Successful Debut of F. Allen (M.G.), who wins Six Events. A Full Programme.


Successful Debut of F. Allen (M.G.), who wins Six Events. A Full Programme.

AGOOD attendance, a fine entry, and some close racing combined to

make the second meeting at Southport, held on April 7th, a more pleasant affair than the rain-spoiled opening meeting.

In the straight mile races, which set the ball rolling, F. Allen (M.G.) showed good form by winning three out of seven events. In the 850 c.c. and 1,100 c.c. classes he was faster than W. L. Thompson and P. Stephenson, both driving Austins, while in the 2,000 c.c. category he beat J. Allan Arnold, at the wheel of the famous ” Terror.” Arnold reversed the positions in the 1,500 c.c. class. C. J. Jackson’s old 8 cylinder Sunbeam went really well to win the 3,000 c.c. and unlimited divisions, beating the ” Terror” twice. There were two races for M.G. club members, D. Walker winning the “

850″ and H. B. Prestwick the” 1,100.” In the 3 mile events, Allen came into his own, and cleared up all four classes-a remarkably good performance. He continued to do well in the 5 and 11 mile races, winning six out of seven classes. In one class he had a magnificent tussle with J. Walker (11 litre Bugatti). Both car and drivers seemed evenly matched, but slightly better cornering gave Allen

the victory. The last corner before the finish was mast hectic, but the men kept going in spite of wild skids which roused the crowd to great excitement. Somersaults seem popular at Southport this year. In the first meeting Aked inverted his A.C., and B. 0. Bailey did likewise with his Austin on April 7th. Neither driver received more than a bad shaking,

As usual the afternoon’s sport closed with a 25 mile race, in which J. Walker (Bugatti) proved the winner, with W. F. Thompson and P. Stephenson second and third respectively.


860 c.c.-1, F. Allen !-A3 ..) ; 2, W. L. Thompson (Austin) ; 3, P. Stepla nson (Austin).

Up to 850 c.c. (For M. Car Club Members)1, D. Walker ; 2, P. D. Worthington ; 3, M. G. Burrows.

Up to 1,100 c.c. (Cars and three-wheelers)-1, F. Allen (M.G.) ; 2, P. Stephenson (Austin) ; 3, W. L. Thompson (Austin). Up to 1,100 c.c. (For M.G. Car Club Members)

1, B. B. Prestwick (Magna) : 1, D. Barr (Magnette).

Up to 1,500 c.c.-1, J Allan Arnold (” The Terror “) ; 2 F. Allen (M.G.) ; 3, j. Walker (Bugatti).

Up to 4000 c.c.-1, F. Allen (M.G.) ; 2, J. Allan Arnold (” The Terror “). Up to 3,000 c.c.–1, G. J. Jackson (Sunbeam);

2, J. Allan Arnold (” The Terror “). Unlimited c.c.-1, G. J. Jackson (Sunbeam) ;

2, F. Allen (M.G.) ; 3, J. Allan Arnold (” The Terror”).

Unlimited c.c. (Sports cars.)-1, G. A. Mangoletsi (Lea-Francis) ; 2, D. Bar (M.G. 3.4agnette).


Up to 850 c.c (cars and three-wheelers)-1, F. Allen (M.G.) ; 2, W. I,. Thompson (Austin); 3, P. Stephenson (Austin).

Up to 1,100 c.c.-1, F. Allen (M.G.) 2, P. Stephenson (Austin) ; 3, B. 0. Bailey (Austin).

Up to 1,500 c.c.-1, F. Allen (m.G.); 2, J. Walker (Bugatti); 3, W. L. Thompson (Austin).

Up to 2,000 c.c.-1, F. Allen (M.G ).


Up to 860 c.c. (for M.G. Car Club members)-1, D. Walker 2, P. P. Worthington • 3, A.11. Watson.

Up to 1,100 c.c. (ditto)-1, B. Prestwich (Magna) ; 1, P. D. Worthington (Midget); 3, P. Barr (Magnette).

Up to 860 c.c. (cars and three-wheelers)-1, F. Allen (M.G.) ; 2, W. L. Thompson (Austin).

Up to 1,100 c.c.-1, F. Allen (M.G.) ; 2, W. L. Thompson (Austin) ; 3, P. Stephenson (Austin).

Up to 1,600 c.c.-Same placings as in 1,100 c.c.


Up to 850 c.c. (cars and three-wheelers)-Same placings as in 1,100 c.c. live-mile race.

Up to 1,100 c.c.-Same placings as in 1,100 c.c. five-mile race.

Up to 1,600 c.c.-1, F. Allen (M.G.) ; 2, J. Walker (Bugutti); 3. 3′. Stephenson (Austin).

Up to 2,000 c.c.-1. P. Stephenson (Austin).


For Gars and Three-Wheelers-1, 4J. Walker (Bugatti) ; 2, W. L. Thompson (Austin); 3, P. Stephenson (Austin).