Glidings Gossip and News


Gliding Gossip and News

THERE is no question that the research station of the Rhon. Rossiter Gesellschaft at Wasserkuppe is the hub of the whole motorless flight movement, and the small party organised last year by the B.G.A. was so successful that an attempt is being made to organise a similar trip on a larger scale this year. It is also hoped to arrange for the London Gliding Club to enter at least one machine for the International Competitions, and should the constitution of the party justify such action, it is also hoped for a machine to be available for use by members of the party who are not members of the Competition Flight.

Fullest possible facilities will be available to members of the party to examine the organisation of the RhonRossiter Gesellschaft in all its aspects, and almost every known type of machine will be seen in operation. Conditions are usually ideal at this time of the year and those interested can rest assured that this trip should form a new and delightful holiday. The Hotel Deutscher Flieger, where the party will stay, is excellent and is situated within two hundred yards of the Competition ground. As this is the only hotel accommodation which is less than six miles away

and its accommodation is strictly limited, no reservation can be accepted after May 5th.

Also in order to obtain specially reduced travel rates, it is essential that the party should all start together, although the dates of return can be arranged to suit individual convenience. The party as outlined takes 18 days, London to London.

THE Easter camp of the London Gliding Club proved to be extraordinarily successful, in spite of the fact that the weather conditions were not altogether favourable. Members were able to put in quite an exceptional number of flights on both the ” Zogling ” and Prufling ” machines, while things were further enlivened by the recently-acquired “Professor” being in action. Mr. G. M. Buxton carried out the first test flight in it, following its erection, and although the wind was very slight, he remained in the air for 1 hour 5 minutes. The soarer was then flown for quite respectable periods by Captain Latimer Needham, Major Petre and Mr. Marcus D. Manton. On 12th April, Buxton exceeded all previous soaring flights made by English pilots, by cruising in the ” Professor ” for some 3 hours.