

pOOR weather conditions failed to affect the Chateau-Thierry which was run off before a large crowd and produced many fine performances. Once more the fastest time of the whole event was put up by a motorcyclist, Georges Motmeret, on a 1,000 c.c. KoehlerEscoffier. In the car classes the best time was put up by Druck (2 litre Bugatti) at an average speed of 63.5 m.p.h.,

which was also a new record in the 2 litre class.

Giraud-Cabantons, on an 1,100 c.c. Caban, was second in the general classification, and set up a new 1,100 c.c. record for the course. Sommer, on the Chrysler which he drove in the Paris-Nice, beat the existing 5 litre sports car record, while Mary on a Ballot, another Paris-Nice competitor, won the 2 litre sports class.

Robert Senechal’s big Minerva put up a new record in the 8 litre class, though a long way behind Druck’s new 2 litre record. Rosengarts gained two firsts in the hands of Jacob and Simon respectively. At the end a demonstration of fast commercial vehicles was given by Colin on a Saurer, and Lamberjack, on a Saurer-Diesel, thus finishing off a well run event.


750 c.c. Class.

Jacob (Rosengart), lm. 8 2/5s. (new record).

1,100 c.c. Class.

jalian (Toril-Salmson), 52 2/5s.

2 litre Class.

Mary (Ballot), 52s.

3 litre Class. Brunet (Bugatti), 39 2/5s. (fastest

sports car).

litre Class.

Sommer (Chrysler),46 3/5s. (new record).


750 c.c. Class.

Simon (Rosengart), I m. 8 1/5s.

1,100 c.c. Class.

Giraurl-Cabantons (Caban), 37 4/5s.

(new record).

2 litre Class.

Druc.k (Bugatti), 35 1/5s. (new class record and fastest car time of the day).

8 litre Class.

Senechal (Minerva), 43 3/5s. (record set up).


1. Colin (Saurer), lm. 31 3/5s.

2. Lamberjack (Saurer-Diesel), 2m. 16 3/Ss.