

THE Guild of Air Pilots and Air’ Navigators is organising a Civil Air ILdsplay to take place at Brooklands on Friday and Saturday, May 27th and 28th.

The objects of the display are to endeavour to institute an annual event in civil aviation which eventually, if not at once, will become the counterpart of the Royal Air Porce Display, and a fixture of prime importance to the whole industry.

The proceeds of the display will be devoted to the Guild, to initiate an Endowment Fund which will place it on a firm financial footing.

Hitherto, the Guild, which has been in existence for only two years, has depended for its existence on the support of the Hon. Wardens.

There is to be a” trade” and press day on May 27th, and the organised flying programme will take place on Saturday afternoo0, May 28th. This will contain items of outstanding interest, and the public :may be assured that they will see flying of a standard equal to anything at the R.A.P. Display ; incidentally, one item will be provided by Service pilots. l1

.: regards admission, there are to be ontwo prices : 5/and 2/6 per person ; mcitor cars 2/6.

‘there will be a special Guild enclosure to which admission will be by badge only, and tea and refreshments will be obtainable in the public enclosure. . Capt. H. Duncan Davis, A.P.C., of the

Brooklands School of Flying, is the organiser, and Flight-Lieut. • R. C. Preston, A.P.C., the Secretary of the Display, and they state that from the support now being received, there is every indication that the occasion will be a great success.

Meanwhile efforts are being made to provide a novel feature in the programme in which early aircraft will be displayed and—if possible—flown. Very few;really ancient machines are to be found in tin. country in these days, and this fact is presenting a difficulty to Captain Davis. He has, however, one or two old-timers in view, and if any readers of MoTox SPORT can assist him in unearthing any others either pre-War or War-time types — such help will be gratefully received.