

Roads Treacherous with Heavy Rain. Varzi Wins at Over 85 m.p.h.

THE Grand Prix Bordino has gained in importance as a result of the reduction in the number of races held this year, and the Ferrari stable turned out in full force to take part in it. Apart from its intrinsic importance, however, it will be -remembered as the race in which Nuvolari, the “man of steel,” had his first serious mishap, while Pedrozzini, a less well known driver of a Maserati sustained fatal injuries.

The race was held on the Circuit of Alessandria, some 120 miles south west of Milan, and consisted of two beats, each of eight laps, with a 15 lap final. The circuit is eight kilometres in length. In the first heat there were the Ferrari drivers, Chiron and Tardini, on monoposto Alfa Romeos, the former driving a new 3 litre car, with Nuvolari on the latest 3 litre Maserati as their chief rival. Cormotti, Pietsch, Soffietti and Rovere were all Alfa Romeos bored out to 2.6 litres, while Cecchini was trying his hand on a Magnette. Four Maseratis and two 2.3 Bugattis made up the remainder of the field.

Heavy rain was falling as the first beat started, and the Maseratis proved very difficult to hold. Chiron and Tardini got into the lead at once, while Pedrazzini, who was driving a three litre Maserati, came into the corner leading to the bridge over the River Tanaro at too great a speed, skidded and crashed into the wall. The driver was flung out of his car and died almost immediately. The second heat began even more disasterously, Minozzi on a 2.3 Alfa was forced off the course by another competitor just as he was getting away and charged the crowd, knocking down seven

people, but fortunately only three were injured. He got going again without loss of time and finished fourth. Penn Hughes on a 2.6 Alfa was third, an excellent performance against 16 well-known drivers.

The five fastest cars from the two heats took part in the final, with Nuvolari’s Maserati the only rival to the Alfas. By dint of tremendous effort Nuvolari managed to keep within striking distance of his rivals, then in the fifth lap came disaster. Approaching the same bridge at which Pedrazzini was killed, he found he was going too fast. He applied his brakes strongly, the car overturned and crashed into a tree. The unfortunate driver was removed from the tar with a fractured leg and bodily injuries of a serious nature.

A. Varz.

A few laps later the treacherous roads claimed another victim, this time Ferrari on a IVIaserati. His car struck a wall and caught fire, and the driver received burns but was otherwise uninjured. Meanwhile Varzi showed his usual brilliance on wet roads and lapped at over 85 m.p.h. with Chiron and Tardini at his heels, the final result showing a 1-2-3 victory for Ferrari, with two of the type B monoposto Alfas heading the list.


1st Heat.

I. Chiron (2.9 Alfa Romeo), 28m. us. (85.1 m.p.h.).

2. Tardini (2.6 Alfa Romeo), 28m. 46s.

3. Nuvolari (3 litre Maserati), 29m. 23s.

4. Comotti (2.6 Alfa Romeo), 29m. 55 4/5s.

5. Soffietti (2.6 Alfa Romeo).

2nd Heat.

I. Varzi (2.9 Alfa. Romeo), 28m. 43 45s. (84.5 m.p.h.).

2. Trossi (2.9 Alfa Romeo), 28m. 59 3/5s.

3. Penn Hughes (2.6 Alfa Romeo), 29m. 57 3/5s.

4. :Minozzi (2.3 Alfa Romeo), 29m. 58 2/5s.

5. V alpreda (2.6 Alfa Romeo). Final.

1. Varzi (2.9 Alfa Romeo), 52m. 86s. (85.55 m.p.h.).

2. Chiron (2.9 Alfa Romeo), 52m. 37 1/5s.

3. Tardini (2.6 Alfa Romeo), 54m. 37s.

4. Comotti (2.6 Alfa Romeo), 55m.12s.

5. Penn Hughes (2.6 Alfa Romeo), 55m. 55 3;5s. 6. Soffietti (2.6 Alfa Romeo