

THE most drastic alteration to this year’s Ulster T.T. regulations is the prohibition of superchargers. The R.A.C. consider that these appliances have not established themselves as a feature of British sports cars as a whole, but whether the loss of such interesting cars as the Alfa Romeos and the M.G. Magnettes and Midgets will be balanced by the support of the manufacturers who only make unsupercharged vehicles has yet to be seen. Further changes which have been effected should ensure a race for cars very similar to those available to the general public. In the first place the cars must be shown in a catalogue, and a sufficient number produced to show that they are commercial models. The sped

fication of the car must correspond with that laid down in the catalogue, and alternatives to the standard specification will not be allowed.

Only crankshafts which are similar in design to the standard crankshaft employed, will be permitted. Extensions to the webs, circular webs, balance weights etc., may not be used if they are not employed on the standard crankshaft.

Bodies will be the same as heretofore and must comply with the International Rules. Full equipment must be carried throughout the Race—hood, screen, wings and lamps. In order to demonstrate that the hood is a practical one, the driver and a mechanic must put it up and take it down within five minutes. This

test will be carried out at the official examination.

The carrying of mechanics is optional. Two pit attendants will be permitted to assist the driver at the pits. Driving mirrors will be compulsory.

The Race will occupy six hours, and the scratch cars will cover thirty-five laps, a total distance of approximately 487 miles. It will take place on Saturday, September 1st. July 2nd is the closing date for entries at single fees which amount to £26. The following are the speeds for each class on which the handicap is based :

750 c.c.-70.45 m.p.h. 1,100 c.c.-74.17 „ 1,500 c.c.-75.08 „ 2,000 c.c.-75.08 „ (Continued on Page 320 3,000 c.c.-78.08 m.p.h. 5,000 c.c.-78.43 „ 8,000 c.c.-78.81 „

Only fuel which is obtainable in the ordinary way in most parts of the country may be used, and not more than fifty per cent. benzole will be permitted. Prize money will be allocated as follows: £500 to the winner, £.300 to the second, and £200 to the third. To the winner of each class in which there are at least three starters, £100. There will also be a team prize, and trophies for the

winning drivers, whilst the Tourist Trophy will be held by the entrant of the winning car.

Copies of the Regulations may be obtained on application to the Secretary, R. A. C., Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.