Club news, May 1933




THE Regulations are now available for the third annual 24-hour rally and reliability trial. There are thirteen English and two Scottish starting controls, all located in important towns for the greater convenience of entrants. Irish competitors will this year join the rally at Liverpool. Norwich, at 294 miles, is the farthest starting point from Llandudno, the final control, and starters from here, who travel via Aylesbury and Chester, receive maximum marks for distance covered. Southsea and Edinburgh competitors have the shortest runs, of 280 miles, the former via Cheltenham and Leicester, the latter by Carlisle and Chester, and receive 1.4 fewer marks on distance. There is a long list of awards in Private Owners, Lady Owners, Trade, Team and Novices categories, and all entrants who gain not less than 80 per cent. of the winner’s marks in their class will receive first-class awards. The day section of the event is to be held in Snowdonia, and will include observed hills, non-stop sections and a brake test. Separate awards are reserved for best performances on the observed hills and marks gained or lost on them are not included in the calculation for the winners of any other awards. In other words, the highly tuned car has no better chance of winning the premier award than an elderly model which is in regular daily use,


The inaugural run of this new centre of the M.G. Car Club was a great success. Owing to the rather inclement weather, the Trial, which was really intended to be of a somewhat easy nature, became one of the most severe possible.

Two 10-mile circuits were covered through the hills just north of Abington, the colonial sections being approximately eight miles in length. Speedometers were sealed and an average of 20 m.p.h. had to be maintained. The only one to lose no marks on this section was A. Sinclair (KG. Midget).

Acceleration and Braking Test was run after the circuits had been completed, the best performance being put up by Miss Dickson (J. 2 Midget). The results were as follows :—

Complete Trial : First—Miss Dickson (J.2 Midget) ; Second—H. J. Stuart (J.2 Midget) ; Third—B. Morris (Singer).

The next meeting to be held by the Club will be on the 23rd April. This will comprise a hill climb at Amulree, while sand races will be run at Kirkcaldy on the 6th proximo.

Incidentally, as the Club is now open to owners of all makes of cars, more competition and friendly rivalry will naturally be introduced. Anyone wishing to join should get in touch with the Hon. Sec., D. Donaldson, 71, Lothian Road, Edinburgh.


The Hawk Cup Trial, an annual event, was held on Sunday, 19th March, over a 56 mile course, starting from Milford and embracing Crooksbury, The Grange, Brook Lane, Slow-in-the-Mold, and The Rut. E. F. Jefferies (Morris Minor) receives the Spring Cup, and Miss Betty Tippett (Singer Nine) a special award for best performance with standard tyres. Special souvenirs go to C. G. Pitt (M.G.), G. L. Wilson (M.G.), and H. G. Hannan (Singer sine).


The Club was brought into existence on the evening of March 29th, and was first announced at a highly successful dinner, followed by a dance and cabaret show, held at the May Fair Hotel, London, on Saturday night, April 1st.

The chair was taken by Mr. H. J. Aldington, and over 100 guests attended, including Capt. A. Frazer-Nash, who consented to become the patron of the Club amid great enthusiasm.

Cups to be competed for by members have been kindly promised by Anne Lady Selsdon, Mr. ‘I . Twentyman, and Mr. H. J. Aldington. A full programme of sporting events is in course of preparation, and details will be announced in due course.

Membership is open to all past and present owners of Frazer-Nash cars, and the annual subscription has been fixed at 10/6; there is no entrance fee.

The Committee will be composed of 10 members, and it is hoped that owners from all parts of the country will be represented; the following members have consented to take office until the first General Meeting :—H. J. Aldington (chairman), N. A. Berry, S. H. H. Cundey, M. Essex, D. F. Greig, D. G. Hopkins, H. H. Cundy (secretary).

A sub-committee has been formed to draw up regulations for the conduct and management of the club ; a copy of their recommendations will be forwarded to members before the first General Meeting. In the meanwhile all suggestions will be welcomed and carefully considered if addressed to the Secretary, M. H. H. Cundey, at 6, Neville Street, S.W.


An enthusiastic gathering of motorists attended the inaugural meeting held at the Duke of York Hotel, Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex, on Thursday, 6th April, 1933.

It was unanimously resolved that the Club be founded, and the Club’s rules were drawn up.

The following officers were elected :M. J. B. Bardrick, F.L.A…k., Chairman ; Mr. C. J. A. Curd, Hon. Secretary ; Mr. C. P. Curd, Hon. Treasurer ; Mr. R. H. Brown and Mr. Paul Hardy, committee. A discussion took place as to immediate activities, and it was decided to appoint the following to act on a “Sports Corn

mittee ” :—Messrs. Schofield, Paul Hardy, A. Curtis and G. Osborne.

The club colours are blue and silver, and the badge is a monogram ” surround blue, with an outer ring of silver carrying the full name of the club. The management of the “Duke of York” have placed a room at the disposal

of the Club, and the Club night will be held there on the first Thursday in every month.

The Hon. Secretary’s address is 30, Denehurst Gardens, Richmond, Surrey.

SPORTING OWNER DRIVERS’ CLUB. The results of the held

The results of the Spring Trial, held over a 60-mile route in the Chilterns, were as follows :—First-class awards, W. E. Watkinson (M.G. Magna), A. C. Hess (M.G. Midget), C. J. Fryer (M.G. Midget), and Miss E. Woodhouse (MorrisOxford).


ULSTER A.C. Best in the Club’s recent

Best performance in the Club’s recent trial was made by H. Jefferson (M.G. Midget), A. R. Scott (M.G. Six) and E. 3. Watkinson (Singer Nine) were the next best. Mrs. Cones (Humber) was the winner of the Ladies’ Cup, while the Team award went to J. P. Dowlin (Triumph),. E. J. Watkinson (Singer Nine), and W. M. D. Montgomery (Singer Nine).


The following events have been placed on the Club’s fixture list ;—May 7, mainroad trial ; May 28, Yorkshire Centre A.C.M. Rally ; June 10-12, trip to see Junior T.T. race ; June 25, semi-sporting, trial.


Following the formation of the Club. recently, as already announced in MOTOR SPORT, the inaugural meeting was held on March 25th at Hanworth Air Park.

An interesting programme was run off, which was a happy combination of rally, gymnkhana and air display. The car events were a potato race, a parking test, musical chairs, and a prize for the member arriving from the greatest distance. Demonstrations were given of the Autogiro and the Lockhead Vega, and an interesting spectacle was a race between ” Planettes.” A dance in the clubhouse concluded the meeting, which everyone decided was a great success.