

AS the new Hornet chassis is produced specially for coachbuilders, no standard body being supplied for it by the makers, ample opportunity is given for the motorist to satisfy his individual taste, and in the extensive range of bodies which have been designed for ,this car there should be something to please every taste and pocket.

The higher compression ratio and other modifications to the engine, combined with stiffer chassis, bigger brakes, more powerful lights, and other attractive features, form an excellent basis for the coachbuilder’s art.

Abbey Coachworks Ltd.

This firm is producing two new bodies for this Hornet. One is called the Abbey Special, which is similar to the well known model on the standard Hornet, except that a 12 gallon wedged shaped rear tank is fitted, with a quick release filler cap. The scuttle is curved to deflect the wind over the driver’s head when the screen is down, and both doors are cut away to give plenty of elbow room. The price is £265.

The second model is the “Falcon,” a full 4-seater model with a disappearing hood, and the spare wheel sunk into the back. The price is £275. Both models include full equipment, such as an Ashby steering wheel, screen folding from top or bottom, and double windscreen wipers.

Eustace Watkins Ltd.

A choice of three bodies is provided for the new Hornet by this concern, a short road test of the ” Daytona ” open 2-4 seater appearing on another page. This model has an 11-gallon rear tank, with electric petrol gauge on the dash, cycle type wings, stoneguards, etc., and is specially tuned to reach 80 m.p.h. Other items include a racing type screen and wind deflectors, also an Ashby flexible steering wheel. The price is £.275 or £250 with the standard E. W. body as fitted to the standard Hornet. Two closed bodies are also provided, the 2-4 seater ” Silex ” coupe, at £280, and the Tickford coup6, with folding head,

at £285. Both models have extremely attractive lines and remarkable room in the interior, and are available in a large choice of colour schemes.

Access to the rear compartment is easy owing to the very wide doors and hinged seats. The ” Silex ” model, which has a fixed head, is fitted with celluloid lights in the roof to give increased light and vision. All models are on view at 12, Berkeley Street, W.

Kevill-Davies and March Ltd.

A special 2-seater with occasional seating or luggage space for two more has been designed by the Earl of March, and is distinguished by its very modern lines and excellent finish. A 12-gallon rear tank is fitted, while the bonnet has the louvres at an angle to conform with the body lines. Other features include quick filler cap, reserve tap on dashboard, double screen wiper and wind deflectors on the scuttle. The tool box is fitted above the petrol tank, and the wings follow sweeping lines instead of being close up. An Ashby steering wheel is fitted, and the price is R289.

Patrick Motors Ltd.

This well known Birmingham sports car firm are specialising in an open sports body with full room for four passengers, the rear compartment being unusually

roomy and fitted with wells in the floor. The bonnet-louvres, screen, and other lines are raked uniformly. This model is one of the lowest priced obtainable, selling for £250 complete.

Swallow Coachbuilding Co. Ltd. for this are

Two body types for this chassis are offered by this concern, whose products are distributed by Henlys Ltd., of Euston Road, N.W.1. The price in each case is £255, and the models are a two-seater on the lines of the previous model on the standard Hornet chassis. This is one of the most distinctive and smartest bodies that has been produced for this type of car, and it is not surprising that it is being continued on the new model.

For those who require a full 4-seater, the same concern offer a very neat model with ample room and well balanced lines.

The low price of these models, coupled with their makers’ reputation in the matter of smart bodywork, make them both very attractive propositions.

Jarvis 8c Co. Ltd.

This Wimbledon firm, who have as long an experience of sports car body building as anyone in the trade, are marketing a special model of the new Hornet, with a 2-seater body of their well known type with ample luggage accommodation. It includes very complete all-weather equip

ment, twin electric windscreen wipers, and a 15-gallon rear petrol tank. Other features are a one-man hood, combined hood bag and tonneau cover, folding screen, etc.

The price is £269.

A. P. Compton & Co.

The makers of Arrow coachwork are

introducing a model on the new Hornet chassis, being an occasional 4-seater with very full equipment at £292 10s.

Jensen Motors Ltd.

This firm has announced a sports coupe on this chassis to sell at £275, and it is hoped to be in production shortly.