Club News, May 1937


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An extremely successful opening rally was held on April 11th. Thirty-two cars gathered at “The George,” Huntingdon, where lunch was taken in a very pleasant room reserved for the dub, and dominated by the club radiator badge. The Bugattis present were drawn up along one side of the hotel yard, and comprised the following: “Black Bess,” the 1913 chain-drive 5-litre, which had come up from London at an average speed of approximately 39 m.p.h., Col. G. M. Giles’s Type 57 3.3-litre Th(rese, with W. Boddy an honoured passenger, E. L. Giles’s blown 4.9-litre coupe as a surprise item, on its first long run, G. Harris’s Type 44 saloon C. L. Clark’s Grand Prix, L. G. Bachelier’s Type 55, M. Radford’s Type 44, F. Sergeant’s Type 40, another Type 40, S. Reynolds’s Type 43, Miss Enid Fawcett’s 3.3-litre saloon, C. W. P. Hampton’s Type 55, R. A. Cookson’s 3.3-litre Type 49, Col. Sorel’s 5-litre, K. Bear’s 3.3-litre,

and Cookson’s 5-litre, “Black Bess” claimed over 15o,00q miles, Harris’s Type 44 150,000 and the blown ” 4.9 ” and Radford’s Type 44 60,000 miles each. Drawn up opposite the Bugattis were :— a 4i-1itre Bentley saloon, Stapleton’s T.T. Aston-Martin, J. D. Aylward’s Aston-Martin, Crowther ‘s Scuderia of four Lancias—an Augusta saloon, a Dilambda saloon, a Dilambda two-seater of most imposing aspect and an Astura saloon—Monro’s 41-litre Invicta, a Humber saloon, a Hillthan saloon, Mrs. LindWalker’s 4flitre Lagonda, Bachelier’s modern Alfa-Romeo saloon, Walsham’s Railton, Dubar’s Riley, Steele’s 14/40 DeIage, and Miss Stewart’s Bentley. Few clubs could stage such an imposing array of motors!

After lunch a judging committee composed of Miss Fawcett, J. Lemon Burton and J. D. Aylward awarded the Scuderia prize to Crowther’s immaculate Lancias and the Best Car Prize to the venerable ” Black Bess,” which latter thereafter started up and spluttered off to London. A number of members then went on to the ” Duke’s Head” at King’s Lynn to an excellent tea, L. Keevil winning a sweepstake by arriving within 40 secs. of the time shown on the club clock, in his Hillman Fourteen saloon. After tea the meeting dispersed. The next event is the Monte-Honiton-Carlo Rally at Whitsun week-end, for which an excellent entry was anticipated. There are

more prizes this time and, to obviate any possibility of an accident at the speed hill-climb, two stop and restart tests will be used. If you wish to welcome the competitors at the finish and see some fast motoring into the bargain, note that they arrive around 10 a.m. on Sunday, May 16th at M. Richard Marker’s Estate at Honiton.

The May issue of” Bugantics ” contains some interesting matter, including W. Boddy’s impressions of the Type 57 I3ugatti.

Hon. Sec. : E. L. Giles, 2, Queen Street, Mayfair, W.1. Mayfair 4701.


Another very successful meeting was held last month, fifteen cars leaving Portland Place for Aston-Rowant, the T.T. 4f-litre, an S.S.C. tourer, and Whale’s apple-green 44-litre coupe amongst them. Maidens Grove and Crowell were tackled, after which dinner was taken at the “Lambert Arms,” followed by a colour

fihn-show. This club rallying to well known trials hills strikes us as quite a good thing, provided the party behaves itself and the secretary makes a point of using hills to which no trial has been for some weeks past. Since its initiation the club has gathered forty-eight members. Three Invictas were formed into a club team for the Westminster School Motor Racing Society’s Test Hill Handicap.

Hon. Sec. : D. Munro, 4, Tavistock Place, London, AV. C.2.


The Jeans Cup Trial was a victory for

A. B. Langley’s M.G. R. J. Richardson’s Austin Seven won the Wade Cup for best performance in the opposite class. The Team Award went to A. B. Langley and J. A. Bastoek, both driving model T M.G. Midgets. First-class awards were gained by G. Tyer (Singer), N. V. Terry (Frazer-NashB.M.W.), C. A. N. May (PB M.G.), P. B. Palmer (750 c.c. M.G.) and T. C. Wise (Ford V8).

The entry list comprised sixty cars and sixty motor-cycles, with many returned entries, evidence of the popularity of trials in the Midlands. G. S. Watson overturned his M.G. Midget on one hill but the occupants escaped injury. A class for touring cars was incorporated, in which H. Fishwick, using a Ford V8 as his “touring car,” won the Sir James Reynolds Cup, while W. S. Underwood’s Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. took the Timson Cup and the Team Award went to H. K. Crawford and F. D. Gibson with M.G.s.


Speed trials, open also to the I3ugatti Owners’ Club and C.U.4.c., will be held on May 22nd on a private road at Bristol Airport, over a course reputed to be long and very fast. London enthusiasts should bear in mind that it is a pleasant 130-mile run to Bristol over the Plain and Bristol Airport is situated amid the hills in pleasant country. It is a pity that this fixture clashes with the Previously announced speed trials of the Vintage S.C.C. at Littlestone-on-Sea, where there will be the additional attrac

tion of the pre-1915 class. Personally, we are going to toss up for it ! The Backwell Hill Climb date is July 8rd.

Hon. Sec. : E. W. Densham, ” Kaihin,” Overdale Road, Downend, nr. Bristol.


The Annual General Meeting of the Hertfordshire County Automobile and Aero Club was held recently at the Club’s headquarters, the Spider’s Web on the Watford By-Pass road.

The Rt. Hon. Earl of Clarendon was re-elected President, while Mr. Armand Blackley once again was re-elected Chairman and Mr. Frank Potter the Treasurer. Mr. Norman Lone, who for so many years has been associated with the Berkhamsted Motor Club, consented to accept office as Hon. Secretary in addition to his duties with his old organisation.

The Club is now attracting many new members. It is, incidentally, the oldest motoring organisation in the County of Hertford and was one of the first County Clubs to be formed in this country. It is associated with the R.A.C. so that members may enjoy certain benefits of the latter body.

The Club also has the advantage of being in a strong financial position, the accounts showing a very good balance in hand.

The Club has accepted the invitation of the Bushey Hospital Week Committee to organise a motor car Treasure Hunt on June 14th in aid of that charity. The event will start and finish at the Spider’s. Web, the competitors being invited tG a dance afterwards.

A list of forthcoming events will beannounced shoatly.

Full particulars of this club may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, Mr. N. C. Lone, 57, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, Herts.


A course of exceptional severity in the Kent hills was .used by the Standard Car Owners’ Club for their Southern

Counties Trial recently. The con

dition of the various hills was not improved by the efforts of the W.A.S.A. competitors to climb the same hills on the previous day, and a steady downpour throughout Saturday finally reduced them to an almost impossible state. It says much for the versatility of the modern saloon car that twenty-three out of the twenty-seven competitors managed to check in at the finish. Of these twenty

seven starters, seven were members of the Club of Nomad Motorists, who cooperated in the organisation of the trial. After a last-minute inspection it was decided to eliminate the first three hills, Stowting, Watsole Street and Shrub’s Wood, and a move was accordingly made to Postman’s Walk, near Brook. As it turned out, this hill might well have been cut out too, because no one succeeded

in reaching the summit—although H. G. Dryden was credited with a climb in recognition of the most gallant assault on the hill. Limeworks Hill had to be tackled next, and in spite of being deeply rutted and

almost under water in parts, was vanquished by the majority of the competitors. Allington Hill was supposed to come next, but was found to be totally im passable, so the timed test on Cold harbour Hill came next. A. P. Squire made the fastest time in 22.2 seconds,

followed by N. J. N. Robinson with 24.8 seconds, and then W. P. Rhodes, A. Goldman and D. B. Burrage all with 26.2 seconds. A second eliminating test was held on Thomham Hill, where D. B. Burrage

made the best time in 18.2 seconds. Robinson Was one-fifth of a second slower, while W. P. Rhodes was a good third with 19.2 seconds. Hognore was also in a bad state, and only two clean ascents were registered, the stalwarts in question being Robinson and A. P. Squire. Cotman’s Ash, the next hill, was correspondingly easy, and was climbed by the whole field. Finally, Beechy Lees brought five people to a standstill through wheelspin at the

top. Thence, it was only a short run to Sundridge, where experiences were exchanged over tea at the Old Hall. The Brierley Challenge Trophy for the best performance by an S.C.O.C. member was won by W. P. Rhodes, who drove

a Flying Standard ” Twelve.” The Novices Prize went to E. Begg-Robertson.


Brierley Challenge Trophy : W. P. Rhodes. Novices Prize : E. Begg-Robertson.

Second-Class Awards : N. J. N. Robinson, A. P. Squire, H. 0. Dryden.

Third-Class Awards : D. B. Burrage, R. E. Blake, B. S. Cox, IC. Whiteley, P. R. 13rierley, 3. Torrome, A. R. West, A. T. Gamble.


The seventh Annual Dinner and Dance and presentation of awards was held at the Victoria and Albert Hotel, Torquay on April 9th.

Members of the West of England, Plymouth, Exeter, and Exmouth Clubs attended, as did the S.W. Centre A.C.U.

secretary. The usual speeches were made, the secretary and sports committee coming in for special praise, and a telegram from the Editor of ” Motor Cycling .” (wishing success to the club) was read. During the dance the Mayor of Torquay presented the awards won during the season. They were as follows :


Premier Awards : .1. Luck (2) ; J. Flambert (1) ; R. Kingwell (1) ; G. H. Law (1) ; D. A. Simes (1). Runner-up Awards : Luck (I) ; J. ‘lambert (1) ; F. C. Rolfe (1); L. Chard (1) ;

First-class Awards : .T. Luck (1) ; Flambert (2) ; H. Kingwell (1); G. H. Law (1) ; E. C. Rolfe (2) ; J. Watts (2) ; D. J. Holiday (I) ; P. Slade (1).

Passenger Awards : 3. Williamson ; Miss K. Manning. The third Annual Trial for the d’Espiney Trophy was run off on the 11th of April

over a 45-mile course. This consisted of two circuits and contained a total of ten observed sections, two tests, and a secret test.

It was organised with a view to attracting those who do not usually enter trials and the course did not contain any ” rough stuff.” In fact most of the competitors stopped in sections which were not observed. The hills in spite of the recent rains were easy, and caused few failures. A fine afternoon favoured the drivers. ” Whilborough ” caused two failures and a retirement, I,. Chard ran a big end and although finishing the climb he retired. J. E. West (M.G.) made the best performance.

” Lenda ” caused three retirements due to wheelspin although it seemed the easiest hill. ” Mudstone ” was the worst hill, being fairly steep, muddy at the bottom, and

loose at the top. Bowerbank (Singer) charged down too late and failed, while the exhaust pipe of Bartlett’s Standard saloon came adrift and stopped him. Kingwell on a Wolseley Nine saloon with four up was good and quite fast.

” Daccombe ” in spite of its steep and severe ” S ” bend only caused one failure.


Premier Award (d’Espiney Cap): II. 3. Kingwell (Wolseley 9 Saloon), no marks lost. F. C. Rolfe Singer 1 mark lost J. E. West M.G. 2 marks lost G. Turnbull Riley 9 Saloon P. Slade Singer 7 Brake Test Times : H. .T. A. Kingwell Wolseley P. Bowerbank Singer F. c. Rolle Shiver

.1. I.:. West, M.G. 6 ta 131 secs. 13f . 131 , 13t „


It has been decided that the B.A.R.C. Meeting over the Brooklands Road Circuit on July 10th should consist of a series of short races and, if possible, scratch events will be included in the programme.


The opening run of the Middlesex County Automobile Club produced fortysix starters, thirty-four of whom finished

within the allotted time. The course was shown by a straight line, the orientation of which was determined by the number of the conflux roads rather than their direction.

The start and finish were both at the Comet Hotel on the Barnet By-Pass where hutcheon and tea were taken. Mr. A. H. Stevens finished first in the large cars and won the Green Trophy

on best performance of the day. Mr. K. V. Blake was first in the small cars.


Arranged by the Committee responsible for organising speedway meetings at recent Sandwich Fayres, a public meeting was held in the Guildhall, Sandwich, to consider forming a motor club for Sandwich and district. Mr. S. Martin, chairman, explained that the main idea was to form a light car and motor-cycle club for the town and district with the object of holding speedway meetings, trials and social events. Personally he thought the club should be open to all kinds of motor cars and that there should be no distinction between

cars and motor-cyles. He felt certain they could get plenty of support, especially if they were affiliated to the A.C.U.

It was unanimously decided to form a club to be known as the Cinque ;Ports Motor Club, with a subscription of 5/– for all members.

The following officials were elected :Mr. S. Martin, chairman ; Mr. K. W. (‘overly, 20 Upper Strand Street, Sandwich, secretary ; Mr. A. D. Bowman, Bombay Crab, Telegraph Road, Deal, treasurer ; Messrs. C. G. Setterfield, E. H. Hopper, C. E. Riley, F. Holden, T. Farreer, and M. Lewin.


During Easter week-end, a spell of really normal motoring was put in very pleasantly with an Austin Ten ” Cambridge” saloon, which obeyed the call-ofthe-sea with complete dependability on Good Friday, and took us to watch practising at the Track on the Saturday. The roads were eiot nearly so congested as we had expected, though three-abreast cyclists and middle-of-the-highway fugbox helmsmen were rather too evident. And policemen in Yankee hats and Yankee-like automobiles were engaged in. mysterious high-speed mancruvres along the Kingston By-Pass. But, as usual, we enjoyed that quick run from South London to Weybridge, through Esher and along

those sleepy, picturesque roads to Hersham (sorry, boys !) into the fine residential parts of Weybridge, in which village Locke-King worked so magnificently on our behalf over a quarter of a

century ago. We found that Brooklands has retained all its old fascination for us, times without number that we have visited it on all sorts of errands in all manner of motor-cars, and we discovered that the new road-course has not Spoilt the amenities of the Hill. On Easter Sunday utility motoring was again the order of the day, notwithstanding which we took a prolonged cross-country journey from Orpington, in Kent, to ” The Phatnix ” at Hartley Wintney to worship at the shrine-of-the-veterans that Tim Carson has thereabouts per

petrated Really, we had hoped to see those V.S.C.C. cartoons drawn upon one of his ceilings and were not a little saddened to learn that they had been painted over, though we were restored to good cheer when Tom Rolt commenced the 1914 Sava, its extremely accessible engine starting very readily and providing an object lesson in the respective merits of coil versus mag. A run out along some adjacent straight roads, the old car pulling strongly in spite of its Modest engine size and high ratios, the wind, laden with rusty: water globules from the improvised filler-cap, howling over the =screened scuttle, vastly to strengthen the impression of real speed, the driver doing marvellous things with the gear-lever, permitted cold contempt of those tiny saloons which we passed so easily.

So back to the trustworthy Morris, the fever of a past age coursing in our veins. If you want an excuse for a rapid drive, go along to “The Phenix” and ask Tim if lie knows where this Sava locates its reserve fuel supply !

Then, after an idle week-end by way of a breather, we came to the Empire Trophy Race and that, of course, made a run up to Donington essential. Accordingly, a start was made at 9.5 a.m. in heavy rain in Eason-Gibson’s little Fiat and, although we had Mason, of MOTOR SPORT, in the sternsheets, Gibson contrived to cover the 123 miles at an average of 36 m.p.h., which just goes to show what can be done with concentrated driving of a car having quite a humble. maximum. Coming home, still three up, we had to go onto reserve, which made us work out the fuel consumption, which was found to be almost exactly 47 m.p.g., in spite of the day’s dicing tactics. So bucked were we that very curious and potent drinks were ordered at the very next pub., and we all got back to South London by 10 p.m., Mason thanking his stars that it was a Nat’s sternsheets in which he had bcen imprisoned, and not those of certain other bucking babies. On the Sunday the Bugatti Club’s Opening Rally was the order of the day, with Col. Giles in his 3.3-litre Type 57 T.T. Bugatti, Therese. Leaving Regent’s Park at 10.40 a.m. iu company with Eric Giles’s blown 1.9-litre Bugatti coupe, we were at Huntingdon, sixty-seven miles away, just after 11 a.m., averaging an unbelievably effortless 47 m.p.h., in spite of strictly observing all 30 m.p.h. :areas. That made us very contemptuous of all the other fast stuff assembled in the yard

at ” The George,” even though we had just failed to catch ” Black Bess,” the 1913 5-litre Bugatti which had left forty minutes before us. Nevertheless, we had exceeded the ever magic century along the Barnet By-Pass by a very respectable margin, with no more effort than other very good cars exert to reach eighty, and that afternoon we again passed the 100 m.p.h. mark alOng an open, if undulating, four-mile straight near Ely, in the Pen country. Neither driver nor passenger needed goggles . . .

And after tea at King’s Lynn the blown 4.9 and this astonishing three-three ran back to London town in the upper seventies in line ahead formation (the “4.0 ” was being run in), the village lads and evening strollers displaying a profound respect for our rapid passage through the gathering dusk. Nearer London other cars proceeding in the same direction appeared almost to be parked all along the roadway, so rapidly did the pairof Bugattis get past, the 4.9 howling potently and emitting an occasional cloud of dense smoke, the Type 57 running as silently as any town-carriage sort of automobile, even on the indirect ratios. I shall long remember that run, with the hedges sliding past and only the wind pressure building up on the back of one’s head to indicate that the cruising pace was increasing from eighty to ninetyfive, the three-three’s immense bonnet and big radiator cap as rigid as ever, the engine purring lazily with just a hint of exhaust roar, the gear-lever snicking occasionally from top to third, or momentarily into second, to provide immense pick-up, which was frequently held to beyond seventy on the third gear. That Bugatti held the road like any racing-car, steering to the proverbial hair’s-breadth, the braking power was immense with no effect beyond a reassuring hiss as the shoes bit from high speeds, yet in towns we floated luxuriously over tram-lines and cobbles with the shockers slacked off. Truly we were masters of the road, as those locals apparently thought who hurried over to gape at us when we stopped to refuel the ” 4.9 ” on an arterial road. A most interesting aspect of the matter was the manner in which other renowned inarques were vanquished, though as we took open bends at anything. up to eighty, and the acceleration from to 60 takes about 11 secs., I suppose it is hardly surprising. Certainly our rearseat passenger, who has had recent experience of two high-grade British sports-cars, one a 1 tp-litre, the other a 414itre, appeared to think nothing of them after a few miles in the tonneau of ” Therese.” Vet in traffic the 3.3 is completely docile on top gear, and on the open road it displays road-holding that is the outcome of thoroughbred solidity combined with correct distribution of the avoirdupois: Over Supper I reflected that the Type 57 Bugatti gives of fast motoring at its very best, imparting a sense of pUP sang that, at most, I have only experienced in relation to two other marques. Difficult indeed, to believe that this remarkable chassis does 115 m.p.h. and 18 m.p.g., is completely reliable and costs a Mere 075. But the Giles’s are enthusing over their new supercharged 4.9-litre, so that conversation centred around a maximum speed of 119 m.p.h. and 300 b.h.p. to look after acceleration . . . Truly, for the enthusiast, to just sit on the driver’s left in a Type 57 Bugatti is to dwell for a while with the Gods I

The next Saturday was as different again as chalk from cheese, for we arose early and proceeded to Lewisham, choosing as a landmark a hostelry with the delightful name of the “Spotted Cow.” Here, at Taylor’s Garage, we found awaiting us Mr. Belmont-Taylor’s veteran entered for the Rally to Tilburstow. Previously we had not known the make, and were interested to discover it to be a 1904 6 h.p. single-cylinder De Dion Bouton, which engine is one of the most satisfactory and famous ” singles ” ever. This De Dion had a small, dignified bonnet, a delightful radiator hung below and actually condescending enough to allow the starting handle to project through it, a long wheelbase chassis, and a truly delightful body, reminiscent of the earlier ice-cream vendor’s apparatus. The engine started remarkably easily, and soon we were on our way, the discomfort of the rear seat and the completely mythical protection offered by the overhead awning being amply compensated by the joy Of listening to the healthy beat of our little motor, which pulled the highest ratio strongly, once it was warm, and which mostly took the gradients on second, Only needing bottom up one especially fierce grade, up which modern cars accelerated joyfully. At last we espied a signpost “Godstone-7 miles” and very much later, it seemed, one that said Godstone was 41 miles distant and so, at last, we arrived, rather wet, a little chilly, but completely triumphantly, without A single incident in the twenty miles’ run. Subsequently the old De Dion got up Tilburstow over a minute faster than it has ever done before, after which it was taken to the hotel garage and ingloriously hauled down on its springs by four big men, that its astonishing awning might clear the doorway. Thereafter the crew returned in state in a Hillman Minx, the driver remarking that he felt that his anatomy was trailing on the ground, while the writer observed the Hillman’s rear seating seemed to be particularly com

fortable. Incidentally, those who are fond of decrying the Britisher’s lack of humour should certainly be taken on one of these Veteran C.C. runs, albeit, as Mr. Belmont-Taylor remarked, the remarks passed have no great originality, while obviously certain people are quite pained at having to smilingly acknowledge one’s passage. But what an opportunity for an ordinary journalist to give his paper a breezy story!


That extremely sporting event, the fifth annual Exmoor Trial, included some very potent hills and resulted in Andrew Fairtlougla winning the Barton Challenge Trophy with his A.C., while Fairtlough and 0. M. Williams (Rover) were the only drivers to gain first-class awards. Pairtlough climbed all the hills and Williams failed on Tarr Steps. Secondclass awards were won by J. G. Pig& Leschallas (A.C. s.), L. P. Jacques (A.C.), and M. G. Watson (Alfa-Romeo). Michael May’s old Alvis, J. Hollings (Morris, s.) and T. A. Fraser (Lancia) were winners of third-class awards. The A.C. is very popular amongst awardseeking members of the Varsities.


At last the S.S. Car Club has been able to hold its ambitious meeting on the manufacturer’s circuit at Donington, which last January was completely snowed out. Not that conditions were so very much improved on April 17th. The race victors were happily divided between S.S.1 and S.S. Jaguar 100 cars, and, in spite of the latent danger of allowing ordinary club members to turn on the taps around a road-course, only

D. Burgess (20 h.p. Jaguar saloon) ditched his automobile, and he, fortunately, was not hurt. RESULTS

First Race (three laps) : F. H. Snell (Jaguar 100), time 5m. 65s.

Second Race : E. H. P. Tucker (Jaguar 100), 61n. 10s. Third Race : J. E. Hodges (S8 I), 6m. 51s. Fourth Race : J. W. Field (Jaguar 20), 6m. 2s, Fifth Race : IL J. Dance (Jaguar 100), 5m. 58s. Sixth Race : F. H. Snell (Jaguar 100), 5m. 55s. Seventh Race : J. E. Hodges (58 I), 5m. 57s. Eighth Race • H. L. Dance (Jaguar 100), 5)n. 58s. Final (four laps) : 1, F. H. Such (Jaguar 100),

7m. 40s. ; 2, J. E. Hodges (S8 I), 7m. 43g.; 3, H. L.

Dauce (Jaguar 100), 7m. 48s.


The Stafford Clarke Cup Trial was notable for the fact that the only competitor to finish with an entirely clean sheet was S. H. Allard, driving his special Ford V8. He alone climbed Lythe Farm, whose muddy surface by the bends at the top of the 1 in 4 gradient proved too much for the other fifteen competitors. Again at Rake Hanger the ruts and deep mud defeated everyone save Allard.

E. G. Mobbs (series T M.G. Midget) and S. L. Chappell (Ford V8) made good attempts amongst the failures. In an acceleration test on Oakshott, Allard established best time of the day in 14.6 secs., the runner-up being R. M. Henning (supercharged 918 c.c. Morris) and R. M. Andrews (PB. M.G., s.). In

the 1,100 c.c. class E. K. Farley (Singer) was quickest, in 18.8 seconds.

RESULTS First-class Award : S. H. Allard Allard

First-class Award : S. H. Allard (3.622 Allard Special).

Third-class Awards : • R. M. Andrews (939 M.G., S.), S. L. Chappell (3,622 Ford), J. F. Parker (2,120 Lands).

Team Award : Allard and Chappell.

Runners-up : E. K. Farley (972 Singer) and E. L. V. llaylock (1.232 Triumph, S.).


Recently a certain large club not unconnected with the northern parts of London, held a trial in the Surrey country. The Mid-Surrey Car Club have held trials here from time immemorial and the C.U.A.C. and Vintage have used it for several years. This said club, however, behaved so outrageously that there was practically

a local riot and the outlook for the MidSurrey, Vintage, and City and Guilds Clubs, all of whom had arranged for subsequent trials over the same ground, appeared distinctly gloomy. To minimise local opposition, at the suggestion of the Mid-Surrey Club, all

three continued their trials on the same date, and it says much for their discreet deportment that not a single word of protest was heard.

The joint trial took place on Saturday, April 17th, over a course used by the Middlesex Club. By drawing lots it had been arranged that the City and Guilds entry should run first, the Mid-Surrey second, finally the Vintage, who had produced the greatest number of competitors including—unusually for them —quite a number of small machines.

Abster’s Hollow (reached rather late by many competitors owing to a disaffection in the route card) was in a difficult state, especially on the top bends, and few clean ascents were recorded. Of the Vintage contingent, A. L. Dennier on a highly dealt-with Lea-Francis was the only one, though Pitchford would have succeeded on his Nash had not the gear jumped out during the last few yards, after all the difficult part was over. The lower part of the hill has developed deep ruts this year and these defeated many small cars, while one of modern manufacture finally came to rest with all four wheels aflap.

Dennier made the best time in the stop and go on the Quell with WindsorRichards (30/98) second. In the special test on Scotland Hill these two were again fastest, but in the other order. It is a pity that Windsor-Richards did not finish, as he would certainly have won the large car award. Wheatham caused considerable trouble and Dennier again was outstanding. This car and driver are obviously forces

very much to be reckoned with. A thoughtful climb was that of G. W. Allen on an early red-winger Riley. Owing to the delays on Abster’s Hollow the trial finished very late and the Vintage results are as follows :

RESULTS Up to 2,000 c.c. : A. L. Dennier (Lea Francis)

Up to 2,000 c.c. : A. L. Dennier (Lea Francis) first-class ; R. W. Pitchford (Frazer-Nash) secondclass.

Over 2,000 c.o.: R. Peaty (Special) first-class. Associates Class (for associate members driving non-vintage cars) : H. P. Powell (H.R.G.) first-class.

Five teams in all were entered ; of these, the Mid-Surrey No. 1 team were first, and the Vintage No. 2 team were second.

Prominent among new members of the Vintage Club is Mr. Maurogordato, who has one of the 500-Mile Race 411.-litre blown Bentleys and the 4i-litre 1914 Grand Prix Opel once owned by Sir Henry Segrave. The next number of the Club bulletin is to contain a description of this famous machine.

The next event is the Littlestone Speed Trials on May 22nd, on the halfmile concrete course used so successfully last autumn.

Secretary : T. W. Carson, “The Phcenix Hotel,” Hartley Wintney, Hants.


The Junior Car Club has formed a Midland Centre with a local office in Birmingham.

This new development marks the extension of a policy adopted some years ago and the Club has already branches in Southampton, Liverpool and Leeds.

Each centre conducts a local programme, and all members are entitled to take part in the events organised from the London Office.

Several well-known Midland motorists are on the advisory committee of the new J.C.C. Branch : Donald Healey, P. S. Barnes, S. H. Newsome, S. W. Horsfield, Alan K. Hunt, and T. R. N. Whyte.

The name and address of the local Hon. Secretary is D. B. Welland, Room 418, County Chambers, Martineau Street, Birmingham 2.

It is expected that the Midland Centre will take an active part in the organisation of J.C.C. events ate Donington, and an attractive programme is being drawn up for members.

Membership of the Junior Car Club includes Associate Membership of the R.A .C.