double twelve prospects



Formidable numbers of entries in 750 c.c. Class—Meagre support of big car classes and stringent regulations may mar next week’s big event.

oN May 8th and. 9th of this month occurs practically the only long distance race held in this country. As such, every one will wish it every success, but at the same time it is evident enough that this year’s event, while interesting to the keen follower of motor racing, will be sadly lacking in many of the points which go to make up a real motor race.

A glance at the entry list shows that the bulk of the entries are supplied by the 750 c.c. class, which consists of 10 Austins and. 14 M.G. Midgets. As no other country goes in for racing cars of this size we are freed from foreign competition in this class, which is in fact the one class in which we are at the present time really supreme. This is quite apart from the lack of foreign cars of this size, as the performances put up by British ” 750 “s have put them in a genuinely unassailable position. Unfortunately the same cannot be said of some of the other classes in the race. In the 1100 c.c. class there is an official team of Rileys and three private Riley entries against one Maserati and one Amilcar, the latter a fairly old model The 11-litre class has a team of AstonMartins and a team of Frazer-Nashes, two privately entered Alfa-Romeo’s,

two Lea-Francis and one Alvis. On last year’s form an Aston-Martin should win this class and be well up in the general results, with a Frazer-Nash another good finisher.

The 2-litre class provides a solitary supercharged Lagonda in the hands of W. M. Couper, which in spite of its dull prospect as far as its class is concerned, may be relied upon to put up a good show.

A Bright Spot.

In the 3000 c.c. class we come on one of the brighter aspects of the race in the shape of a Talbot team and two of the famous 2i-litre Maseratis. Unfortunately it seems at the moment of writing that the Maseratis are doubtful starters owing to the difficulty of getting them properly prepared in time. They should be faster than the Talbots, but whether they can show the same stamina remains to be seen.

Apart from Cairne’s Invicta in the 5000 c.c. we are only left with Earl Howe’s MercecUs and Sir Henry Birkin in charge of Jack Barclay’s big Bentley. Any sort of forecast of a race so bound up with formulas and schedules is always hard. to make with any confidence, but It is usual to make some attempt so the

following is our choice. If the Maseratis are ready and have a clear run they should win outright, with Talbot and AstonMartin as the next two in that order.

Given trouble among the leaders Rileys should be ready to step into the picture.

From the general point of view it seems that the race will be poor as a spectacle, being more of a long-distance reliability trial than a race. This is more especially so as the solitary corner is to be so hedged. about with regulations, coloured lines, etc., that even this part of the circuit will be robbed of most of its interest.

When one considers the cars that might be entered, such as Bugatti, Delage, works Alf a-Romeos, 0.M., Renault, AustroDaimler, and official Mercedes, one asks what is wrong. The answer is simply that Continentalcrack drivers and makers, are not likely to spend time and money in entering for a race at a track so obstructed. by red tape, when they can enter for a real race at their very doors almost any week of the season.

The J.C.C. are to be congratulated on their energy and. enterprise in staging the only big race in this country, and it is not their fault that they are not able to employ a free hand. in its arrangement.