


THE Club Library is growing apace. The following books are now available to members under the usual conditions “Full Throttle,” “Ten Years of Motor Racing,” ” Flat Out” and “Motor Racing” four copies ; ” Combat ” and ” The Lure of Speed” two copies ; ” All Out,” ” Sicilian Circuit,” ” Wheels Take Wings,” ” Speed, the Life of Sir Malcolm Campbell,” “The Life of Sir Henry Segrave,” ” Casque’s Sketch Book,” ” Collins’ Motor Annual,” and. “Motor Sport,” Volumes 4, 7, 8 and 9, one copy.

These books have been generously offered to the Club by the following members :—E. Straker, Beverley, Yorks ; N. Dyer, Cheltenham ; J. Colquhoun, Dundee ; N. Smith, Stockport ; and S. Moore, Newton Abbott.

A design for a Club coat-badge is now being worked on, and these will be available shortly to members at a low figure.

The address of the Secretary is Mr. Lewis E. Miles, 4, High Street, Fordington, Dorchester, from whom a full list of correspondents can be obtained.


In view of considerably extended activities the above title has now been adopted by the Kynaston Car Club.

An excellent private course for speed trials has been secured, and an ambitious programme has been planned for the season.

Visitors will be welcome to all events, which commence at 2.30 p.m. on Sundays from the Club Headquarters : Kyuaston Court, Box Tree Road, Harrow Weald.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. W. Buraford, of that address.


The purpose of this Club is an unusual one, and should have a wide appeal to owners of sports cars who are anxious to prepare their mounts for competition events without heavy expense.

The average man has no machinery and workshop at his disposal, and the cost of these two essentials for an individual is just as expensive as having a car tuned by a garage. This is where the club comes in. 1 he idea is that a communal workshop will cost members only a fraction of what they would have to pay independently, and at the same time put them in touch with fellow enthusiasts who will be able to exchange useful ideas on tuning. Starting in a very small way, the Club has now outgrown its original premises, and. a new workshop of larger dimensions is now in course of erection. New machinery and tools will be installed and every facility given to Members to work on their cars throughout the year. The cost of using the fully equipped workshop is

2s. per week, or 21 6s. per quarter, or £5 per annum.

The Hon. Secretary of the Club is Mr. A. Charlton, 37, Coquet Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and the Competitions Secretary is Mr. S. C. Holbrow, 58, Baret Road, Walkergate, Newcastle-on-Tyne, from whom full details can be obtained.


The Fourth Annual Monte-HonitonCarlo Rally will be held on Sunday, May 6th, The entry fee is 10s. per car for members and 15s. per car for their friends. Competitors may start from any of the specified starting places as set out in the Regulations, finishing at the Angel Hotel, Honiton, Devon, where lunch will be served at 1 o’clock.

In the afternoon a Speed Hill Climb will be held. in the grounds of” Coombe” near Honiton, by kind permission of Mr. R. R. K. Marker. The timed portion of the hill will be about half a mile in length, and has gradients varying from 1 in 7, to 1 in 10. Weather and time permitting, each competitor will be allowed two runs, and there will be two classes under and over 1,500 c.c.

The Fourth Annual General Meeting was held on April 9th at The Small House, 9a, Cumberland Terrace, Regents Park, N.W.1 at 9.15 p.m. A pleasant gesture was enacted when, at the suggestion of Messrs. K. W. Bear and Lional Martin, Mr. E. L. Giles was elected an Honorary Life Member of the Club in recognition of his services to the Club as Hon. Secretary and Treasurer.

A satisfactory state of affairs was revealed by the Club’s Balance Sheet.


An Inaugural Luncheon was held at the Savoy Hotel on March 28th, with Lord St. Oswald in the chair. In his speech the chairman pointed out that no organisation exists for the 600,000 motorcyclists in this country, and that the British Motor Cycle Association would therefore fill a long felt want. Road scouts will patrol the roads of England, Scotland and Wales, and give similar service to motor cyclists as that of the road scouts of the motoring organisations.

The membership of the B.M.A. is only one guinea, and its foundation is due to three years of unremitting work on the part of Mr. A. Charlton Elliott. The Club’s Headquarters are at Criterion Buildings, Piccadilly Circus, London, W.1.


On Sunday, May 8th, the Club met at Wetherby at 10.30 and proceeded via the Great North Road to Richmond, where lunch was taken. At 2.30 the cars proceeded to Reeth. and thence to the scene of the Hill Climb at “Crack Pot.” The hill proved to be in moderately

good condition. The surface was very loose, but as there had been little rain previously, it was not as slippery as is sometimes the case.

Most of the cars attempted the hill, with varying success. The smaller cars seemed to lack power, whilst two front wheel drive Alvis’s found the climb beyond their capabilities, being brought to a standstill in the first fifty yards with chronic wheelspin, the front wheel drive being unsuited to so loose a surface. Good climbs were made by Taylor (24 h.p. Ford), Hewitt (Triumph ” Gloria “), Cowling (Morris 10 Special), Gilbert (Ford V-8), White (Ford V-8), while the following eventually reached the summit after two or more attempts :—Wilson (M.G. Magna), Booth (Frazer Nash), whose car appeared to be somewhat overgeared, Jackson (M.G. Magna), Raw (Riley 9).

For those cars who reached the top of this climb, an acceleration test was held over a half mile stretch of an average gradient of about 1 in 10, when the best time was made by White (Ford V-8), 1 min. 6 secs., Wilson (M.G. Magna) being second with a time of 1 min. 20 secs., Taylor coming third in 1 min. 24 secs.

The weather was almost perfect for the event, though as the afternoon drew on It became very cold and some snow lay in the hollows of the hills. Many photographs were taken, whilst a member from Hull, Mr. Deaton, took several feet of moving film with a cine-kodak. It is hoped to show this film, with others, at the Club house at a later date.

G.W. MOTOR CLUB. has now been

The Club has now been in existence for a year, and a satisfactory state of affairs is published in the current issue of “The Exhaust.” There are 4 Vice Presidents, 47 Full Members, 1 Hon. Member and 12 Social Members. It is interesting to note that the organisers find that the Trials are well supported, other competitions receive fair support, while ordinary social events have not received the support expected.

The Rt. Hon. Lord Ashley and Mr. L. P. Simon have kindly consented to become Vice-Presidents. Lord Ashley is a keen Talbot owner, and Mr. Simon is the Chairman of Brentford Football Club.

The Anniversary Dance was held on April 7th at the Star and Garter Hotel, Kew Bridge, and proved a great success. The affair was organised by the Ladies.


The first of the Club’s Speed Trials will be held at Lewes on May 12th, starting at 2.30 p.m. There will be classes (with sub-divisions) for touring, standard sports, super sports, and racing cars, with special classes for M.G.’s and Wolseley Hornets. The course is the Race Hill,

a strip of road one-third of a mile in length, with a good surface.

Entries close on May 9th, and forms can be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, Mr. H. V. Warren, Si, Ringwood Road, Eastbourne.


The Grand Cup Trial takes place on Saturday, May 5th, over a sporting course in Surrey. The start will be given at the

Talbot Hotel, Ripley, and the trial will end at the Huts Hotel, Hindhead, by which time 60 miles will have been covered by competitors. Non-stop sections, observed hills, and a -special test will be encountered en route.

The chief car-award is the Sopwith Cup, value £200, which is held for one year by the winner.

The Hon. Secretary is Mr. M. W. May, 18, Austin Friars, London, E.C.2.


Entry forms and regulations are now available for the London to Edinburgh Trial, to be held on May 18th and 19th.

The start will be from the Hatfield Aerodrome, on the Barnet By Pass Road, the first motor-cycle leaving at 8.30 p.m, and the cars following. The route will be via Grantham and Doncaster to Harrogate and the first observed section, Park Rash. There the competitors vill travel by way of Askriggto West Stonesdate, where a stop-and-restart will be held, and so to Honister Pass, after passing through Penrith and Keswick. Talla Lin is the last observed Section before reaching Edinburgh. There will be controls at Harrogate and Carlisle.

Entries close an May 7th, and must be sent to the Hon. Secretary, Mr. J. A. Masters, 22, Norland Square, London, W.11.


The April number of the ” Gazette ” makes interesting reading, in spite of the

apparent effort it causes among the editorial contributors ! There are two R.A.C. Rally ” logs ” by members, and. a criticism of this event by the Captain, Mr. C. F. Dobson, which should cause a good deal of controversy, particularly among those who are proud of finishing high up in the results.

The Secretary, of course, is Mr. C. V. Wells, of 816, High Road, Tottenham, N.17.