Rolls Royce Profits.


The Car Badge of the Suomi Tour* Club.

Rolls Royce Profits.

FOR the year ended December 31st, 1933, a net profit of £216,725 was made by Rolls-Royce Ltd. Added to this was the amount £85,040 carried forward from last year, making a total of £301,765. An interim dividend of 5% was paid on October 16th, 1933, and a final dividend has now been paid, making 15% dividend and a bonus of 2% in all. After deducting Income Tax, Pension Reserve Fund and Special Contingencies Reserve, a balance of £85,999 has been carried forward to next year.

A Car Badge to be Prized.

THE collection of different car-badges has many adherents among sports car owners, national club-badges being particularly esteemed. Now a new one has appeared, and a specimen has reached the offices of the Automobile Association in London. It is the badge of the ” A.A. of Finland,” the Suomi

Touring Club, and is of most attractive


A most interesting proviso is made before the badge can be obtained. It can only be secured in the Petsamo region, at the end of the journey to the Far North, and so it is only issued to motorists who reach the Arctic Ocean across Finland and the “midnight sun” regions of Lapland.

An Alternative Upper-Cylinder Lubricant.

THE Filtrate Company has had on the market for many years now an upper-cylinder lubricant known as ” Petroyle.” Now, in response to a steady demand from discerning motorists, they have introduced an alternative grade known as ” Colloidal Petroyle,containing the specified quantity of Acheson’s Colloidal Graphite.

“Colloidal Petroyle ” is available in pint tins only, at the identical price of ‘ Petroyle,” viz., 3s. per tin.