Continental Notes and News, May 1934


Continental Notes and News


The ” Acceleration Record.”

IT will be remembered that right at the end of last season a duel accured between Cobb on the Napier-Railton and Ruesch on a 3 litre Maserati for the world’s standing start kilometre record. In the end Cobb gained the honours with a time of 25.27 secs., and a speed of 88.52 m.p.h.

All the winter Hans Ruesch has nursed his desire for vengeance. Once he went all the way to Tat, in Hungary, only to find the record-road covered with snow. As soon as finer weather came, Ruesch adjourned to Montlhery for further attempts, but the timing apparatus gave trouble and still he had not broken the record.

At last on March 23rd he got his “break.” The weather was fine, his Maserati in splendid form, and this time the timing arrangements functioned correctly. He covered the standing kilometre in 25.17 secs., at a speed of 89.39 m.p.h. which also ranks as a new Class D record, previously held by the same car and driver at 88.23 m.p.h.

Tyres are all-important for this record, and Dunlops were chosen by Ruesch.

The Lone Wolf.

While every racing driver of note has made some connection with a manufacturer to represent him exclusively throughout the season, or else has joined one of the ” Scuderia,” so much in favour at the moment, Tazio Nuvolari continues to play a lone hand.

Although lending his services to manufacturers and scuderias he does not bind himself down to one make, and thus we see him driving a Bugatti at Monaco and an Alfa Romeo in the Mille Miglia. He is driving a Maserati at Alessandria, and probably an M.G. in the T.T. There is a distinct possibility that he may be seen at the wheel of a new Mercedes-Benz in one race, and I hear that his negotiations to drive an American car at Indianapolis are by no means abandoned.

Brainard Injured.

One of those incidents, which organisers of hill climbs generally guard against very carefully, actually occurred during the practising for the Saint Le Hill Climb. Louis Braillard came tearing round a corner to find himself confronted by three other competitors descending the hill !

Deciding that anything was better than a head-on collision, Brainard ditched his Bugatti, being hurled out of the cockpit in doing so. At first it was thought that his collar-bone was broken but this was later found to be undamaged.

Fastest time at the hill-climb was made by M. Eonet (Bugatti) in 20.2 secs,, with Falchetto (Alfa Romeo) a close second with 20.6 secs. M. Cattaneo made third best time in 21 seconds, driving a 5 litre Steyr.

An Awe-inspiring Tripoli G.P. entry.

The Tripoli Grand Prix on May 6th will provide a terrific spectacle. No less

than 30 drivers have been invited to compete, and if the full complement turns up the massed start should be one of the finest in motor-racing history. England will be represented by Earl Howe, H. C. Hamilton and T. E. Rose

Richards on Maseratis, and G. E. T. Eyston on an Alfa Romeo. There is a strong possibility of the Americans

Lou Moore and Peter de Paolo taking part on Millers, while Count Trossi hopes to drive the Ferrari-owned 4 litre Duesenberg. Here is the full list :

ALFA ROMEO: Balestrero, Pellegrini, Varzi, Chiron, Moll, Tadini, Trossi (or Duesenberg), Carrara, Battaglia, Eyston, Widengren.

BUGATTI : Brivio, Dreyfus, Wimille.

DIESENBERG : Trossi (or Alfa Romeo).

MASERATI : Sommer, Straight, Hamilton, Rose-Richards, Siena, Gazzabrini, Nuvolari, Zeliender, Taruffi, Earl Howe, Etancelin, Bonetto, Premoli.

MILLER: P. de Paolo, Lon Moore. UNsPEcrEIED : Biondetti.

It will be noticed that Robert Benoist is standing down in favour of Antonio Brivio, a new-comer to the Bugatti team. ,The 2.8 cars have already done 175 m.p.h. on the road, and so should stand a good chance.

If it runs, my own’ tip’ for the winner is Count Trossi’s Duesenberg.

Bugattis and Auto Union at Avus.

The Avus race takes place on May 26th, and entries from Bugatti and Auto Union are already certain. The Auto Unions will be making their first appearance in a race, and will be watched with great interest, particularly on corners.

The Bugatti team will consist of two ” 4.9’s ” and two “2.8’s,” the drivers being Wimille, Dreyfus, Benoist and Brivio. Last year a” 4.9″ won the race in the hands of Varzi, with Czaikowski a close second on a similar car.

No Lorrain G.P.

Many difficulties have beset the A.C. Lorrain in their preparations for the Grand Prix de Nancy. The new permanent circuit which was illustrated in MOTOR SPORT recently cannot be completed before June 24th, the date booked for the race on the International Calendar, and so the organisers have reluctantly been compelled to cancel the event.

The Czechoslovakian 1,000 Miles Race.

On June 9th and 10th the A.C. of Czechoslovakia will hold its 1,000 miles Race for the second time over two laps of a circuit including the cities of Prague, Brno and Bratislava.

Only unsupercharged cars will be eligible, and there will be classes for 750 c.c., 1,100 c.c., 2,000 c.c. and unlimited capacity, and a special category for closed cars.

An Italian Hill Climb. On April Isf a hill climb was held front Brescia to Pontedilegno, a distance of

19 km. 500 m. It resulted in a fairly easy victory for G. Strazza, the well known Lancia driver, who beat Count Lurani’s Maserati by 13 seconds.


1. Strazza (Lancia), 12m. 18.4s.

2. Count Lurani (Maserati), 12m. 31.4s.

3. (Bugatti), 12m. 42.4s.

4. Coruggia (Alfa Romeo), 12m. 48.2s.

5. Giarratana (0.M.), 14m. 18.2s.

6. Ragnoli (Fiat), 14m. 49.8s.

7. Schena (Derby), 20m. 17.8s.

1,500 c.c. 1, 12.&,, (Salmsou), 41.8 secs.

2,000 c.c. 1, Roumani (Bugatti), 48 secs. ; 2, Jamin (Bugatti), 49.8 secs.

5,000 c.c. 1, Mahe (Bugatti), 42.6 secs.


750 e.e. I, Jab= (Salmson), 46.4 sees.

1,100 c.c. 1, Desvaux (Girod-Salmson), 40.2 Sees.; 2, Luc (Salmson), 1 min. 10.8 secs.

1,500 e.e, 1, Girod (Salmon), 35.4 sees.; 2, Cazeaux Bugatti), 38.6 sees.; 3, Decaroli (Bugatti), 41.6 secs.

2,000 c.c. 1, Jacob (Bugatti), 35.4 sees.; 2, Decaroli (Bugatti), 35.6 sees.; 3, Mougin (Bugatti) 37.2 secs.

5,000 c.c. 1, Cattaneo (Steyr), 37.2 secs.

A Famous Airman at Le Mans. Aviators do not often enter the field of

Aviators do not often enter the field of motor-racing, many of them indeed professing contempt for the earth-bound automobile. An exception, however, is to be found in Gustave Lemoine, one-time holder of the world’s altitude record. Lemoine will be Roger Labuc’s co-driver in the Le Mans 24 Hours Race, and is now training carefully for his first motorrace.

It is now announced, by the way, that Mrs. Stewart will share the driving of her Derby with Bonne, who has the reputation of being a good driver and a clever mechanic.

Dreyfus wins La Turbie.

That unusual vehicle, the 4-wheel drive Bugatti, emerged from its lair at Molsheim last month and in the capable hands of Rene Dreyfus beat the record for the La Turbie hill-climb. The previous record stood to the credit of J. P. Wimille, on a normal 4.9 Bugatti, with a time of 3m. 52s.

Dreyfus scored no narrow triumph, but dipped 6.6 seconds off the record and brought it down to 3m. 45.4s. Handled well, the 4-wheel drive Bugatti can be unbeatable. Second place was thought to be safe for Count Trossi, with a 2.9 monoposto Alfa Romeo, but although he succeeded in equalling Wimille’s old record, he was not fast enough to beat Juan Zanelli on a Nacional Pescara, whose time was 3m. 51,4s. Zanelli’s performance was particularly meritorious, for he won the 3 litre class from a host of Alfas and Maseratis. One accident occurred, when Granvy crashed without injury at the viage de

l’Octroi. Ruesch made a sensational about-turn at the Observatory and did not complete his climb. There was one English car in the sports classes, a Triumph ” Gloria” driven by Kehoe, which was third in the 1,100 c.c. category.

Chateau-Thierry Record Unbroken.

The Chateau-Thierry hill climb is one of the oldest French motoring events. It is unusual in that it is also an acceleration-and-braking test, for the. cars have to pull up at the finish astride a line. Some disappointment was felt when the two best entries-Raymond Sommer

(Maserati) and Jean Delorme (Bugatti)failed to materialise. The result was that the record established some five years ago by Michel Dore on a 1,500 c.c. La Licorne was not beaten. Dore’s time was 34.6 secs.

On April 8th the honour of making fastest time of the day was shared by Armand Girod (Salmson 1,500 c.c.) and Marcel Jacob (Bugatti 2,000 c.c.) with a time of 35.4 secs. Outstanding performances were also made by Druck (Salmson 1,100 c.c.) in 38.4 secs., the fastest sports car, and Periot (Delahaye saloon) in 41,6 secs,, the best of the touring classes.



7.50 c.c. 1 Jacob (Rosengart), tin. 11.6s.

2,000 c.c. 1, Decaroli (Bugatti), Ito. 15.4s.

5,00(1 c.c. 1. Perrot (Delahaye), 41.65.


750 c.c. I, Barrold (Salnison), 58.2s. 1,100 c.c. 1. Druck. (Salmson), 38.4s.; 2, Jalunt

Derby), 41.6s. ; 3, Mine. Bourdereau (A.C.L.), 1m.


RESULTS. Sports.


1,100 c.c. I, Venot (La Pintade), 5m. 56.8s.; 2, Massot (Amilcar), 6m. 40.4s.; 3, Kehoe (Triumph), 6m. 41s.

1,500 c.c. 1, Rey (Bugatti), 4m. 36.8s. ; 2, Coratesse de Lesguern (Salinson), 6m. 30.6s. ; 3, Smac (Peugeot), 8nA. 3.4s.

2,000 c.c. 1, Ogez (Alfa Romeo), Sm. 40.8s.; 2, Dessertenne (Rosengart), 6nA. 4.2s.

3,000 e.e. 1, Qtuirtrara (Alfa Romeo), 4m. 16s. ; 2, F,rxibiricos (Bugatti), 4tri. 18s. ; 3, Morand (13ugatti), 4m. 26.4s.

5,000 c.c. 1, Trevoux (Hotchkiss), 4m. 33s.; 2, Mahe (Bugatti), 4m. 33.2s.; 3, Falck (11otchkisS), 4m. 55.4s.


750 c.c. 1, Viossat (Mathis), 4m. 46.4s.; 2, B. Maillard (M.G.), 4m. 58.5s. ; 3, Thimo (Thimo), Sm. 8.8s.

1,100 c.c. I, Chambost (Salmson), 5m. 8.6s. 1,500 c.c. I, Boncly (Miller), 4m. 49.4s. 2,000 c.c. 1, Berrone (Maserati), 4m. 9.66. 3,000 c.c. 1, Zanelli (Nacional Pescara), 3m. 51.4s.;

2, Trossi (Mitt Romeo), 3m. 52s. ; 3, Brainard (Maserati), 3m, 56s.

5,000 c.c. 1, Dreyfus (Bugatti), 3m. 45.45.

The Prix Royal Causes Trouble.

A storm in a tea cup was caused recently by the announcement that the R.A.C. of Italy intended to alter the date of the Prix Royal of Rome from June 10th to May 20th. The latter date had already been booked on the International Calendar for the Casablanca G. P. and the organising authorities -Are afraid that their entries would suffer.

After much heated discussion the R.A.C.I. finally postponed the Prix Royal of Rome until October 14th, and so all is well.

Mrs. Stewart in action with the Derby.

The Derby Special grows faster and faster ! Perhaps ” grows ” is rather misleading, for the steady increase in its speed is no accident, but the result of sheer brains and hard work on the part of Douglas Hawkes, Mrs. Stewart and the Derby racing staff.

On April 14th the sleek single-seater was seen in action at Montlhery, and Mrs. Stewart calmly collected three records in Class E (up to 2,000 c.c,). They were the 5 kilometres at 140.3 m.p.h., the 5 Miles at 139.85 m.p.h., and the 10 kilometres at 139.76 m.p.h. All three records were already the property of Mrs. Stewart, at the following speeds :-139.81 m.p.h., 139.41 m.p.h., 139.49 m.p.h.

Heartiest congratulations to all concerned!

Eyston’s 1,500 c.c. Records. The battle between. Eyston’s 11 litre Riley and Veyron’s 8 cyl. Bugatti was carried a stage further last month when 1?,yston, in company with E. MacLure, set up three new records in Class F. (up to 1,500 c.c.). All were of the long distance variety, and were as follow :

1,000 miles, 102.35 m.p.h. (Alvis, 95.24 m.p.h.). 12 hours, 101.69 .m.p.h. (Riley, 92.82

2,000 kilos, 101.25 m.p.h. (Riley, 91.68 m.p.h.).

An American-Roumanian Team.

Whitney Straight recently spent a day at Montlhery with Prince Nicolas of Roumania, driving the latter’s big Duesenberg touring car. It is possible that these two drivers will pilot the car at Le Mans, a race in which Prince Nicolas took part last year.

Incidentally Prince Nicolas is still running, and obtaining unfailing service from a 3 litre Sunbeam touring car which he bought in London in 1925.

Renault captures the Hotchkiss 48 Hours Record.

French manufacturers are always keen competitors in record work, and hardly had the stir of admiration caused by the Hotchkiss World’s 48 Hours record died down than a Renault appeared at Montihery and proceeded to attack the coveted record.

The car was a” Nervasport ” Renault, equipped with a straight-eight 4,800 c.c. engine. The drivers were Quatresons, Fromentin, Berthelou and Andre Wagner -the latter not to be confused with the renowned Louis Wagner.

As was bound to happen, the Renault soon began to beat class records in keeping up its schedule, but these did not only affect Hotchkiss, for the larger engine size of the Nervasport put it in Class Cand the records gained were at the expense of another French manufacturer, namely Delage.



4,000 miles. 105.59 m.p.h. (Hotchkiss 95.76 m.p.h. . 48 hours. 104.05 m.p.h. (Hotchkiss 95.36 m.p.h. . 5,000 miles. 104.05 m.p.h. (1Iotchkiss 94.73 m.p.h.. CLASS C. RECORDS.

3,000 kilos, 106.33 m.p.h. (Delage 97.22 m.p.h.). 2,000 miles. 106.13 m.p.h. (Del:Age 97.43 m.p.h.). 4,000 kilos. 106.17 m.p.h. (Hotchkiss 83.41 m.p.h.). 24 hours. 106.21 m.p.h. (Delage 95.52 m.p.h.). }

3,000 miles. 105.73 m.p.h. (Hotchkiss 93.40 nx.p.h. . 5,000 kilos. 105.85 m.p.h. (Ilotchkiss, 83.57 m.p.h. . 4,000 miles. 105.59 m.p.h. (Hotchkiss, 82.62 m.p.h. • 4$ hours. 104.05 m.p.h. (Hotchkiss, 82.62 m.p.h.). 5,000 miles. 104.05 m.p.h. (Ford, 77.84 m.p.h.).

More Citroen Records.

The number of Citroen records in the official list is already colossal, but seven more were annexed last month by that inveterate record-breaker Cesar Marchand. He had as co-drivers Fortin, Bodecot, de Presale and Barbier.

The car was called Rosalie IV, and after a good run broke the following records in Class D (up to 3,000 C.C.).

3,000 kilos. 98.61 m.p.h. (Bentley 94.86 m.p.h.). 2,000 miles. 98.60 m.p.h. (Bentley 94.83 m.p.h.).

24 hours. 98.16 m.p.h. (Bentley, 95.03 m.p.h.). 4,000 kilos. 97.61 m.p.h. (Citroen, 80.75 m.p.h.). 3,000 miles. 96.55 m.p.h. Citroen, 80.72 m.p.h.). 5,000 kilos. 96.69 m.p.h. (Citroen, 80.82 m.p.h.). 4,000 miles. 96.16 m.p.h. (Citroen, 81.28 m.p.h.).