

De Paolo and Moore Sail for Tripoli.

TWO of the finest drivers in the States, Peter Le Paolo, and Lou Moore, sailed for Tripoli and the Tripoli Grand Prix early last month. The drivers carried £8,000 worth of racing machinery on their invasion to Europe, with trnie Olson, veteran mechanic, accompanying them to see that the two Millers are in perfect condition for the races. Le PaolO will drive the $20,000 Miller 4-wheeldrive machine, which has been especially rebuilt under his direction for foreign races. Moore will handle the 4-cylinder Miller rear-drive, mounted in a Duesenberg chassis. Both these drivers are veteran cracks, and have captured races on all types of tracks throughout the United States.

According to plans announced, Moore and Le Paolo will drive at Tripoli on May 6th, and return immediately to America for the Indianapolis classic. Following the 540-mile race they will again sail for Europe, scheduled to appear in several events in Italy in the summer.

Indianapolis Notes. Officials of the Indianapolis Motor

Speedway have selected a La Salle roadster to act as pace-car for the flying lap at the start of the 500-mile race this year.

Earl Haskell, who owns three Miller race cars on the Pacific Coast, has announced his intention of entering two of them in the Indianapolis event. They are both 4-cylinder, 225-cubic inch rear-drive cars, and are expected to be driven by the two veterans, Wilbur Shaw and Tony Culotta..

Babe Stapp, almost completely recovered from a serious accident during the winter, hopes to ” tool ” the Miller ” 4 ” front-drive car in which he set the pace at Indianapolis for 200-miles last year.

Al Reinke, a promising young driver on the Pacific Coast, is to get his first chance in “fast company” in the 500mile race. He will drive a Miller 4-cylinder speedster under the direction of Babe Stapp and Jack Duffy.

The fast Miller Special in which Louie Meyer rode to victory in the 1933 classic is expected to be driven by Ralph Hepburn in the race this year. Hepburn is the owner of the machine.