What Do You Know About Cars



Report on Problem No. 2. THE specification of the car given in our April issue was that of the 15/80 h.p. Maudslay, the very interesting model introduced at the Motor Show of 1923. The first correct solution opened on April 15th was that submitted by : Mrs. J. G. Egan, ” Mayville,”

Waterford, Ireland. to whom we have sent a cheque for one guinea. Readers seem to have a particular affection for Lagondas, for, as happened last month, the most frequently mentioned make of car apart from Maudslay was Lagonda. Other makes suggested were Vauxhall, Crossley, Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Lea-Francis, A.C., Ballot, 0.M., etc. The percentage of correct solutions was 48%, and an interesting point was that a number of competitors did not know the correct spelling of Maudslay, the variations

Maudsley and Maudesley being of frequent occurrence.

Incidentally, a definite clue to the date of the Maudslay was given in the specification by the size of its tyres, 34 inches x 41 inches, which ruled out the possibility of the car being a Lagonda.

The large number of incorrect solutions bears out the shortness of memory of the motoring community (like any other) in remembering events which are momentous at the time of their occurrence. The 15/80 Maudslay was hailed as a car of rare individuality, as indeed it was, and created a furore during the 1923 Olympia Motor Show, the Maudslay stand being thronged with excited students of automobile design. Now, ten years later, it is only remembered by half of the entrants for our competition !

Rules for Problem No. 3. 1. cut out the coupon on the inside back cover, fill in your solution, and send

itito us in a sealed envelope, marked Competition.

2. Write your solution and name and address in block capitals. Any alterations will automatically disqualify the entrant.

3. The Editor’s decision is final.

4. Entries must reach this office, 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1, not later than first post, May 15th, and a prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution opened.

5. More than one coupon may be included in one envelope.

6. No letter must be sent with coupon.

7. The result will be published in our June issue.

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