main bearings : 2.4 In. Length of main bearings, f ront : 1.56 in. ; centre 1.56 in.; rear 2 In.

Cooling System : No. of water pumps : Two-one at front lower end of each cylinder block. Centrifugal type : V belt drive : capacity 90 galls per min. at 3,000 r.p.rn. of engine.

Radiator • Staggered flat tube with closely spaced fins ‘having cooling capacity of 4.6 gallons and cooling surface of 362 sq. In.

Lubrication: Type. Oil supplied under pressure through built-in oil lines to all main and camshaft bearings and timing gears. Direct pressure lubrication to connecting rod bearings through drilled holes in crankshaft.

Oil pump : Gear type.

Normal pressure : 30 lb. at 2,000 r.p.m.

Oil pressure gauge : On instrument panel. Crankcase capacity: Four quarts.

Ignition : Distributors : Single unit with ignition coil in waterproof housing.

Distributor Drive : Direct from front end of camshaft.

Contact point setting : 0.014 to 0.016 in.

Spark Plugs size 18 m.m. Spark Plugs gap setting 0.025 in.

Firing order : 1, 5, 4, 8, 6, 3, 7, 2.

Battery : 6 volt, 3 cell, 100 ampere-hours; 17 plates per cell ; ‘positive grounded terminal located under engine bonnet.

Carburetter: Dual, down-draught, equipped with silencer and air cleaner. Size : 0.97 in. Venturi.

Fuel Supply System : Feed: Mechanical diaphragm pump. Tank : Welded-teme-plated steelcapacity 12 gallons located at rear.

Clutch : Type : irry single plate with plate pressure increased by centrifugal force.

Transmission : Type : Selective sliding gear with three forward speeds. All gears silent helical type-quiet in all speeds : synchronised meshing of second and top gears.

Ratios : 1st 2.820 to 1; 2nd 1.604 to 1; 3rd (top) 1 to I (direct); reverse 3.625 to 1. Lubricant capacity, 2.1 pints.

Steering : Type : Worm and roller. Ratio ; 18.2 to J. Steering wheel diameter; 17 in.

Springs : Front : Transverse cantilever with radius rods to maintain front axle alignment. Material Chrome alloy steel (all leaves;,’ Width, 2 in. ; Lerazt h, 40.25 in. ; Spring shackles, oilless type ; Rear : transverse cantilever. Material ; chrome alloy steel (all leaves). No. of leaves ; eleven. Width; 2.25 in. Length ; 46.5 in. Spring shackles ; oiliess type.

Shock Absorbers : four double acting automatic I iydranlic.

Brakes : Typo: Four wheel, cable and conduit operated, internal expanding two-shoe, with controlled self-energising brake shoes.

Rear Axle : Type : Three-quarter floating with straddle-mounted pinion.

Ratio : 4.11 to 1(9.37 tooth ratio). Rear wheel tread ; 58.25 in. Rear axle lubricant capacity ; 2.5 pints.

Chassis Lubrication : Pitssure gun fittings where lubrication is required.

Wheelbase :112 in.

Sprhigbase : 123.13 in.

Road clearance : Minhnurn-tyres inflated 8.2 in. Wheels : Pressed steel.

Tyres : 6.00 x 16, 4-ply.

Overall length (closed cars) : 14 ft. 111 in. (1791 in). Overall width (closed ears) : 5 ft. Olin. (691 in). Front wheel track : 4 ft. 7/ In. (55k in.).

Turning circle : 39 ft. 2 in. right or left.