club news, May 1932




DUB to its expansion, the Light Car Club has found it necessary to appoint an assistant secretary, with a London address, to whom all communications should be sent in future. Members should note that Mr. Harold J. Jones has been appointed to this post, and his address is : 22, Basinghall Street, E.C.2.

The latest list of the club’s fixtures contains the following :—May-8th, Sporting half-day trial ; 21st, Speed hillclimb; 28th, Grand Cup trial. JuneInter-club trial ; 18th-19th, Brighton-toBeer trial. July-2ud, Madresfield speed trials ; 16th, International Relay Race ; 29th-30th, London-Barnstable trial. September-16th-17th, Long Distance trial. October-8th, Dussek trial.


The Royal Scottish Automobile Club has now completed full arrangements for the holding of the Scottish Rally, which is to take place during the period 4th-9th July. The event will be run on similar

lines to those of the R.A.C. Rally held in March last, and the starting controls will be as follow :—London, Droitwich, Harrogate, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aberdeen. The routes from these to the final control will be appoximately 1,200 miles, and the total will be split up into four stages of1st stage 600 miles-2nd and 3rd stages 250 miles, and 4th stage 100 miles. During the run competitors will pass through the principal touring centres of Scotland, including Obau, Strathpeffer, Gairloch, Dornoch, Fort-William, Braemar, and Gleneagles.

Full particulars, copies of regulations, and entry forms can now be obtained from Robert J. Smith, Esq., Secretary, Royal Scottish Automobile Club, 163, West George Street, Glasgow.


Members of the Hornet Club are reminded that the Kent and Sussex Light Car Club have issued an invitation to the club to take part in their speed trials, which are scheduled to be held at Lewes on Saturday next, 7th May. It is hoped that as many Hornet Club members as possible will turn up for this event.

It is interesting to note that the Club’s membership now exceeds 100, and one of the latest ” recruits ” is Mr. Percy Bradley, the popular Clerk of the Course at Brooklands.


The club is holding its twelve-hour trial this week-end (30th April-lst May). It is open to cars, three-wheelers, sidecar combinations and motor cycles. Amongst the car clubs competing are the NorthWest London Club, Junior Car Club, M.G. Car Club, Light Car Club, Bugatti Owners’ Club, and the Mid-Surrey A.C.