club news, May 1931



JUNIOR CAR CLUB. of the half-day trial, which was held by the J .C.C. recently, have now been published. The winner of the premier award was C. Athony (Senechal). Silver medals were .secured by twenty competitors, these ‘being as follows :—

R. L. Bellamy (Frazer-Nash), P. B. C. King (Frazer-Nash), D. E. Calder (M.G. Midget), P. B. Simpson (M.G. Midget), Alan H. Ca.rnt (Riley), F. A. Thatcher (Triumph), H. C. Hunter (Riley), H. J. ‘Turner (Riley), W. K. Silk (Austin), A. Negal (Morris Major), D. G. Evans (Bugatti), N. Joseph (Wolseley), K. W. Bear (Bugatti), T. C. Mann (Lagonda), A. L. Baker (Ford), 0. W. Olive (Standard), J. E. Ives (Standard), F. M. Mere (M.G.), R. J. P. Morley (A.C.) and G. E. Mawer (Sunbeam). There were sixty-two entrants, of which

‘four were non-starters. Two drivers retired.


In the Passenger Machine Trial held a short time ago, the best performance by a three-wheeler was put up by W. Gowlztt (B.S.A.), of the Standard M.C. The Car Cup was won by 3. F. Cooknell (Jowett), of the Berkhamsted. and D. M.C., and silver medals were won by J. A. Berry (M.G. Midget), London Eagle M.C.; N. C. Lone (M,G. Midget), Berkhamsted and D. M.C.; and R.. M. Mere (M.G.), Oxford University M.C. Bronze medals were won by H. Wheble (M.G. :Widget), London Eagle M.C.) ; W. T. Cope (13.S.A.), London Eagle M.C.; K. F. Walker (Riley), Berkhamsted and D. M.C.; and

E. Sexton (Ford), Oxford University M.C. The team prize was won by the London Eagle M.C.

The Salisbury Trial will take place on June 14th.


The opening reliability trial took place on March 29th, and was a fairly easy run over secondary roads to a lunch stop at Morecambe. Of the thirty-five entrants, twentythree reached the finish, novices being allowed the benefit of an extra time margin at checks. Provisional results : Fattorini Trophy for the best performance was won by C. P. Kilburn, riding an A.J.S. (42 marks error). A. Chambers (Rudge) was

second with 54 marks error, and L. Rimington third.


At the annual general meeting it was decided to reorganise the club and to cater for the social as well as the sporting side. The membership fee has been reduced to


The following officers were elected : Chairman, Mr. J. 0. Evans ; vice-chairman, Mr. 0. Pritchard ; president, Mr. W. Henry ; vice-president, Mr. H. Uzzel ; secretary, Mr .F.. C. Brown ; treasurer, Mr. A. S. Truman ; social organisers, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bouchier ; sports organizer, Mr. R. S. Bond ; Press secretary, Mr. A. G. Evans ; committee, Messrs. D. Price, Eley-, A. Rudge, H. Jones, I Jones, H. Goulding.

The Editor invites Club Secretaries to send details of their fixtures, sporting and social, for publication in these columns. These items should be sent to reach this office not later than the 16th of the month.