Motor Salesmanship as Career.....


Motor Salesmanship as a Career . • •


GA’017 P I.

Technical. Demonstration Driving. Makes and Models. Used Cars.


Business English. Correspondence. Office Routine.


Hire Purchase. Insurance.

Commercial Law.


Motor Car Regulations. Road Traffic Act, 1930.

Trade Organisations.

GROUP .;. Publicity and Advertising.


Sales Procedure. Sales Practice.

Showroom Display.

“A Step in the Right Direction ! “

17th April 1931 Mr. Broad, The Institute of Motor Salesmanship, 16 17, Little Portland Street,

LONDON, W.1. My dear Broad,

I should like to thank you very much indeed for the very courteous reception you gave me yesterday. I should like to say stra’ght away, I was very impressed indeed with your Institute. I am satisfied in my own mind that it is a very definite step in the right direction of ultimately improv:rig the status of the selling side of the Motor Industry, in proof of which statement 1 shall be sending one of my sales staff up to start your evening course on Monday next, and I only hope that if will be possible for me to so organize matters, that I can at a later date, send further members of my staff.

My reason for doing this, is simply that I fully realize the impossibility of finding time to impart the necessary educational knowledge covering thc phases of the selling side of my business, owing to pressure of work and appointments upon my own time ; furthermore, you have summarised down the main facts, and you have the necessary machinery for imparting these to your students. In other words, the efficient training of salesmen for the Motor Trade is a specialist s job, and in your Institute you are offering to the trade and the public alike for the first time, the full facilities for this specialized training.

As you know, I have very sincerely at heart the welfare of the Motor Trade as a whole, and I therefore cannot but congratulate you upon the facilities which you are now giving towards definitely improving, what has probably been, and probably still is, the weakest link, viz., sales organization.

Having arrived at this conclusion, I shall be only too happy to do anything.’ can towards furthering the interests of your undertaking, and I hope you will not hestitate to let me know if I can prove to be of any service or help in this direction. I am, Yours very truly,


G. I. ALLDAY. M.1.B.E., Managing Director.