

THE record entry of cars for the recent London to Lands End Trial follows closely on the biggest of all R.A.C. Rallies as further proof of the popularity of motor sport in this country. This taste for sports cars is amply satisfied by our manufacturers, practically every one of whom includes an open sporting car in his range of models. * * * * *

Considerate driving on the part of competitors in trials has resulted in less lurid descriptions of these events by the Daily Press. Nowadays one seldom sees the Land’s End called a “race,” and the writers have concentrated on women drivers and passengers. The latter, if the Dailies are correctly informed, spend their time knitting complete jumpers en route. Such ignorance of the intricacies of route finding and the suspension of high speed small cars is delightful. * * * * * Our Daily Press writers, however, are as unbridled as ever in their reports of motor-races. The Mile Miglia, for example, pro vided them with ideal copy. Earl Howe’s accident was painted in the most sanguinary colours, and one writer, paying rather too much heed to the proverb “When in Rome do as Rome does,” referred to Earl Howe as “Caesar of the British team.” From the same reporter we gathered that Chiron, Varzi and Nuvolari, in an effort to hide their fears (!), were pacing up and down before the start muttering” The race will be

hell ! ” presumably in French and Italian respecti vely.


PATE Editorial Views 291 Nuvolari trashes in Grand Prix Dording 292

Continental Notes … 294 Ramblings 297 1,000 Miles of Danger … • • • • • • . • • 301 Guy Moll (Alfa Romeo) Wins Monaco Grand Prix 305 A Bigger and Better Donington 309 1934 Racing Cars 312 Club News 316 A Silent Sports 13ugatti • • • • • 318 Easter Monday Meeting at Brooklands 322

Three Trials … 327 A Record Lands End 326 Inexpensive Motoring the Italian Way 330 Cinder Shifting at the CryStal Palace 331 Isle of Man Races, The 333 • •

A’ • follow my leader “Trial … 334 A Debate on the new Road Traffic Bill 335

The Second Reading of the Road Traffic Bill, 1934, revealed the House of Commons in its true guise of vacillating uncertainty.

Take the question of rear-lights for cyclists. Most of the speakers agreed that cyclists should be compelled to carry a rear light in their own interests, but not one of them felt strongly enough about it to press the matter. Plain common-sense demands that every road vehicle, whether on two wheels or four, should have a rear light, but M.P.’s and parties have one eye on the electorate the whole time, and are afraid of losing the cyclists’ vote. The talks on the wireless which followed were equally fatuous. One speaker, himself a motorist, admitted that he sometimes steps off the pavement without looking, and said that this would not necessarily be a dangerous procedure if only motorists put on their brakes as soon as pedestrians looked as though they were about to cross the road. Under the present laws which allow jaywalkers to get off scot-free, sensible motorists regard all pedestrians on sight as

brainless, irresponsible menaces.

Some of the speakers condoned jay-walking and laid the blame for accidents on motorists. Careless vehicleroad-users are quite rightly punished, and careless footroad-users should receive similar treatment. Why do the B.B.C. allow such slipshod rubbish to be broadcasted to millions of listeners ?

But motorists fortunately had two able defenders in Earl Howe and the Earl of Cottenham, who gave common-sense hints on road safety.