

The big Eastertide event once again attracted an enormous entry, 327 car drivers sending in their entries to ” Jackie ” Masters of the M.C.C. This year three distinct starting points were instituted, Virginia Water for London

competitors, Stratford-on-Avon, and Penzance. 220 chose Virginia Water, eighty-two Stratford and twenty-five Penzance. Actually there were seventeen non-starters, of which at least one, R. B. Lakin (Ford V8) failed to compete through nothing more serious than being unable to get home to London in time to start.

The weather, which completely washed out Brooklands on the Monday did not vent its wrath on Land’s End drivers, for no mist marred the night run, and Saturday was warm and sunny during the day, bar one sharp hailstorm.

After Deices had revived the crews, at Taunton, the breakfast stop, the trial began in earnest. Porlock, unobserved and really quite tame these days, served as an introduction to sterner stuff, but already at the summit many cars were showing noticeable signs of overheating. It was hereabouts that the Batten-Special gave up, while we noticed one of the Morgans running very late.

The time schedule allowed a useful respite and many drivers parked for some time by the roadside and sunned themselves or took photographs of the glorious scenery.

The run down Countisbury Hill followed, where a considerable delay occurred, traceable to failures on Beggar’s Roost and the numbers of noncompeting cars carrying holiday makers into and out of Lynmouth. Lynmouth Hill was observed but was a very easy climb for most people, drivers of the bigger motors engaging in some enjoyable wheel-twirling in negotiating the top hairpin, not itself observed. Station Hill was the next item on the menu, and though narrow it possessed no bends and could be taken fast, though a trip onto the footpath automatically failed one. Uglow (A.C. Ace) climbed amidst a host of motor-cyclists delayed on Doverhay, a gradient not used by the cars. W. H. Edwards and F. C. N. Day brought their M.G. Midgets up fast as did the majority of sports car drivers. The Bastock, Macdermid, Langley M.G. team had no trouble, and the 14-litre team of Singers, led by A. H. Langley, came up happily. The ” Black Diamond Fiat Balilla team was fast

and impressive and the Austin Seven team outstandingly good. L. M. Ballamy sailed up in his Ford V8 saloon, with four up and a Marshall blower under the bonnet, and very few failures were credited to ” Station.” Beggar’s Roost was a tougher proposition, with its 1 in 34 gradient and loose surface, composed on one stretch of a mass of stones. Of the unfortunates, Burrage experienced uncontrollable wheel spin with his Standard, Vosper’s Wolseley Hornet lacked power, and Light on an Austin 65 made a gallant attempt to defeat spin but was defeated in the end. Heifer (M.G. Midget) had similar difficulties, but was just successful. Dr. Letchworth (Ford

Ten), Dr. Roe (Riley), G. W. Olive (Flying Standard), two of the Balilla Fiats, Marks (Riley), Knox (Austin 7), Small (Austin 7) and many others had to give best to Beggar’s. Tingle (Singer) Jaggard’s old Rover, Jones (44 Morgan), Major Montague Johnstone (14-litre Riley), Harry and Brooke (Morris Minors) all recorded slow ascents, but the team of M.G. Magnettes, the blown ” PI3 ” Midgets, C. J. Turner (Singer), Tunstall (Frazer-Nash), the 44-litre Bentleys, in particular that handled by Marcus Chambers, and Wooding’s A.C. were especially rapid. The Frazer-Nash and B.M.W. drivers invariably seemed happy, the veterans were good, notably Lye’s racing Talbot, Littlewood-Clarke’s Invicta and Denyer’s Lea-Francis, and as a whole the V8 Fords never hesitated.

So to Barton Steep, where the first special test was staged ; a matter of stopping with the wheels astride line A on a 1 in 6 gradient, reversing downhill over line B, then re-starting and completing the climb, with the official watch in action during manceuvring. To Toulmin goes all credit for the best time of all, his PB M.G. Midget needing only 8 3/5 secs. Crawford, of the same team, using an identical car, took 9secs, dead, and the Magnette team showed 9 2/5, 9 3/5 and 9 4/5 secs. for their respective members. Second best time went to Westwood’s noisy, impressive Fiat, 8 4/5 secs. The average time was about 15 secs. Harris. Johnson and Sandland of the Singer team were all outstanding, as was D. Maclean with his Magnette. T. Leather (Ford V8) spoilt a good effort by misjudging his distance from tape B, but Ballamy’s supercharged Ford V8 earned hand-claps as it accelerated fiercely upwards with its heavy load. Bennett

(Alta), slow on the reverse, was nevertheless rapid, Douglas Ciease was neat with the impressive S.S. 90, and Hastings (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.) handled his car very nicely indeed. MorrisGoodall (Aston-Martin), A. S. Heal (30/98 Vauxhall), G. T. Taylor (Singer Le Mans) and several others worthily upheld the sports-car brigade. The next hill was Darracott, alias Gooseham, a sporting ascent, with excellent corners (for those of good judgment) and a loose, not freakish, surface. Actually, sixty miles of very dusty, winding lanes had to be negotiated first, but some people made up much time for all that. The gradient of Darracott is 1 in 4 or so in parts, and the start on 1 in 6. The Austin Sevens, Frazer-NashB.M.W.s, Ford V8s, Singers and M.G.s gave between them a usefully polished display. Of the failures, Hartnoll (Lagonda) gave the horses a busy time, Dargue’s Riley had carburetion-malise, Black’s S.S. went out with severe judder, and Jackson’s Frazer-Nash lost a chain when almost up. Langley (Singer), Jennings (Riley) and Norman (M.G. Magnette) cornered most excitingly, R. J. liingsmill nearly struck the bank

in his Six, and even Symmons (2-litre Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.) took things pretty fine, but Ballatny slid his big Ford to just the correct amount every time. Whitnall was steady with his Morris Eight and Ludwig was good with a Jowett. After a meal-stop at Bude, which some had to cut fine to make up on schedule time, the trial proceeded via the beautiful coast-roads, very severe in places, to the second reversing test at Crackington Hill. The watersplash at the foot did not increase the confidence of weary drivers. Here we remarked some wonderful efforts by a very elderly Rover, condoled with a Crossley Regis driver who was experiencing continual boiling, and learned that Doble and his girl-passenger had successfully dealt with a troublesome supercharger drive-belt beneath their Morris Eight’s innocentlooking bonnet Crackington was showing a time of 12-14 secs. as a good average, with a small proportion of competitors managing 10 secs. or less. Aliard gave a fierce display on his new V8 Ford, which has a Bugatti body, Moss and Maclean on Magnettes were mighty good, and Wagner showed us how it should be done with a Morris Minor. The M.G. teams were noteworthy and amongst the fastest. Several drivers reversed into tl-t ditch, Taylor (Alta) performed untidily, and Poole’s Alvis did not attempt the test. N. Roundhill temporarily lost a gear with a Singer,

and Jarvis had to abandon his special Darracq as a result of gear-box trouble.

Next came Hustyn Hill, which boosts a gradient as severe as 1 in 3, and a loose, rock outcrop at the steepest section, not to mention a spring to damp the surface. Moreover, the late numbers had to make the ascent in the rapidly gathering dusk of an April night. Most of the better-known, one-make teams were successful, and Hichens performed a fast run on his Alfa-Romeo, as on earlier hills. Failures here included C. A. N. May, whose M.G. Magnette had a useless clutch, Brayshaw’s usually successful Ford .V8, and nearly a hundred others ! The Talbot Ten team, a very smart trio, performed faultlessly, as did the Denton-Chetwynd-Thompson team of Ford V8s. As time wore on the surface became badly cut-up, and darkness added to the difficulties. Allard and Ballamy upheld Ford honours, the latter very sure after momentary loss of wheel-grip. There remained only the dreaded Bluehills Mine, with the famous hairpin now deleted in favour of a very rough track curving up right over the hill-top. First, of course, came a brief stop for that excellent round of light refreshment supplied free of charge at Healey’s Garage, which the older hands have come to take too much for granted. Remember that the Land’s End is a procession of 71or more hours’ duration

and offer thanks accordingly ! Those who got to Bluehills in the dark found a ” flood-lit ” starting line, fires burning, and cheery police on duty, and some may have noticed the presence of a first-aid man, who fortunately had a full day’s holiday. The new hill is certainly fearsome, very steep, bumpy to a degree, and difficult tO judge, with a nasty drop on the right-hand side. A traction engine sat unconcernedly at the summit of the 300-ft. cliff, and was only called into action about twenty times. A. S.

Whiddington, staunch chain-gangster, had the misfortune to break a chain when his Frazer-Nash was right near the top. Olive lost the throttle-controls of his Standard in a manner that prevented the car climbing, and Baker’s f.w.d. Adler did not like the look of things. For the most part those who had performed well throughout did so again on Bluehills, and general opinion voted the new hill disappointing, though it would be interesting to see what rain could do. About thirty miles to Land’s End, where 268 drivers checked-in, 179 claiming Premier Awards, 60 silver medals, and 38 bronze medals. Amongst them was A. May (30/98 Vauxhall) who, running early into the very first check, had just run through regardless of the remaining ones, doing very well all to no avail ! Forty-three cars had fallen by the wayside-or seaside I Those who were still awake and could not get accommodation at Land’s End found welcome beds at Penzance.

And many of the competitors were back in time to catch their deaths of cold at Brooklands on the Monday. Thus ended another successful M.C.C. classic, organised in a manner worthy of

Jackie Masters. Penzance, incidentally, gave its small band of starters a very pleasant send-off. Those who retired were as follows :

M,13. : S. B. Mostyn, S. M. Kent, C. A. N. May, A. C. W. Smithes, S. Black, J. Shewell-Cooper, G. J. Bower, D. Panting, D. R. Mount, K. C. Hovenden.

Singer : E. H. Startin, W. G. Butler, Morris Williams, A. Graham. Fraser-Nash : R. E. Wright, W. L. Jackson,

A. S. Whiddington, E. H. C. Theohald.

Lagonda : V. R. Symons.

Wolseley : A. H. Avery, A. E. Herbert.

Standard : B. Alan Hill. Riley : .1. W. Henn, J. C. S. Montague Johnstone,

B. A. Leigh.

Triumph : P. S. Hill, C. F. Locke.

Darracq : K. C. Jarvis.

F.I.A.T. : It. Sanford, I. N. M. Macdonald.

Lea-Francis : H. W. Burman.

Alvis : J. W. Poole.

Austin. It. J. Cunningham.

Ford : D. H. George, K. N. Hutchison.

Morris : J. B. 1). Acland, W. E. Cairns, H. R.


Marendaz : Alfred E. Moss.

Batten C. J. Hawkes.

Rover : J. R. Crouch.

Crossley: W. B. T. Bate.

RESULTS A.C. 1,991 0.0. : W. P. 1 glow, PA •, K. de Jong, B, 4. 7,

1,991 0.0. : W. P. 1 glow, •, 4. 7, 8, 9 ; W. A. Hill, 8, 11 ; G. D. Cole, 8, 8; H. S. Linfield, PA; G. A. Wooding, 8, 11 ; W. E. Kendrick, PA. Adler

1,648 oc •4. L Baker, B, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11. Al/a-Romeo

1,750 c.c. : R. P. Hichens,B, 10, 11. 2,309 c.c. : N. G. Watson, 5, 7. Alta

1,074 e.e. : 0. Taylor, PA.

1,496 c.c. : W. W. S. Bennett, B, 8, 11. Alvis

1,496 c.o. : R. I. Sworder, B, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11; W. H. Betts, B, 4, 5, 6; K. S. Crutch, 13, 10, 11.

1.645 c.o.: W. S. Perkins, B, 5, 7; T. W. Poole, R ; J. E. R. Wuidart, B, 3, 7, 8. Armstrong Siddeley

1,434 c.c. : G. C. Castle, NA, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Aston-Martin

1,495 c.o.: M. H. Morris-Goodall, 8, 8; C. M. Anthony, PA. Austin

747 o.o. : J. Light, B, 4, 10, 11; R. J. Richardson, 8, 10; J. G. Orford, PA.; A. F. Small, 8. 4. C. L. Goodacre, PA; W. H. Serivea, PA ; H. L. Hadley, PA ; C. D. Buckley, PA ; W. J. Milton, B, 10, 11; E. J. Knox, B, 4, 10, 11 ; R. J. Ctuminghana, K.; J. A. Cane, .13, 4, 7, 8, 9.

1,125 c.o. : W. S. Sewell, B, 4, 9, 11; F. R. Bevan, 13, 4,8, 9.

1,496 0.0. : L. G. T. Drew, B, 4, 7, 8. Batten Special

3,650 c.c. ; C. J. Hawkes, It. Bayliss-Thomas

1,496 c.c. : W. J. Howard, 13, 10,11. Bentley

4,398 c.c. : M. Chambers, B, 7, 9.

4,596 c.c. : F. E. Elgood, PA ; W. G. Lockhart, PA P. N. Whitehead, NA. 17. British Salrason

1,470 c.o. : K. O. A. Ainslie, B, 10, 11 ; A. C. Hess, 8, 10.

2,590 c.o. : W. C. Norton, 8, 7. Crossley

1,122 0.0. : W. B. T. Bate, R. Darraoa

1,496 0.0. : S. C. Jarvis, R. Fiat

995 c.c. : A. C. Westwood, NA., 16 ; R. Sanforcl, R S. (I. E. Tett, 8, 4; I. N. M. Macdonald, B; V H Tuson, 8, 11. Ford

938 c.c. ; G. Stewart-Ross, 13, 4, 6, 9. 1,172 c.c. : G. H. S. Letchworth, B, 4, 5, 7; J. A. Kyd, 8, 4 ; R. Thomas, B, 4,8 ; D. H. George, R C. S. John, B, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10; W. E. C. Greenleaf,

S. 4 ; D. J. H. Currie, B, 4, 7, ; J. Harrison, S, 10; j. McEvoy, 8, 2; 3. It. Whalley, B, 3, 11; E. A. Jenldnwm, B, 5, 11. 3,622 c.c. : W. A. Brayshay, B, 8, 10, 11; J. A. Elliott, PA ; K. N. Hutchinson, It ; S. it. Allard, 18 ; 8. L. Chappell, PA ; F. Mott, PA ,• W. R. K. Silcock, B, 10, 11; G. H. Ramsay, 8, 7; G. Morison, B, 16; S. R. Mitchell, PA; H. F. Burt, 11, 6, 7 ; J. Whalley, PA ; Viscount Chetwynd, PA; G. M. Denton, PA; J. B. Thompson, PA; T. Leather, 8, 5; J. R. Lincs,

B, 3, 7; L. M. Bellamy, B, 3, 11; B. Burton, 8, 8; R. G. M. Paul, PA. Frazer-Nash 1,496 c.c. : P. Lees, PA; It. E. Wright, It ; P. R. Cutler, 8, 11; J. F. Sharpley, 8, 5 ; W. L. Jackson, It ; J. M. Pybus, B, 16; N. E. Heard, PA; G. Tunstall, 8, 11 ; J. L. Higgins, PA; K. M. Roberts, B, 11, 16; L. A. Parnell, 18; E. H. C. Theobald, B.; D. It. Miller,

B, 7, 10.

1,549 0.0. : H. 3. Ebbui t, PA. 1,657 c.c. A. S. Whiddington, R.

Frazer-Nash B.M.W. 1,490 c.c. : H. C. Hastings, B, 7, 8. 1,911 c.c. : J. Tweedale, 8, 6; N. V. Terry, PA; C. G. Fitt, PA; H. G. Symmons, PA; L. Maxwell,

B, 7, [0; H. C. Hunter, PA; E. Thompson, S. 15.


1,497 c.c. : G. H. Robins, PA. Hillman

1,185 c.c. : R. J. Williams, 8, 11 ; C. M. Davies, PA. Humber

1,669 c.c. : C. E. H. Saunders, B, 4, 8. Invicta

2,986 c.o. : R. Littlewood-Clarke, PA. jowett

907 c.c. : G. A. Ladwig, 13, 4, 10, 11. Lagonda

1,954 c.o. : R. W. Hartnoll, NA, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; Y. It. Symons, It.

1,991 c.c. : C. R. Wason, B, 4, 6, 7, 8. Lanchester

2,390 c.c. : .T. Horsfall, B, 8, 11. Lea-Francis

1,496 c.c. : %. L. S. Dcnyer, PA. 1,696 c.c. : If. W. Burman, R.

711.0. 847 0.0. : I. Allen, 8, 7; It. Bayles, 8, 5; A. J. Lambert, PA; W. S. Whittard, PA ; L. M. Burton, 13,5 6, 7 ; J. G. Murray, PA ; A. C. W. Smithes, H; B. G. E. Dunsterville, 8, 10; R. M. Hewlett, ‘A; K. V. Bane Hill, PA ; H. H. Porter-Hargreaves, PA; A. 13. Wadsworth, B, 4,7 10; W. H. Edwards, PA; K. W. Mahany, PA ; It. Hellier, ; S. M. Kent, It ; T. E. W. Durrans, 13, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9; I. C. Funnel!, PA ; E. H. Goodenough, 5, 9; A. W. F. Smith, PA; L. E. Goldsworthy, B, 4, 7, 10; L Shewell-Cooper, it; D. Panting, R; D. G. Sileock, 8.4 ; S. W. Cottee, PA; D. It. Mount, R ; P. S. Flower, PA ; K. S. Richardson, PA • S. L. H. Potter, PA; N. E. Bracey, 8, 7; A. P. Squire, PA; L. Gardner, PA’ S. Oram, B, 10, 11;

E. J. Haesendonck, PA; E. B. Kay, B, 8, 9; R. j. Harter, PA ; K. C. Hovenden, It ; D. Clare, B, 9, 10; S. Curry, PA ; J. B. D. Aeland, it; L. R. Swain, 8,9.

939 0.0. : F. C. N. Day, B, 10, 11; J. M. Toulmin, PA ; H. K. Crawford, PA ; J. E. S. Jones, 8, 7 ; R. D. Price, B, 7, 10; G. F. Stooks, PA; A. C. Cookson, PA; H. D. Acres, 8, ; E. C. Haesendonek. 8, 11; J. W..8. Johnson, 8, 11.

1,087 c.o. : P. M. Rambant, B, 4, 6, 9, 10; G. j. Bower, R.

1,250 c.c. : M. H. J. Connolly, B, 3, 10. 1,287 c.c. : J. W. Fox, PA; S. E. Mortyn, it; C. A. N. May-, ; G. H. Marshall, 18, 11: G. N. Mansell, PA ; F. E. Rawlings, B, 7, 10; W. D. V. Norman, 8, 11 ; D. IL C. Fry, PA ; D. B. Payne, 8, 7;

F. A. Thatcher, PA; C. B. K. Mines, PA; K. G. Moss, 8, 4; E. Knott, PA; D. Maclean, PA; J. H. Leedale, PA; H. T. Fowle, PA.

1,408 0.0. : It. A. Macdennid, PA; J. A. Bastock, PA; A. B. Langley, PA. 2,468 c.c.: T. E. Derges, B, 10, 11; W. H. Polkinghorn, B, 10, 11; It. 0. 3. Kingsmill, 13, 4, 8;

F. M. Shepherd, 8, 9. Marendaz Special

1,991 c.c. : A. E. Moss, R. McEvoy Special

1,454 c.c. : A. J. G. Boehaton, 8, 10. Morgan

‘ 1,122 c.c. : T. H. Jones, B, 10, 11 ; H. P. S. Morgan, PA. Morris

847 c.c. : W. W. Whitnall, 8, 4; R. L. noble, B, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9; T. Wagner, PA.

918 c.c. • L. E. Harry, B, 10, 11; C. j. V. Brooke, 8, 10; W. .E. Cairns, R.

1,876 c.c. : H. E. Chappell, R.; G. M. Symons, B, 4, 8. Riley 1,089 c.c. : A. P. McGowmn, B, 7, 10; S. H. Roe,

B, 4, 10; ,T. W. Henn, R ;43. A. Leigh, It ; R. V. Harris, B, 8, 11.

1,496 c.c. : R. E. C. Jennings, PA ; T. W. Dargue, NA, 14′ F. Broomfield, B, 4, 7; E. A. Marks, B, 4, 5, 8 ; ,T. C. S. Montague-Johnstone, R.

1,633 0.0. : A. J. Rice, B, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11. Rover 1,185 c.c. : R. W. .Taggard, PA; A. E. Turner,

NA, 3. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11.

1,496 cc. : J. R. Crouch, R.

1,577 c.c. : D. V. Lipman, B, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11. OIL

2,663 0.0. : A. G. D. Clew, 8, 8; W. Roberts, 5, 11; S. Black, R. Singer 972 c.c. : j. F. Lambert, PA; Newman-Clark, 8, 4 ; A. L. Mason, 8, G

; . V. Firmly), PA ; R. P. Tingle, PA ; N. Miller, PA ‘V. M. Roberts, PA ; A. F. Eadon, PA ; F. W. Clark, 8, 11 ,• E. B. Booth, B, 6, 8 ; C. Redfearn, C

B, 5, 11; E. H. Startin, ; J. R. Edwards. PA ; . A. Shelbourne, B, 10, 11; G. W. Walker, ?A; M. G. Shorey, PA ,• M. Williams, R; L. W. Jenkinson, 8, 11 ; A. T. K. Debenhtun, PA; N. A. Prince, PA ; C. H. Newman, B, 8, 10; 13.0. Mobbs, PA ; J. F. Montgomery, 8, 16 ; N. Roundhill; B, 7, 8 ; J. A. H. Gott, 13, 8, 11; D. E. Harris, PA; H. W. Johnson, PA ; R. E. Sandland, 8, 11 ; W. J. B. Richardson, PA. ; M. H. Lawson, PA ,• A. G. Imhof, 8, 8 ; L. J. Flack, 13, 6, 11 ; N. J. Armitage, PA;

A. Graham, it ; D. K. Buckle, 8, 11; E. G. Benge, PA; F. A. H. Frey, 8, 9; R. M. Andrews, 5, 7; R. M. Cowell, PA’ H. F. Cohen, PA. 1,493 0.0. : L. W. Dembrey, PA ; W. C. Butler, B;

G. F. Horan, PA ; A. H. Langley, ?A; J. D. Barnes, PA’ M. G. Billingham, PA’ G. T. I. Taylor, PA; C. .T. Turner, PA; W. A. V. Davis, PA; G. H. C. Goodban, PA. Standard

1,608 0.0. : G. W. Olive, B, 4, 9; Torrome, S, 10. 2,054 c.c. : A. S. R. Payne, B, 4, 8, 11.

2,143 c.c. : It. H. Penny, 8, 10. Standard Avon

1,608 c.c. : 11. E. M. Kingdom, B, 4, 11. Sunbeam

2,920 c.c. : R. j. T. Marston, 8, 6. Talbot 1,185 c.c. : W. M. Coupes, 8, 11; J. B. Scott,

8, 5; G. Poppe, 5, 10; N. Garrad, PA..

2,989 0.0. : H. A. Nash, PA.

3,029 0.0. : F. H. Lye, PA.

3,277 c.o. : H. W. Davies, B, 8, 10. Triumph

1,282 c.o.: J. P. Ferguson, S 5; P. S. Hill, It ; W. A. Pouting, B, 5, 7, 8, 9; J. A. Goring, 8, 3; C. F. Locke, R.

1,991 c.c. : A. P. Bolt, 5, 8; G. L. Boughton, PA. Vauxhall

4,284 c.c. : A. S. Heal, PA. Wolseley 1,271 c.c. : P. C. Vosper, B, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9; A. H. Avery, It ; A. E. Herbert, It, ; J. Smithies, B, 10, 11; J. Barker, PA; G. E. Abecassis, PA; S. M. Pollard, 8, 10; C. H. Stroh, B, 7, 9, 10; P. F. Bold, B, 9, 11;

B. D. S. Ginn, PA.

Abbreviations : PA, Premier Award ; 5, Silver Medal ; 11, Bronze Medal ; NA, No Award ; It, Retired. Key to Failures : 1, failed Doverhay Hill ; 2, failed Lyninotith ; 3, failed Station ; 4, failed Beggar’s Roost ; 5, failed Barton Steep lest; 6, failed Darracott ; 7, failed Crackington Test ; 8, failed Hustyn ;

9, failed Bluehills Mine ; 10, outside standard time. Barton Steep Test ; 11, outside standard time. Crackington Hill Test ; 14, outside time limit, Butte (departure) ; 15, outside time limit, Perranporth ; 16, outside time limit, Land’s End ; 17, did not follow course ; 18, award held over.